I was surprised to walk in on this little yellow bird as it bathed. The bird was rolling in the water spout at the top of the fountain and seemed to be using the water bubbling out of the top as a type of water massage. The bird was rolling upside down, around and sideways over the spout and did not notice me . This was definitely a bird experiencing bird bath bliss!I went inside grabbed my camera and fully expected the bird to be gone with all my commotion, but no...it was still enjoying the water.I believe this is an immature American Goldfinch. It was hard to get a good clear picture because this little birdie was really rolling and undulating in the burbling water of the spout and the feathers were fluffed up and wet from the bathing. Anyway, I watched the bird for about 5 minutes. Then it fluttered into the Rugosa bush next to the fountain to dry off. Click onto the photos to enlarge.

He sends forth springs in the valleys; they flow between mountains; They give drink to every beast of the field; The wild donkeys quench their thirst.....

.."beside them the birds of the heavens dwell; they lift up their voices among the branches. He waters the mountains from His upper chambers; The earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works......the trees of the Lord drink their fill, the cedars of Lebanon which He planted, where the birds build their nests................O Lord how many are Thy works!
In wisdom Thou hast made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions." Psalm 104 : 10-13, 16,17
"Bless the Lord , O my soul, Praise the Lord!" Psalm 104 :35
For an unbelievably inspirational and encouraging blog ( but get out your hankies too) click on this blog ,
The Journey. I have no words for how this young woman and her love for the children of Uganda has manifested. Her father has written the blog post.
Remember, you are already blessed beyond all knowing, act on it, rejoice in it!
Good Morning Kathy, That little bird was really enjoying his bath, wasn't he? So much so, he did not even notice you - that is so sweet. Blessings to you this Sunday.
Hello Kathy.
As you described the bird, and his apparent bliss, my thought was, "If we could only toss our cares aside (as a child) and enjoy such simple things." We can!
What a powerful reminder, your message, "Remember, you are already blessed beyond all knowing, act on it, rejoice in it!"
As I woke this morning, before my feet hit the ground, I thanked Him for all of my blessings (acted on it and rejoiced in it).
Great photo catch, by the way.
Ah, all you people out there with show-off gardens...I am so envious. It is ALL I CAN DO to beat back the grass around the house! But thanks for giving me glimpses of yours. It gives me fodder for fantasy...C
How wonderful your photos and how much pleasure the bird brought itself, you and, I'm sure, God. Birdsong in the morning is one of my finest joys; love hearing the birds sing praises to God!
Kathy - the Bird Spa is open on Cedar Pond! Little fellow was getting all spiffed up and refreshed - and you were blessed by having an opportunity to stop and witness how He care for the sparrows (or goldfinches) so how much more He cares for us. Trust you and yours (most especially the 4 little birdies away from your nest right now) are blessed today.
Amazing he didn't notice there watching him. He really was enjoying it!
Beautiful goldfinch. He sure picked a pretty place to bath, your garden spot is so pretty. I love the pickets; they look so antique in that design. Good pictures.
Those photos are absolutely delightful...! It has been unbelievably hot here in the Pacific Northwest, hasn't it? That little bird was enjoying his bath.
He is a beautiful little bird. Your fountain is lovely. He found the perfect place to bathe. I get so happy when I see birds using my bird bath and I stop everything to watch.
Kathy that little bird is just precious. They are the best free entertainment. Glad you were able to capture such cute pics.
Water refreshes us all, doesn't it. Even the birds! Lovely post, Kathy! :)
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