....are to be turned over to their mother for 8 weeks this summer. To a mother who has no residence of her own,stays in the homes of whomever will have her- and in violation of supposedly signed, sealed and delivered legal documents. ( The judge apparently did not remember HIS OWN ruling and was most likely in a hurry to get out of court to begin his 3 day Memorial Day weekend). The little girls WILL be in danger, and we have been praying for a miracle to prevent this. Tomorrow our son has to hand the little girls over to their mother . To not do so would cause him to be arrested.There will be no one truly looking out for them , except God.
Legal documents were signed by the little girls' mother stating they were to reside in Deer Park, WA, and SHE, the mother, was to relocate there. The documents were signed to avoid a trial which if carried out would have proven some things that most likely would have allowed the courts to take away any rights she would have as a mother.....in Deer Park our son and his 4 daughters were able to begin re-building their lives, and they were doing just that. The 3 oldest sisters do not want to return to California and stay there this summer. They have been crying every night at the prospect.
God has performed a miracle in keeping these little girls safe while our son was doing his 2nd tour of duty as a tank commander in Iraq, when he did not know where they were and whom they were with....and God has provided for them while our son lost everything BUT his daughters and family and his faith in trying to save his daughters, and even trying to save his wife....now the battle begins again, but the courts do not have time to really care about little ones, nor the inclination, unless one has a LOT of money.
I have been hearing such stories from quite a few people lately. What is going on that so many mothers love their own children so little? That so many mothers seek a life that would harm their own children, and devastate not only these little ones, but the husbands who love them and the families they grew up in? My deepest prayer for these little girls, our precious granddaughters, daughters of our oldest son, is to KNOW and FEEL God's presence and comfort throughout the summer. That they not be harmed physically, spiritually, or emotionally.....,"...but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck , and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea...See to it that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you, that their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in heaven." Matthew 18:6, 10
I will probably not post on this subject again for quite awhile . I will update anyone who asks about them, via e-mail...unless something exceptional happens. I have a picture of them in my sidebar, and should you feel led, please pray for them. They are dear to our hearts, and the little girls and our son are the reason I searched the internet, and in so doing, discovered blogs. That is how I, my husband, and daughter found a whole wide world of interesting,caring, compassionate people who are so very able to communicate so many different things. From cooking, to gardening, to philosophy, theology,decorating,farming, humor...the topics are endless and the bloggers all unique! Thank-you , thank-you, thank-you! So many of you are praying for us and them and as I view the whole wide web I see so many out there hurting, and needing so much. That you all would take a bit of your time to pray for us, and think about us, and e-mail us is humbling, and appreciated more than you can know.
We are so thankful to God for His great mercy and know He does hear us. He works out all things in His time. "Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks;for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thessalonians 5:17-18
Kathy, You and your entire family, especially your granddaughters, are in my prayers.
I will continue to remember all of you in prayer.
Kathy and family - we cannot express our outrage at the so called justice system. Only thing DH and I could come up with (besides praying which is always the first resource) is to encourage people to get politically active - vote the rascals out (in Texas many judge positions are elected - I know that is not true in all states). While I think most people reading this blog ARE people who vote and make their voices heard - maybe someone else will pass through and get a nudge. This injustice in family court isn't only happening to this beautiful family - but so many kids are simply regarded as the piece of rope in an immoral tug of war over who gets power. Whew - pushed my button didn't I? Sorry to hijack Kathy's comments - I'm done crying this morning over this - but will not forget these little ones or their good dad and family
Your girls are in our prayers.
Dearest Kathy,
This morning when checking my blog, I noticed that you became a follower of my blog. I'm delighted.
It's a godsend that we will be able to visit via blogging.
I am intensely sorry about the way your grand daughters child custody is going. I will intently pray for their protection.
This past year and a half, I have had my eyes opened about child custody issues in the courts as well as the slowness of the courts.
We are leaning heavily on the Lord.
May God give you all the strength you need at this time. Will be praying,
My heart breaks as these precious girls' Great Auntie and their dad's Auntie. We will continue to pray for the girls - for the Lord to shield their eyes and close their ears to things they should neither see nor hear. There are hundreds if not thousands of people praying specifically for D. and his girls.
Dear God,
Please protect these four beautiful and precious girls from the environment they will be living in the next two months. Please shield their eyes and close their ears to the things that may take place around them. Please be with their dad and grandparents during this time as well. Lord, we don't always understand why things happen, but we do have comfort in knowing You are in control and in Your time this situation will be resolved in a way that is glorifying to You!
I will pray for these little girls and their family. I hope that them being sent to their mother doesn't mean that you or your son won't have contact with them. I pray that they will be able to be contacted whenever you and your son wish, and that they will be safe-and returned safely. I pray that this will be a positive experience for them. I know that those weeks will go by slowly for you but know that this time will pass-and you can see them again. Take care, God Bless.
That just breaks my heart. I will definitely keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
I will keep praying for their safety and for a miracle!
My sister in law left her 3 children and is keeping company with a bad sort of people. I don't understand it, either, how a mom could be this way to her children.
I've seen some bad moms, too. I don't understand it. I'll keep your family and especially those little precious angels in my prayers, and also the whole situation with their mother. I pray that your son may somehow gain complete custody of them. With God, anything is possible.
I am so sorry this has to happen. I will keep them, you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I will also include a prayer for their mother, that she will want to keep her daughters safe and show them the love and care they deserve.
I don't know why you haven't been able to make comments on my blog. It's a mystery to me. I loved your idea about a little walled garden with potted plants, birds and shade. It sounds wonderful. I have something for you at my blog today. please stop by.
It leaves one frustrated and teary eyed to know what could happen but once again we have to trust God that He knows best. I wish they didn't have to go and it just breaks ones heart to know they will be in danger but it also brings us all to our knees in prayer and that part is a good thing . I hope you can feel Gods presence and He will bring you some peace..I know in my own life I will be experiencing some of those similar situations and I too will have to lean "HEAVILY" on our God. My prayers are with you.
Those precious children and your family will be in my prayers. I can't imagine how stressful and terrible this must be for your son and your family. I know it will be a long and worrying summer for him and you. That makes me sad to hear that. That judge who was in a hurry to properly review and consider each case should be ashamed of himself.
Thank you for your second comment on my blog. You are absolutely right. Too much information is being collected about people these days. Feels like we don't have any privacy or freedom anymore.
Kathy, my heart goes out to you. I know the kind of worry you are going through. I will pray for a miracle.....blessings,Kathleen
Kathy, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this is for you and your husband, your son, and the rest of your family. So many things happen that are hard to understand. My prayers are with you all.
I finally have a couple minutes here to let you know that I've been praying every night for the safety and well being of the girls...that they come home safe and healthy when the Summer is over. Much love, AMC
May the Lord keep these precious children safe and in His care..may this woman come to her senses and find the Lord. May the Lord restore all that is broken.
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