My husband picked this perfect pear last week. It was the only pear to survive on his espaliered tree. I think when it is finished ripening indoors that I will cut it in half and serve it with ceremony...maybe on a paper doily on one of my best china plates. Isn't it a beautiful pear?

My husband planted 2 fruit trees against this fence which connects to our sheep pen, and is mere steps from the front porch. Last spring this tree was covered in lovely blooms. I remember thinking "Oh goody! We'll get a few pears from this tree in the fall."

The strong winds and rain knocked off a lot of the blossoms, then the extreme heat we had this year, combined with my forgetfulness in watering the tree contributed to the distress that caused the tree to drop many little pears prematurely. But one pear persisted. See it?

One perfect, pretty pear! You know, the espalier tree next to it is an apple tree. It does not produce pears. The pear tree does not produce apples.The espaliered trees are the same size and look quite similar. They are growing in the same soil and receive the same care ( or lack thereof). If you could not tell the difference between the two fruit trees before they produce fruit, well..when the fruit is growing you will know for sure! Jesus said "
You will know them ( false prophets who come to you in sheep clothing) by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes are they ? Even so,
every good tree bears good fruit but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit , nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits." Matthew:7: 16-21
"How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked...his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he does meditate day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its' fruit in its' season...." Psalm 1:1-3
"And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." James 3:18
What a beautiful post this morning Kathy. I agree that you should celebrate that pear with the finest china! It's a beauty. Reminds me of my grandma's pear trees. Oh, how I would love to have her pear preserves again!
Yes..you should use your best china. I did that with some strawberries one year out of my garden. I love your trees against the fench. I always wanted to try that.
Lovely post, Kathy. I don't believe I've ever seen a more perfect pear! Happy Sunday to you!
yes ma'am - one perfect fruit - beautiful and although I don't care for the pain which often comes with our spiritual "pruning" if we are to bear good fruit the master Gardener must tend us in the way He deems right. Certainly a lot of trees which appear healthy and are bearing bad fruit or none at all - great post Kathy!
It is indeed a perfect pear. I think you should make the serving of it a party. Perhaps poach it in wine or bake it with a caramel sauce. Anyway, it is lovely and should be savored.
A beautiful pear for sure! And a beautiful, true scripture..I happen to love it very much and it is oh so true..."By their fruits ye shall know them"...it is easy to tell what someone is all about..the fruits they produce speak loud enough.
Come say hi :D
What a beautiful pear and what a lucky pear to be picked by someone that will truly enjoy it's perfectness. Enjoy!
What a shame you didn't get a pair of pears to grace your dining table! However, the winds and rain made this pear even more precious didn't they. It goes to show that we should treasure each and every gift for itself.
Blessings, Star
Mildred, it is the little things that remind the most of people we love who ave gone on into eternity. Pears and pear preserves are a lovely way to be reminded of a loved one.
Wobegone Cottage,Mary,yes, the best china and a party for two, I think I WILL have Jim poach it in wine...or maybe serve it fresh with the perfect wine and cheese to accompany it!
LindaSue~ that is what I would think about EVERY time I would look at the pear growing on the tree.
Julie, yes! Sometimes it might take longer than it should for us to see the fruit though and this often causes me to by-pass the good tree or vine that is slow and steady and true for the flashy one ..only to realize too late some fruit trees take up too much space, time, and easily get every virus or disease blowing in the wind , thus producing bad, or no fruit and passing them onto the surrounding trees.
kenleighacres, thank-you .
Star,my thoughts exactly, a Pair of pears! But this one is big enough to give both of us ) the pair of us) a few good bites!You're so right about the wind and rains making this pear even more precious!
For some reason this makes me think of faith - having it, tending to it, growing it.
It's worthy of special; yes, do use your china and make it an occasion of joy with your beloved.
It's beautiful! I hope it tastes as good as it looks!
The scripture is beautiful...an excellent reminder re: bad trees, producing bad fruit. Can the bad trees be repaired? You bet. TLC and His word.
Love the lonely celabratory pear.
Lovely post. I remember MawMaw making pear preserves. Mmmm!
Beautiful luscious looking pear. Deserves your best dishes and a little bed of lettuce and a dollop of whipped cream or something on top when you serve it! It was definitely a survivor, huh?
I like your analogy about the "fruit". I think it's so great that God gives us everyday things in our lives to help us understand the scriptures. Even a little child can understand these concepts.
Kathy, I hope you have a wonderful fruitfilled week! Vickie
Lovely and delicious!
What a lovely pear, I am glad you were able to at least get one off of your tree. I gave you an award on my blog because your blog is so full of wonderful pictures and stories but please don't feel obligated to pass it on if you don't want too.
That is a beautiful, perfect looking pear Kathy.
What an uplifting posting. I love the pear. You've taken some lovely photos. The scripture verse goes beautifully with this posting.
Oh if it's not too late, slice it thinly and place it on a slice of toasted cinnamon bread that has been slathered in marscapone cheese...heaven!
The pear is perfect and I think it is worthy of the fine china and Doily too. I am very impressed by your husbands espalier abilities. It looks very pretty up against the fence.
Loved your words on this! I am planning on someday planting pear trees along with other fruit trees. Have you had these trees long? blessings,Kathleen
Kathy; I love your pear. At your celebration dinner maybe you could pretend your separate halves of the pear are glasses of champagne, lock arms and take a big bite of that juicy, perfect pear.
As always, your pictures are so good
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