~The happy little mermaid called out to the sea," all you little fishies come and play with me", sings a happy little mermaid with a sea sweet smile" please little fishies come and play with me awhile."~

~I have birthday cards to make. These granddaughters have March birthdays and I can justify the joy in wallowing in the glitter and glue and glee of fancy and fantasy.~
Oh look! A little mermaid from the sea, I love this little mermaid and she loves me! ( click on these pictures to enlarge)

~The sea and all creatures mysterious and fantastical, the creatures of myths and legends and fairy tales.Do you know, they are not so far fetched. "
Praise the Lord from the earth, Sea monsters and all deeps;" Psalm 148:7 When you read the scriptures and the histories of the world there is much to be discovered...and do not discount these tales and discourses on what some person recorded as fact - the news of the times, as fairy tales. The arrogance of modern man is that we believe we alone are worthy of discerning the truth. We have raised what we call 'science' and placed it on the altar and call it "truth".
~Obviously my little mermaid granddaughters are fabrications, but really, there are so many mysterious creatures of the sea and creation that are beyond anything science can explain away.....why does the idea of a Creator, God, a Supreme Being , seem to be so far fetched, a fable or superstition, when you consider the awesome and unexplainable really do make sense when you again acknowledge that God indeed is The Creator?
Hi Kathy, What beautiful mermaids they are too! So very pretty.
Ah KathyB - what a splendid grandmother you are! The mermaids are quite lovely and I'm sure their songs could lure anyone. Yes - we know so very little which is truth with a capital T - our culture substitures science as a god and thinks it is Truth. Oh well - we keep trying to share the Truth and enjoy the mysteries!
How nice!
What beautiful mermaids, very neat!
I think seeing a mermaid would be a delicious happening. Almost worth getting into a boat. But I have heard that they have been seen on the big rocks on the shore.
How fun and pretty! I was reading something is History the other day and read that the manatee is what used to be mistaken for mermaids in the sea by fishermen long ago.
Adorable. Love the mermaids and I think all little girls love it too. You are such a good gram.
Beautiful little mermaids they are!
Loved your words...the mermaids bring back a sweet memory. My mother-in-law made our daughter a "sea themed" quilt where she made our daughter into a mermaid. So cherished.You did a wonderful job! Blessings,Kathleen
Mildred, I have so much fun making these cards....
LindaSue,Thank-you! There is scientific truth, and God's creation is evidence of true science ...the objective study of things would be nice, but modern science has more fables, mistakes, etc., in an attempt to talk away the evidence of a Creator....preaching to the choir, I know.
Amy, do you make cards for your nieces and nephews?
Shiloh Prairie Farms, thank-you.
Lanny, What rocks and where ? I wanna see!
A.Joy, I heard and read that too. Also seals and dolphins. I can understand that too , if they are viewed from above and swimming rapidly almost out of sight.
Noble Pig, I try!
Mary, thank-you, hope you're getting some sleep!
Common cents, thank-you. I checked out your blog, VERY INTERESTING! Really appreciated your post about employment.
Kathleen, have you ever posted a picture of the quilt ?
What sweet cards for your granddaughter/mermaids, Kathy! How lucky they are to have you as their grandmother too! :D
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