Our daughter
A.Joy,her four children and myself drove the 5 to 6 hour drive over the mountains and across the mighty Columbia River to visit her brothers, our sons, and their families in a rural town 40 miles northeast of Spokane. When we drive up the long driveway to their home we are always met first by these two energetic guys (above), Shotgun and Ruger. If they are not outside they are constantly looking out the window. Any respectable Jack Russell Terrier has to be on the lookout for cats, birds,cats, stray tennis balls, children, other dogs,cats..

The 4 cousins from this side of the mountains get to play with the cousins from that side of the mountains, and play they do. They have a lot of fun. There is tether ball to play.

Giggles while Auntie Autumn braids all the girls' hair,

They like their braids, but like being able to be together even more, look at those happy faces.

All 6 of our granddaughters pose for me , facing the sunshine ( sorry girls) showing their braids. Now they all look alike! Sure. I just called them the braidy girls.

There was craft- making at night in front of a warm fire after all the children were in their pajamas. (above and below)

Meeting the new pony the granddaughters who live here get to ride frequently. Bella is a very, very sweet and gentle pony and the girls have been taught how to care for and ride her properly. Uncle Daniel and Aunt Breezy will have nothing less when it comes to owning and caring for horses.

Four~ wheeling with Aunt Breezy over the fields, wheeeeeeeee! Aunt Breezy is very careful and takes it easy when she gives rides too. No taking chances or risks with such precious cargo and this also makes it fun for the more timid of the children.

Tomorrow we go to a pumpkin patch and big corn maze!

It is good to be able to come together with loved ones. It is good to remember we are blessed, and it is good to be thankful for this !
"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22 " Oh Lord, You are my God, I will exalt You, I will praise Your name." Isaiah 25:1
What a beautiful sight to see all the cousins laughing and playing together. So very thankful for answered prayers.
How beautiful they all are! They look so happy seeing each other. I hope you had a wonderful time. As Mildred said, about the answer to prayers, I agree too!
I'm so glad everyone is where they should be. Being with your children and their children gives much joy.
What a beautiful family. It took me back many years ago to running with my cousins and feeling more wild than tame when we could careen around my aunt's farm in Ohio.
Martha Ann
Fun pics Kathy! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time getting to be together.
Hey, sorry to have not had you and Autumn at the party, but it looks like you actually had a much better time! Dirt barbecued the Lutefisk this year, he, Anna and Justin were the only ones brave enough to eat it.
Sooooo good to see all the little ones together as they should be. God is good. I know ya'll made lots of wonderful new memories! (love the "braidy" bunch!)
I have tears of joy - the girls are where they should be and life is blessed in a big way. God is SO good! how funny the word verification is mange - yuck!
You have a wonderful family. My first though when I saw the girls was Snow White and Rose Red. It's wonderful to see the children establishing ties. Have a great day.
Hi Kathy!!
What FUN photos~~love the Braidy Girls!!
Yes, what a very special time for all of them to be home where they should be~~safe, happy and much loved! GOD is SO GOOD!!
~Let FREEDOM Ring!~
You have such beautiful grandchildren. Looks like you had a wonderful visit and a lot of fun. I also like the photos.
Shotgun and Rugar are so cute! The children are so very beautiful...what a fun family get-together...nothing else is as wonderful as that is it?!
Come say hi :D
I'll say it again praise the Lord!
Love seeing the girls together and happy.
The Braidy Bunch are quite the cute crew!
You are very blessed to have all those grandchildren (6 granddaughters?). This time has to be so special for them, and I'm glad you got to be there.
Answers to your prayers!
All of them together. What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing it.
what an absolute gift of love you have given us, Kathy. I can't find the words for it. There is so much love between those cousins and it is really grand that you are seeing to it that they have time to get to know one another. That doesn't happen much any more with peoplr moving all over and only coming together on holidays. My mother and I tried to hold ours together but I feel them drifting now and it hurts my heart.
What a beautiful bunch. They look so happy and overjoyed, making memories that will last a lifetime! Have a blast.
Loved reading about this fabulous family get-together and the photos are priceless. The children are having so much fun and I know the adults are enjoying the children enormously. What great memories you're all making.
The makings of sweet memories here. May you all be blessed.
Mildred, Candy,Debbie,Susie, this was a very joyous time and we all had fun together. Most definitely an answer to prayers!
Martha, thank-you for visiting and commenting. I remember great times with my cousins too and am so blessed to be able to be with ALL 8 of my grandchildren as they enjoy each other tremendously.
Vickie, too bad we couldn't braid the 2 grandsons' hair..NOT! Even our daughter braided her hair for awhile.
Lanny, I read about your decision to not make lutefisk the main dish, too bad, but like you, I prefer salmon and he does salmon even better. Dirt is the only one who has ever made lutefisk I like. Barbecued? How was it?
LindaSue, all last week I kept marveling that we were all together HERE in Washington, and the 4 little girls are happy and healthy.
Mary, yes! Snow White and Rose Red! I think I have the best of all worlds all wrapped up in our grandchildren, the very fair to the beautifully brown, the Island Beauty and the Scandinavian Beauty..just this Grandmas' joy!
Lynn, God IS so good, praise Him!
Brenda Kay, thank-you. It is hard to pick which photos sometimes, isn't it?
Julie, family get-togethers are wonderful, I thin you with your 8 grown children and grandchildren would know for sure! Shotgun and Ruger are a big part of the life of our sons and their families in rural eastern Washington.
Mary,thank-you, I think I will always think of the granddaughters now as the braidy bunch!
Southern Comfort, yes, we have 6 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. They did not get their hair braided!
Karen, thank-you. Your prayers played a big part in them being able to come home.
Audrey, your family seems to do very well being there for each other when needed and I have seen so many amazing and miraculous answers to prayers specifically for your family over the many years we have known each other. In fact, when I am desperately seeking answers and solutions from God, your family and His meeting their needs comes to my mind as a reminder He has and does answer prayer in definite and specific ways. Thank-you!
Noble Pig, they are happy to get together and we did have a blast!
Thistle Cove, ( Sandra) I think we adults did have as much fun and happy hearts for sure.
centennial, ( Lynne)Thank-you very much, and thank-you for visiting and leaving a comment!
Wonderful family photos, Kathy. I love the braids. I can remember wearing my hair like that as a little girl.
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