I am reading a book some friends loaned me, a book they thought perfect for my Hubby. I can't understand why they would think that. The book is entitled 'ENSLAVED BY DUCKS' , by Bob Tarte. The jacket description says " When Bob Tarte bought a house in rural Michigan , he was counting on a tranquil haven. Then Bob married Linda. She wanted a rabbit, which seemed innocuous at the time. But that was just the beginning. Wouldn't a parrot be cute ? Linda said. Bob suddenly found himself constructing pens, buying feed, clearing duck waste, spoon feeding at mealtime. One day he realized he'd become a servant to a relentlessly demanding family, and a motley crew it was. "
"Writing as someone who's been ambushed by the way in which animals , even cranky ones, can wend their way into the heart, Bob Tarte reveals the truth about animal ownership- and who really owns whom."
Now why did our friends think this was appropriate for my Hubby, hmmmm?
I like your pictures of the Runner Duck! He is so funny as he looks at you :o))! How lucky you are to have so many lovely animals around you!
I do believe you have an admirer Kathy! I love the "bottoms up" picture. I can't imagine why your friends thought of your hubby when they found this book!
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I think the duck was thinking you were a hot chick Kathy!
That book sounds great! I like to read books like that. Hope you enjoy it.
Hey that does sound a lot like the two of you! He is adorable and seems like a perfectly fine dinner guest. Were you having corn by any chance?
That is one of my favorite books, and I have gotten it from our local library more than once! He has written another, tho I can't remember the name. I first heard of the author from an article in our local paper...he's a local guy.
I think it is a wonderful feeling to have this companionship with animals--especially the not-so-domesticated ones. It is why I'm not in a hurry to shoo away the racoon who sometimes ambles up to see if there's cat food on the back porch. If I remain stock still, he doesn't notice, and I love to watch his antics. The slightest movement, though, and he's gone back over the fence into the forest. He's not as companionable as your Runner Duck! C
*chuckle* I think someone is trying to tell you something with the book, Kathy! (Or your Hubby!)
In love with a duck...enslaved by a duck...a duck in love with you. Could be a lot worse things.
Hmmm...not sure why THAT book would be appropriate. Not at all.
He's so pretty! I'm apparently enslaved by chickens. My poor husband is always building pens or coops or something.
Aren't animals the best entertainment? You Runner Duck has a look....! I've been accused of thinking them...human in their ways! You must be getting a chuckle from the book!!
These days have been so lovely! Now, just get through Wednesday and the heat!
The book sounds like something I need to keep far away from my hubby - he doesn't need anyone pointing out that we live on too much land in too big a house because we have (what a concept?!) too many animals to care for!
Your duck is fabulous - maybe HE wanted to see the book?
Hmmmm...that book sounds perfect for my husband too ;)
I love the pictures of your duck - he is very handsome and a great dinner guest!
Thank you all for the comments, the friends ( Gooseshooter & wife) who loaned us the book could not stop chuckling over how appropriate the book was for my HUBBY! I think I know where their sympathies lie...and who but very good friends and close family would appreciate this. Thanks David and Kathleen!
That runner duck, a male, seems to spend time especially observing me. I was feeding them bread and he came close to me, closer than any of the other ducks, and mostly watched me as the other ducks ate. I am wondering what goes through his mind, what he thinks of me and why I intrigue him so. As I do not have a duck brain I will never know, but I am growing very attached to him, yes I am. He is close to getting a name, and that means I will be emotionally attached to an animal that may very well be carried off and consumed by coyotes this winter. I hat mourning animals! But I love them.
No , I do not 'hat' mourning animals, and that conjures up a lot of pictures...ducks in mourning wearing hats...I HATE mourning animals!
I loved these photos of the ducks. They are so cute and you can get enslaved by these cute birds. I enjoyed this posting very much.
Runner ducks are neat, they look like cartoon characters. His beak is out of proportion to his head, but in a cute way. I like the look in his eye, you can just see his mind spinning.
The book sounds like one I would like to read but keep away from my husband.
That book sounds like both you and your husband to me, Kathy! Animals are such blessings. Gifts we have been given. Love the photos of your duck. Such a beautiful bird!
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