~Three of the sisters gather eggs at Grandma's. They love this chore!~
~These pictures were taken here last fall, when the little girls and our son were finally given the O.K. by the courts in California to re-locate here to our son's legal residence, Washington. We had a quick visit and rejoiced , and then they were off...over the mountains , 6 hours away, to live with our youngest son and his wife on 10 acres in Eastern Washington, with horses, sheep, lambs, dogs, cats, kittens, and a school in which they are not only thriving, but flourishing. It is amazing what a stable home life with WHOLESOME activities and a calm routine can do for a child. The little girls were all showing physical signs of severe stress. Eczema, hair loss, emotional extremes, asthma and just plain fatigue. All of these problems have cleared up and are gone!
~I have always taken for granted that most parents will do what is best for their children and loved ones....and that personal desires of parents would take into account the well being of little children God has blessed them with. That a parent would venture forth into a life not only completely indifferent to what is best for their children, but embrace with abandon a life style that is , in the kindest words I can muster...dangerous to children physically and morally...and I mean that in every sense of the words, is beyond my comprehension....but frighteningly common.
~Through our son's battle, nay...war, to save his daughters I have come to hear many, many stories resembling ours. And I am concerned that no matter how much legislation and money thrown at the problems...there is an epidemic of derelict parents willing to allow little ones to suffer for their ( parents ) lack of real love and care. I suppose there always have been parents like this, hence foster care , orphanages, abuse and abortion. CPS seems to be unable to adequately deal with known and provable cases, let alone stop horrible cases of abuse until it is too late...but really, they must also be overwhelmed and demoralized by a court and legal system that will willingly return children to such parents.I don't have answers, only a million more questions I won't ponder here. Our only hope has been to take our petitions to God and rely on the comfort He and our family and friends have given.. thank-you all so very, very much for your well wishes and prayers!

~She lost a tooth! Tonight she ( above ) called us to tell us she lost another tooth! The little girls and Aunt Breezy built fairy houses out of sticks, leaves, rocks, etc.,, to see if they can tempt a fairy to move in and then maybe they will see one! I think they are planning on putting the tooth in the fairy house for the tooth fairy ! But the tooth will not be put out for the tooth fairy until their Daddy comes home tomorrow and sees the tooth!
~The little girls played outside today , and this one went with her Uncle on his horse shoeing rounds. She LOVES horses! When they called tonight they were setting up the Monopoly board to play a long, long game with Uncle Daniel and Aunt Breezy. I could hear them giggling in the background.
The day in court ?Well, things went O.K. It took ALL day, the judge had to retire to his chambers to read a heap of stuff and so we did not find out until 5:00 how things went. For awhile my heart had sunk very low when our son called before noon to recount the hearing thus far.....however, this judge really, really read through the files. Guess what...many do NOT! Although the judge did not do as I in my wisdom would have wished, things went mostly in favor of our son, which means in favor of the girls.The sisters are safe for now. Our son needs to go back to court the end of next month. So, we'll see. You know, real life court room dramas are not fun . But throughout the day I reminded myself God is in control, and my trust is in Him..even if I cry and fret every so often about this trust thing.
~Thank-you all so very much for your prayers and well-wishes for the little girls!~
"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes."Psalm 37:7 " I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall be continually in my mouth." Psalm 34:1
Good Morning Kathy,
God causes miracles to happen when His righteous people pray!
I've a friend who is adopting her husband's three grandchildren on April 7th. Her husband's daughter and husband have gone completely off the rails and the children were living in squalor; worse than that actually but words fail me.
It's been a terribly difficult 18 months but soon, PRAISE GOD!, to be over with the children being adopted into a stable, Christian home where they receive nourishment both physically and spiritually, to grow into the people God intends for them to be...HIS people.
Our "system" of providing and protecting children, all people really, is a JOKE. The "system" exists to provide people with jobs and if someone gets helped along the way, it's because somewhere some Godly people prayed their hearts out to Him.
I have a bad attitude, it's true, but it's also warranted.
You and yours are tucked into prayer.
I have all the faith in the world in God, it's the judges raised up in this ungodly culture and the lack of premium placed on children that are to blame for the times.
Are all judges idiots? We just saw a case down here in Illinois because of an idiot judge. When childrens' safety and welfare is at stake, there is no piece of information or evidence that should not be looked at. Yet, it is ignored, no matter how many times that parent has violated his court orders or neglected the children. It is insanity; whose writing these rules?
So we'll continue to pray that God will find in favor of these little girls and their daddy.
I will continue to pray for those litle girls. I'm glad that they are still safe, even if it appears from your writing that the judgement didn't go exactly as you wished. I hope they are still with their aunt and uncle. They are beautiful and I pray that the next court day goes well.
You all are in my prayers! Yes, we did go to the Creation Museum with my 3 niece's pictured in the picture on my blog along with their Daddy, Granny ( my Mom ), Papa ( my Dad ) and Great Grandma ( my Mom's Mom ).
Good Morning Kathy, I am thankful that the Judge actually read the file. I gather from your words that there is something that you hoped for that did not happen yesterday. I have learned through the years, sometimes the Lord has reasons for what we think are delays and we will just continue to pray for this critical situation.
I cannot believe how slowly the system is working, yet rejoice that things have gone your way. Your family will continue to be in my prayers.
The girls are absolutely beautiful-inside and outside. Your steadfastness is awesome.
Your situation weighs on my heart - we watched a movie last night where children were injured and I truly (despite freely confessing doing some terrible and stupid sinning in my life) cannot fathom deliberately hurting a child - or even putting them in a situation where they see ugliness. I'm so sorry that the court system has become the breeding grounds of so much evil in our society - activist or plain lazy judges and attorneys willing to do or say anything to collect a fee. I sound bitter - I'm not because I know Who is in control, that as children of God's all things will be made right in the end --I truly pray for a bit of the "right" to be here in the middle too! Bless you and bless that tooth losing girl!
Kathy, I am so glad to hear that the girls are safe again at least for now. I wish them, and you, all the best for the next court date and please know that your family will remain in my prayers.
Hugs to you from Daisy.
I hope all remains as they are. They are so sweet looking and deserve nothing better than the beautiful life they have.
The court sysytem is a weird and strange place and does not always do well by its rulings. I am aways amazed they award children to parents wo have no business caring for them just because they are related by blood.
Patience is difficult, but we know it has to be a part of us. Fret not is perfect. Your faith and trust is in a good place. I am sorry that you everyone continues to wait, but I am also glad the girls are in a safe spot right now.
I'm sorry to read of the battles that have gone on but it sure sounds as though they were not in vain. What precious little girls they are and what a relief it must be for you and your son to know they are safe and thriving. God bless you and all of your family!
Thanks for cheering me up with that last post Auntie. I’ll be sure to spread the word on all the Cons of Washington so people on the trial turn around and go back East/South. LOL – Miss you guys.
Just wanted to give a big shout out to the big loser! ( of the tooth that is!!! ) Yay! Glad you now have a spot to stick your drinking straw through and hope the tooth fairy paid up! Now start wiggling those other ones!
Thistle Cove Farm, It SEEMS the system exists to support itself...and this has all been an eye-opener into court systems and how personalities of the "officials" and attorneys involved in cases takes on it's own life and the dynamics of cases revolves completely around them..if we are relying on them, just hope they are honest and caring .AND PRAY!
I hope things are settled for your friend and her husband. Ours is still an ongoing thing..and you're right , our system for protecting children IS a joke, a tragic and dangerous joke.
Mrs. D, that is why I have no real hope in the courts...I read and see too many such cases right here in WA and although the judges are not the problem in our situation, there is a so-called 'Christian' in a position of authority in his area that has made a decision that grossly violates any principles the Bible teaches,hey, his opinion violates that of any sensible person...no Christian faith necessary to see that, and in fact, his written words have caused MANY secular persons to question his sanity, morals, and motivation.Contrary to the FACTS of this situation, the 'Christian' has stated opinions that everyone we have shown his report to, EVERYONE ( and that's a lot of people ) think he is ...well, I won't write that here, and some very sweet and kind people have said it too!
Southern Comfort, thank-you. Yes, they are with their father, our oldest son and they all live with our youngest son and his wife. They are very well there, and happy!
Amy, thank-you! Did you like the Creation Museum?
Mildred, thank-you for your prayers and your lovely gift ! The little hanky doll is so pretty and I have never seen anything like her before! We were hoping things would be settled. They should be because of the judgements last fall,but ...well, who knows?
English Cottage, thank-you! And yes, the court system is designed to drag things out ,don't you think ? Keeps the revenue coming in too.
LindaSue, thank-you! I can't add any more to what all of you have said, and I am encouraged by your prayers. Knowing what little I have learned thus far of the system designed to help children in such situations, I fear for the
children. They truly are little lambs with wolves circling to devour them.
Daisy, thank-you!
Noble Pig,the girls are fine now. And yes, apparently some people in the courts are unable to grasp that a mother can be so derelict in spite of documented facts .In this day and age, it still takes close to a miracle for a dad to get his children no matter how honorable he is and how very bad the mom is.And here I thought we in America had really granted equal rights...
Mary, thank-you!
Voice of Melody, yes ! Thank-you!
WoodCreek Ranch,remember..it rains so much here that everything rusts or grows algae!
I will continue to pray for you and the girls.
The system is very frustrating. Our son is adopted and while going through the process it was made very clear to us that the #1 priority for the state is to return the children to their biologic parents and the standards were much lower than the standards for the adoptive parents. It is so sad. Our son's mother has since had two additional little boys.
May God give you all strength to get through these times.
Knowing what the mediator had to say I wonder if he would let Kristen babysit his kids...I doubt it. We all ache with you,
Love your sister Karen
Sister Karen, one does wonder...maybe we should ask him?oops, he hides behind his "job". So convenient, then one does not need to give an account of oneself!But he should remember there will be an eternal reckoning.
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