If you feel led, please pray for David as he makes another journey to the high desert of California in yet another fight to save his daughters. Please pray for the truth to be revealed and for the little girls' safety: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This song is for you David, praise Him in the storm.
My prayers continue, Kathy.
Through each and every storm, He is there with us, even though we can be weak and feel as if we are alone with the battle. And I am speaking for myself quite a bit on this one.
I told a loved one this week, as she said once more, "If I can only get through this (and this...) I will be okay." No, difficulties in life are a given, we deal with them as they come, live for the moment (this very second).
Thankfully we have friends through our Heavenly Father that are here to understand, and guide us back to solid rock.
Okay, you've got my attention: what is the fight about? Custody? I've missed it. C
I continue to pray. I have faith that God is working out a solution so perfect that we cannot even imagine. My love to each of you.
Praying for you all, in Jesus name.
Kathy, your son and his daughters are tucked into prayer every day and into thought more often. I cannot fathom the minds that allow such evil to flourish but I keep praying. And, I've asked prayer warrior friends to pray and will send another e-mail to ask for more prayer as David travels to CA.
You betcha, Kathy. Let's hope this time he goes big headway will be made in his favor. God is in control and He is already there in the midst of those little beautiful girls. My prayers go with David. Love that song, too.
You say the nicest things, Kathy. Thank you so much for reading my blog. I'm just so excited whenever I see your comments. You are always so upbeat and positive in the midst of the strife going on with your little granddaughters. Always looking outward and upward, and not just inward. I hope that I can be supportive to you at these difficult times. You and yours are not alone. Blessings upon you all.
Our prayers are with both you and David. My own daughter is making some choices that I am sure will have consequences she doesn't want or realize through her ignorance to face reality. All we can do is pray and hope God will protect the children from harm.
God be with you
Prayers for you and your family Kathy!
My fingers, my toes and everything are crossed. I hope all goes his way.
My prayers are with him and those beautiful girls!
Thinking of David through these tough times.
That's a great song. I'll definitely put him in my prayers.
I hope everything turns out well for the girls and David. One thing for sure, the Lord is always with us and when we go through a storm, He just walks on the water to us, and calms the storms of life.
Kathy, my heart and prayers go out to you and David. What a troublesome thing to go through. I hope all goes well. blessings,Kathleen
My heart breaks as I look at those precious little girls and the look in your sons eyes~ I pray that the Lord would shine His light on this situation and would uplift your son and physically and emotionally save those little girls from the nightmare that they have been exposed too. May the Lord give you all the strength and wisdom that you need.
Thank-you all so very much. It is hard for me to look at many of the pictures because my heart breaks every time.
There really would be no question about the little girls living up here with their father if the powers that be, certain court officials ,would actually read the legal documents,rulings, etc., and validated PROOF , and if they would actually, ACTUALLY enforce even one of the court rulings the little girls' mother has violated, which is ALL of them!
Why should the mother bother herself with following legal requirements when there have been NO consequences of her disobedience, and she has been rewarded for such rebellion and behavior! Go figure, it is California.Wonder why they are in the predicament they are? Just spend some time dealing with the state in courts and legalities...it is all relative and likely to be changed at the drop of a hat...or some other article of clothing.
Prayer are with David as he continues his fight for his sweet girls! May the Truth prevail!
I will keep praying! I hope they will listen and the girls will be able to come home where they belong!
Your son and granddaughters remain in my prayers, Kathy. Beautiful song. It holds a truth that is sometimes difficult to remember.
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