Ai-yi-yi! They're killing us! These cute, blind, furry animals are responsible for many dastardly deeds around here! All the result of an ongoing, never-ending, 24 hour a day, day in and day out, major excavation project waged here at our place.

Sorry to all you soft-hearted people who hate to think any of God's creations should be deliberately killed. Well, not sorry enough to NOT blog about it , or proclaim it aloud. This is how I want to see moles, DEAD! Oh, we get one or two a month in out traps , but I am positive there is a mole version of the Army Corp of Engineers at work underground around here!

The moles around here do not make hills and holes, no- they make caverns and mountains with tunnels that have literally collapsed some of our trees and big plantings. They have caused rock walls to collapse. The caverns, mountains, and tunnels are in our poultry and dove pens, the sheep pens, the herb, vegetable and flower gardens. I expect the moles to pop up in the kitchen and ask me to saute' their worms for them any day now.

What exactly is Miss Marple doing about it? Other people tell me their cats kill moles. Miss Marple stalks and kills teddy bears. ( wow, that's a big help, gotta take care of those pesky teddy bears running amok inside)

She kills the little shrews in great numbers. She doesn't eat them, just kills them and leaves them for me to find. These were on the porch just last week. But no dead moles.

Miss Marple, no more napping all day if you can't leave a dead mole or three on the porch!

Yes, I appreciate these dead mice, and you left these whole, not gutted as you normally do. Must have filled your tummy on so many other mice, frogs, and birds that you had left-overs for me. Thank-you very kindly, but please....a dead mole?
NO!! Not Belle our cockatiel, a mole!
Like this!

I don't think Miss Marple is taking me seriously...

...and those pesky moles are winning! If moles were the size of cows all earth would be doomed.
...."Accomplishing nothing but their brief physical lives as they live and die, pushing and shoving with their stubborn muzzles against the whole earth, finding it delicious." Mary Oliver, MOLES
Those are mole craters! We have them fairly bad this year too, but thankfully, not to the extent that you do. I am one that does not like to do away with any of God's creatures...but we also cannot have them destroying God's beauty and bounty. Ms. Marple...well..she has her priorities.:)
I have my doubts about Miss Marple, Kathy! The Mole Army must have worked out a deal with her! I sympathize - they can really destroy a lot in a short amount of time.
Kathy, I had to laugh thru this post. I know it isn't fun for you but this is funny to me.
So here is how you get rid of the moles. Get rid of their food source. They are searching out grubs in your ground. Get rid of the grubs and your moles will leave.
Okay, so this is what I have always been told anyway.
This is so funny! I am planning on a post on gophers! I have moles and gophers all over the farm, and they're getting in the yard. I spent the entire afternoon setting my traps, checking them over and over and looking for new mounds. I caught 2 this afternoon. I left the farm with 4 traps in the ground for gophers. Our moles are smaller but make runs all over the yard under the surface. I looked at Lowe's today at poison peanuts, etc. but haven't decided on a course for the moles. Somebody told me to put Juicy Fruit gum in the runs cuz it would stop the varmints up and they would die. I think I did a little post on them last year, but I couldn't find it. Good luck with your moles!
I enjoyed your post very much today I would not want mice like creatures digging up my yard. They appear quite large. Maybe the wild animals could eat them instead of your ducks and chickens.
Wow that is awful damage and that kitty isn't much help at all! (My cat would kill but not eat too) Too bad the moles don't dig out in the dirt some where else! Good luck with that one! Are they there year round?
Come say hi :D
Looks as if you need to borrow some ratters from across the road! Incredibly damage and yes it was funny about that sleek and clever cat who can't be bothered to go for a mole! BTW we've heard that putting moth balls down their tunnels will keep the mole's sweaters from getting moth holes in them - no really - I used moth balls to rid a yard of prairie dogs!
I'm glad you're on the mend from the flu. So sorry to hear of your problem! I have never had those and hope I never do! I'm surprised your labs aren't digging them up! Miss Marple is a hoot. I'm glad they aren't the size of cows, too!
Mary, the moles have destroyed underground wiring too. And Miss Marple agrees with you, she has HER priorities, and killing moles is not among them.
Mildred,Maybe the mole army chases so much vermin out of their tunnels that Miss Marple is happy to leave the moles alone in exchange for the favor...or maybe the moles serve catnip tea to Miss Marple ala Beatrix Potter....
Susie, Oh no? We have over 2 acres of worms and grubs. A source on moles said they frequent areas with a lot of earthworms too, so apparently our soil and surrounding acreage is in great shape, except for the moles!
Vickie,Juicy fruit doesn't work, but maybe because I haven't been able to put enough out for an army.
Woebegone Cottage, are the moles as big as mosquitoes in Minnesota? The moles stay underground, safe from all predators, even us.
Julie, the moles are here year round, in our woods, field, orchard, pond ( yes, the pond!). Some of the golf courses around here are in really bad shape because of moles.
LindaSue, your comments make me laugh!How do moles get along without us giving them gum to chew and mothballs to keep moths from eating their sweaters? Ratters are very good at getting moles, but then you are left with the same problem magnified, bigger craters in your yard!
Debbie,it took a lot of this week to recover from the flu and most of the grandchildren are on the mend from it too. Just hope my husband does not get it after returning home tonight from spending a week with them.And I could probably train my Labs to go after moles, but like ratters, the holes a Lab would leave beat anything the moles do, but I know my Labs would LOVE the chance at digging after them.
I just adore Ms. Marple! maybe the moles are too big for her to take on!
Great post.
This was a great way to begin the day. I'm still smiling. Have a great day.
Hi again, Kathy - I did a post on gophers this morning! Just thought you might be interested...
Shrews are the catch of choice around here, too!! I see our Bart out in the corral...slinking, waiting and pouncing..but no mole, yet! Miss Marple is enjoying herself with a quick catch. I like that she thought to bring a flower to lay beside the shrews! :))
Living wild is fun...but pressing all at the same time!
I love that poem by Mary Oliver, but I know how peksy those moles can be. Miss Marple sure is a pretty cat, but she doesn't look too interested in the moles. Hope you can get those furry critters under control. They sure can ruin a lawn. Have a great week.
Shelley, Miss Marple betrays that excuse by catching rabbits!
Lanny, thanks! I think you should do a post about your ratters and show how they go after moles and vermin, with LOTS of pictures!
Vickie, I'll be checking in next!
Flower, you're so right. And shrews must be an easy kill for cats because our handicapped cat gets them too. Poor shrews.
Brenda Kay, thank-you. Have YOU written any poems about moles?
Oh my goodness, our cats haven't caught any moles lately but they have been busy catching chipmunks and mice.
Can you believe that moles are one pest that we just don't have around here. I don't think I've ever actually seen one. I had no idea that they were so destructive. I won't complain about the armadilloes any more!
Oh! I. HEAR. you!!!!
I was visiting with Miss Paula and saw your mole picture...I had that very picture up not toooooo long ago. We have moles and I (I mean WE) want them dead, too!
Hubby said that he doesn't want to scare them, relocate them, or injure them .... we want them D-E-A-D. And anybody who disagrees, has never had a mole problem!
We've twisted more ankles and lost more land...ugh!
Lucky for you, though, your trap worked and Miss Marple took care of a couple! We haven't gotten one - not ONE!
If I weren't allergic to cats.....
Anyway, much continued luck to you with your mole killing!
I'm so sorry about those moles! They look a lot bigger than I thought. I think we have really small ones here. I hope you win!
Amy, our cats catch chipmunks ans squirrels too and leave the tails on the porch...no moles though.
Southern Comfort, do armadillos do any damage to property or livestock?I think they are very interesting.
Julie, when I read about trapping and releasing moles I can't think of anyone around me, or any property within a few miles that would appreciate them, and they are most certainly not scarce in this area....you should see the damage done to golf courses, football fields, homes, pastures....
Nancy M., they aren't so big, but big enough! I hope we get them under control too but this battle has been going on for more than a decade here...as my title says, the moles are winning!
I'm glad I' not a mole. I hate teaching in a classroom that has no windows. I love the sunshine!
An armadillo can really tear up your yard and plants. They root up the earth kind of like a small pig. They love soft, freshly planted spots, of course. They are very interesting creatures but are very pesky. They can't do the damage that a mole does though.
Karen, I'm glad I am not a mole too, seeing the sky makes me happy and I wouldn't want to develop an appetite for worms and grubs.
Southern Comfort, I learned something new....thanks!
I wonder what the moles paid Miss Marple off with? I am not a mole fan either! Great post :)
Ugh- that is awful, Kathy!! My Dad is having the same problem with groundhogs right now... they've tunneled underneath his woodworking shop and nearly ruined the foundation!!
Miss Marple needs to get with the program! *LOL*
kenleighacres, I wonder too!I would pay her double her rations in kitty food and catnip to encourage her to dispatch moles!
Farm Chick Paula, I don't think people realize how very much critical damage moles and groundhogs can do...until they have the problem. In one of my earlier posts I tell about a member of the royal family of England who died as a result of a fall from his horse who stumbled and fell from stepping in a mole hole...you should see my sheep stumble as they step into mole holes here.
Oh my! I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a battle with the moles. Miss Marple seems to need a refresher course in mole hunting it would appear.
We've never had moles here, so this is all new to me.
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