This is Cedar Pond's Valkyrie. Valkyrie has 5 horns. Click on the picture and the enlargement will confirm this. She is a very average Jacob sheep. Jacob sheep have anywhere from 2 to 6 horns. They do not naturally lose their horns. The horns grow throughout the life of the sheep.

This is Cedar Pond Naomi's daughter, as of yet un-named. She too has 5 horns but it is hard to tell. Her horns on the right side of her face ( your left ) number 3. Her far right horn is really 2 horns that have fused together as she and her horns have grown.

This little lamb was a late spring lamb. She is tiny, plump, but tiny. I have not decided on a name for her yet . She has 6 horns. It is hard to see, but each side of her head there are 3 horns squished together. I am curious as to how the horns will fuse and finally appear. Maybe 'Medusa' would be a good name for her?

Goth is the father of all the lambs I pictured above. His 4 horns are pretty impressive and he seems to be handing down his impressive and many horned attributes to his offspring. His mother had 5 very big strong horns too.
"The Jacob, being a polycerate ( many horned ) breed can carry any number of horns." Ingrid Painter~ Jacob Sheep In America
How interesting - I learned something today. I had no idea they could have so many horns. They sure are pretty. Wishing you a very enjoyable day Kathy.
That is amazing, Kathy!!
The picture of Valkyrie is so neat- his horns look like they are going to be intertwined!
I don't think I have ever seen any sheep like these before. I love that little tiny. So cute!
Valkyrie appears to handle her odd number of horns well - the tiny sheep is so appealing - I fear Medusa has a bit more negative connotation (that whole dying if you look at her thing) - maybe Crowning Glory? just teasing - you do a great job of naming your Jacob's well - I wonder how many Jacob sheep owners go through Jacob's whole family tree in naming? Rachel and Esau etc.?
obviously my coffee isn't helping my English - wouldn't be a possessive form of Jacob (with the apostrophe s) but simple plural - how quickly I lose what little grammar I knows!
One would think that they would eventually become so top(horn) heavy, they would simply tumble over!
How cute, they look like little crowns on their heads. Do they try to bunt you? That would hurt! They are cutie's, never seen goats like them before!
Come say hi anytime :D
What incredible sheep! I didn't know they had so many horns. They sure are cute and I enjoyed this posting very much.
Goth is a beautiful sheep! And I think he knows that, too...:o)
I did not know there were sheep that had any number of horns, interesting.
Hope you are having a beautiful day.
Interesting facts! How about RUTH as a name for Naomi's daughter?
I had no idea they could have that many horns! It's so cool to see how they different they can look!
What absolutely wonnnnnnnderful pictures. Look at those faces! Well, you know I am rather partial to Goth, too. What a handsome fellow he is. :-)
For some strange reason, I would have thought they would have an even number of horns. Very interesting!
Mildred, thank-you.
Farm Chick Paula,I think Valkyries horns will eventually intertwine, they don't seem to be fusing though, that is good.
Susie,for years Jacob Sheep were considered rare, but I think they are more common now.
LindaSue, Karen~ Medusa as a name does not fir her personality, Crowning Glory is a nice name. The little one' mother is named Ruth, her mother is Naomi, and Naomi's mother was my first Ruth! Confused? Well that is why I don't need any more Ruths or Naomis. I had thought of Orpah, Ruths' ( the Bible Ruth) sister. For years my Jacob sheep were named after many Bible personalities. Now I am going onto Scandinavian and Barbarian tribe names..kind of fits them better too.
Cyn, they haven't gotten that top heavy yet, although Goth gets rest because his horns prop his head up off the ground at night. He seems quite comfortable.
Julie,I named Goth's 5 horned mother 'Tiara' because her horns did look like a crown.
Brenda and Nancy M., their horns, spots and personalities always fascinate me and often surprise me!
Jo, it does seem that they should have even numbers of horns. Well balanced horns are very pretty, even if it 6 well balanced horns.
Timi, Mary, thank-you.
Great photos and things I didn't know. She looks like she has a crown on her head.
That is a lot of horns :) My later lambs didn't grow as well as the early ones and as well as I would have liked. She is very cute!
Very interesting sheep! I always love to see pictures of these pretty creatures! blessings,Kathleen
I love looking at other breeders sheep pictures. I looked for you at the Puyallup fair this year in the exotic animal barn and in the petting barn and couldn't find you. I really wanted to meet you in person. Maybe next year...
That is a lot of horns!
I didn't know they could have so many either. I think I'm glad I don't have any on my head. Seems like they would get in the way and get caught up in things a lot. HA! Goth just looks so scary to me.
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