Remember ~ ..."for you alone O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8 & " I lie down and sleep;because the Lord sustains me." Psalm 16:7 & "He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1
In June 2016 we sold Cedar Pond and moved over the mountains and far away. We now live in Deer Park , WA where the weather is a bit more extreme than Cedar Pond's and in spite of the challenges we're rejoicing in life in our new home with field and forest just outside our back door. God is so good to us !
Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond
"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sleep~ A Gift Beyond Measure
Our youngest grandchild fell asleep behind Goth's pen and beside the wheelbarrow during the family visit to my exhibit at the Puyallup Fair. I had a pillow and blanket ready for him, the very pillow and blanket his older brother had been using for naps while he helped me out during the 5 days of the fair where I exhibited my Jacob sheep. During the day our youngest grandson slept thousands of people, and I do mean THOUSANDS, walked by, or stopped by our little display. The barn was packed from front to back and side by side for hours. According to the official fair numbers our 'Animals of The World Barn' had at least 70,000 people go through. In spite of the noise and numbers of people this little one was able to sleep peacefully and awake refreshed and ready to go.That kind of sleep is a blessing, a gift. "To sleep is an act of faith." Barbara Harrison
Sleep, never appreciated until it is unobtainable. Sleep is that mysterious thing that eludes many, yet demands you give it large portions of your life. When I am worried or busy I often willingly forfeit sleep to my detriment.Busy-ness is one thing, but worry and great distress have robbed me of sleep and my health, especially in these last few years. I have no one to blame for this except myself because really, this shows how scarce my faith in my God is. That I will worry and fret over things I have no control over, so much so that I will not sleep. "In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat...." Psalm 127:2
Our oldest Grandson is sleeping in the back of our exhibit. He has worked hard today and we have been up for many hours. Although there are many people passing by and there is much noise, he sleeps. He sleeps well and peacefully. "The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much.." Ecclesiastes 5:12
"Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, the death of each day's life, sore labour's bath. Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast." Shakespeare
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tea With Fairies ~ Gossamer Teacup
I saved this teacup for Tea Time Tuesday especially for this story, written by my husband's sister Judith Sattler.I hope you are able to take the time to read this delightful story, it is well worth the reading~especially if you like tea with the fairies ~
Tea With Fairies
When my girls were considerably smaller than they are now and began losing baby teeth along the way, it was Gossamer Tooth-fairy who came to collect the teeth they left for her under their pillows. She gave them silver coins in exchange for their molars and cuspids, and she always wrote a letter to thank them. It was in this way that we discovered Gossamer had two girls of her own, Timbrel and Whimsey, whom she was training in the family business. Gossamer did not always bring the girls with her, because they were young and sometimes got into mischief. ( I wonder...Is that how Miss Primrose ended up with her head stuck in a dresser drawer?)
~Gossamer Teacup by Royal Albert~
Sometimes if she didn't have a great many other houses to visit, she would stop to take a cup of tea with me. Then one day , she invited me to her place for Tea. You might very well ask where this magical place is but, alas, I cannot say- it is a secret. If I am nothing else honorable I am , most assuredly , Steadfast. But that is beside the point.
I went to tea in Fairyland and I will never be the same again. The kind of teatime that transports you out of your own world and into an enchanted place is matchless. The thing of it is, sometimes you don't even have to leave your own kitchen table or back garden to get there.The way in to Make-Believe can be found in the bright glance of the moon at night, the sudden flash of a flicker's wing, ot the singing green of a rainy summer's day. I don't have a favorite teacup, but if I did it would be the one Gossamer gave me to use. She sent it home with me. It is green ( my favorite color for as long as I can remember) and it is embossed with leaves . When I am using it I can imagine that I am supping in a tree wtih my fairy friend, or sitting in the grass beneath the shady boughs of an orchard with the birds piping among the peaches for our pleasure. The cup is large enough for a fairy to take a bath in, but quite diminutive by our standards. I don't mind; I can refill it as many times as I like. Besides, the teeny-tiny teacup from the Peter Rabbit china set I used to serve Gossamer when she came to call was almost as big as her head...and she managed.
I haven't sat down to tea with Gossamer for a long while. It is understandable when you remember that the girls stopped losing their teeth years ago. But my oldest daughter has children of her own now and Gossamer promised me the last time she came that when Girly-bird, Monkey, and Ellybean begin losing their baby teeth, she will send Timbrel to gather them. Timbrel always had a sweet tooth; she found it under a pillow and carries it in her pocket. Perhaps I'll be able to tempt her to Tea with a slice of cake and sugar lumps. by Judith Sattler
It is Teacup Tuesday, or Tea Time Tuesday , or as I refer to this, All Things Tea Tuesday~ to see many other lovely or whimsical teacups and tea times click onto : Lady Katherine*, Terri *,Martha*, Wanda Lee *, and Pam*.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Walk On Water !
Walk on water! Well, kind of. This fun activity is in 'Sillyville' at the Puyallup Fair and attracted our attention. Our Grandson wanted to walk on water after we watched others do it . To begin the ride you get into a big thick plastic container. It looks like a big baggy until they zip it up and add more air. Then they make it air and water tight. We were told there is at least 20 minutes of breathable air.
The big ball with our Grandson is pushed off into a very large pool full of water and other people floating around in their own little plastic bubbles. Looks like one of those plastic balls hamsters roll around in.
He told us his goal was to stand up and walk on the water. Harder said than done , but finally after many tries he did!
Leave a comment and I will enter your name as many times as you comment. I will announce the winner next Tuesday when I will be able to catch up with all of you! Come on down and visit the Puyallup Fair, stop in at the Animals of the World Barn and say "hi" to me.Our Grandson CT and I are at the fair this week with my sheep . My sweet husband is holding down the fort at home. Don't forget to water the ducks Jim!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sights To Be Seen At The Puyallup Fair & Give-Away
One morning very early before the fair was open to the public, I saw a line-up of cattle waiting to be judged as I walked to the barn my sheep were being exhibited in. The cattle were so clean and quiet. There were about 20 cattle all tied to the fence rail.
I stood and watched them for quite awhile, then had to scoot over to my barn to clean up the sheep pens before the fair opened. I wish I could have stayed and watched the judging. The line of cattle was an amazing sight to me.
I love the scent of cattle chewing grass and hay. The soft crunching sound they make as they chew, peaceful.
The Animals of the World Barn, where I am, has different kinds of cattle as well as yaks, camels, zebras and zedonks. There are also miniature horses and donkeys, turkeys,exotic sheep, sometimes reindeer ( Goth was mighty interested in Sugar the Reindeer ) and once there was a kangaroo. The Watusi is impressive. The little calf above is a Dexter . Don't you just want to snuggle this little babe?
I will be spinning my Jacob sheep wool or locker-hooking a rug while I answer questions from the public.
Our Grandson C.T. will be cleaning up!Come on down and do the Puyallup !
Don't forget the give-away.* I will enter your name as many times as you comment and the winner will be announced next Tea Time Tuesday.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tea Time Tuesday & Another Give-Away !
Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday ! I am getting ready to spend the rest of the week at the State Fair, the Puyallup Fair,( pronounced pew-allup ) with some of my Jacob Sheep. I don't have much time to spare but tea did sound very good so I brewed a pot of English Breakfast tea and got out my china. Pour yourself a cup of tea and chat with me as I get ready for five hectic and fun days at the fair.
This is the china pattern I chose and registered for before my husband and I were married 37 years ago. I am still very happy with this pattern. I have always loved blue and white. Although there were many patterns of china available that were bolder, more ornate, or even flamboyantly blue, this pattern embraced the blue, ivory, and simplicity I desired. Would you call it classic? I do.
You might not immediately notice , but there are two shades of blue in this pattern, embellished with the platinum edging on the rim, cup foot, and saucer.
This is Noritake's Charleston. I have not tired of our china. It is simple enough to adorn any table. I can decorate a table with bright colors and chargers and this china will fit right in, allowing me to show off the food and decoration. The china enhances the table without demanding to be the center of attention. I think a person could well desire to be like this kind of china pattern~ to enhance and admire other people, to appreciate them for who God made them to be, without demanding the attention or drawing away from the attributes of others.
Meanwhile, back in the sheep pen, the girls have dried off and are enjoying the extra rations and treats of soda crackers as I prepare them and so much more for my exhibit at the fair. Aren't they pretty? O.K. You might not think them pretty, but aren't they fluffy and interesting? They still smell sweet, like the coconut shampoo I washed them with. I got them to pose so nicely by dangling soda crackers in front of the camera. They dearly love soda and graham crackers.
I have not had any spare time, so drank all the tea without taking time to eat. I did make myself sit down and drink tea out one of my beloved china cups. This is one of the things I love about Tea Time Tuesday, I make tea and take time to sit down and enjoy it. I drank the whole pot of tea all by myself. English Breakfast Tea is fortifying!
Give-away # 1! You can win these books or the books in the next picture.I will be gone the rest of the week ( my sweet husband will be taking care of things here at home) and will be unable to answer or comment on blogs, but eagerly anticipate catching up next week. Any comments you leave, as many as you leave, will be entered in the drawing for this give-away. These are two separate Give-Aways, so tell me if you prefer one over the other, otherwise I will enter your name in both.
Give-Away # 2. Gazebo plans and 2 Fiber Arts Magazines.The drawing for the Give-Away will be announced in time for Teatime Tuesday next week.
Now I will sip more tea out of my china cup and read blogs. I love reading your blogs! To see more teacups and creative tea times check out these sweet ladies. Lady Katherine*,Terri*,Martha*,Wanda Lee*, & Pam*. Isn't it a blessing to have tea and a teacup to drink it from? Remember, you ARE so richly blessed no matter your circumstance ~
Monday, September 20, 2010
Spots At The Puyallup Fair
This week, from Wednesday to Sunday, you can see my spotted sheep. Right now they are drying off from the baths I gave them earlier today. Yes, I bathed them in the little bit of time it was NOT raining today,trimmed their feet, clipped off tags of debris and manure, then put them in this pen with a heat lamp. They might need it because they are still wet. They will stay here until we load them up Wednesday. I was just outside watching them while I sipped hot tea. I love to watch my sheep in the evening when the world is more quiet and I can hear my sheep chewing their cud.Not only could I smell the hay, but my sheep smell like the coconut scented animal shampoo I used. I don't think I will be giving Goth the Ram a bath though.~
So come on and see some spots, Free Your Glee and do the Puyallup!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Outside My Window
I know this is a hawk but I am not sure what kind, maybe an immature red-tailed hawk. Red-tails are very common around here.
This hawk is perched on a post that is part of our unfinished arbor. The post is very close to our dove pen, the doves are the object of this hawks' attention.
It is a good thing the doves are so well protected in their pen. We have had many hawks perch near by, and also owls. One morning there was a spotted owl perched on the fence by the dove pen, for a long time too. "Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars, stretching his wings toward the south?" Job 39:28 ( God asks Job this question) "Then the Lord said to Job, " Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it." Job 40:1,2
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Froggy Drama & Shameless Plug
I was tidying up my plant potting table which is up against the back of our garage when this little green frog caught my eye. He was creeping down the garage toward the table, and I saw he was after a fat, juicy, flying termite.
As the termite settled on the siding this fatter frog jumped out of one of my potted lavender plants. Both frogs were after the termite...
The termite was not settling down where the frogs apparently expected it to, and as the termite fluttered upward, the frogs crept up even faster, I could tell they were also racing each other for the termite.
Look who caught the termite! You can see the wings are all that is left of the termite to swallow, the frog caught and ate it so fast I could not get my camera focused to get the best action.
The little green frog then crept to the down- spout to finish up his meal and probably digest, while the other frog went back to the plants. Now this is my kind of reality show, right here on Cedar Pond!
Now for the shameless plug! I have started a new on-line shop I am excited about and if you get a chance, please check it out. I sell many things made from the fleece of my Jacob Sheep, rugs, yarn, fiber, pincushions, wee little sheep.Created and crafted with love and available for sale as I finish them.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Teacup Tuesday & A Winner!
Isn't this a lovely teacup? I thought it unusual to see a stag and a windmill together, but lovely. I found this teacup at The Salvation Army Store. There were many tags on the bottom of the cup and it appeared it had started out at the store quite pricey but had been marked down several times. The cup is obviously hand painted, but the gold paint on the handle is worn off in a few places and there is an oh- so -tiny chip on the rim.
These two little chicks were brought inside to help show you the cup. Two little chicks fit into it comfortably. Look at the luster of the blue around the rim.
Now for the winner of my teacup pincushion~ I wrote all your names on paper in as many squares as comments you left since I announced the give-away and placed the two little chicks on the paper to help me choose a winner .10 minutes later ( 12:10 a.m.) the chicks had chosen.We have a winner and she is.....
...Dolores! Dolores' blog is Moving Forward With Alzheimer's*and well worth reading, so check it out. Dolores, e-mail me your snail mail address and I will send you your new pincushion~
Please visit these ladies for a treat today and see all things tea! Terri*, Martha *,Lady Katherine*,Wanda Lee *, and Pam *.
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