~Today is my father's birthday. He died just before Christmas in 1992. I still miss him terribly.Above is the picture taken the day my parents brought me home from the hospital, 22 days after I was born. I was a prematurely born baby. The picture below was taken just before my father walked me down the church aisle and gave me to my husband. I went from my father's home to my husband's home. Note, I said "
father's home to husband's home", and nothing in-between.
~Our family had many trials and tribulations, but I remember a father who was protective of me, and loyal to our mother in spite of all the reasons in the world to leave her....looking back, I do not see how he handled the chaos and sadness she brought him, and still kept himself sane and remained a loving father. I am thankful he was faithful and steadfast and loyal. Those appear to be rare traits now.
~My father was a veteran of two tours of duty in the Korean war, and two tours of duty in Vietnam. He was a person who made me feel safe, and loved. We disagreed on many things in our lives, but in spite of that, he was truly interested in hearing my opinions, and he was truly interested in our children and the every day things they loved. A year before he died he told me he was proud of me and pleased with the way our children had been raised and were growing up. There was no finer gift he could have given me and I am thankful he expressed this before it was too late.
~I remember his birthday with love and sadness, and if he were still alive I would give him his usual and favorite box of Brach's Chocolate Covered Cherries and a chocolate cake which he would take a BIG slice of, put it in a bowl and cover it with milk and eat it with gusto!

We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon those we love."
Madame De Stael
Blessings: a father's love
Such a beautiful tribute to your father, Kathy. He was a determined man, obviously caring to you.
Kathy, What precious pictures of you and your dad. He sounds like a wonderful husband and father. What a priceless gift he shared with you before his passing. I hope today will be filled with peaceful memories of the love you shared.
Kathy, What precious pictures of you and your dad. He sounds like a wonderful husband and father. What a priceless gift he shared with you before his passing. I hope today will be filled with peaceful memories of the love you shared.
This is a wonderful post to honor your father, Kathy. I hope the day will bring you many happy memories of times you shared with him.
I wish he was still around - he would probably be getting ready to come over and load up some of your sheep and goat manure to use in his huge garden. I remember helping him with that. He was a great grandpa!
What a nice picture and a wonderful post about your dad. I am sorry about his passing, he sounds like a great father.
sweet memories - the last thing my Daddy said to me as he was walking me down the aisle "chickie we can still turn around and run like h---" I shoulda listened to my Daddy. Your heavenly Father gave you just the right dad for your situation - one steadfast to hold your family together despite the turmoil of your mother. Bless you friend - there is no missing like the missing of our daddies - Lovely honoring of him
What beautiful memories. I am so intrigued about pouring milk over the cake. I seriously want to try it. It will also difinitely be my new way of eating stale cake!
Mary, I think your word 'determined' very well fits him!
Daisy, when I am with my grown children for any length of time inevitably , stories of my father come up, and all of my children still miss him....I think that is a fitting and loving tribute for anyone. Thank-you!
A.Joy, I think you're right! His garden would be well supplemented with all the poultry, goat and sheep manure he could get us to allow him to cart off! And then he would be trying to get us to compete for who has the most veggies or biggest veggies, etc!
Shiloh Prairie, thank-you.
LindaSue, you are so funny ! Do you have a Texas twang , because I hear that in your writing!
Noble Pig, that is how my father always ate cake. I think my sisters do too, but I don't care for mushy cake.....but he loved it!My oldest son poured milk over a package of chocolate chip cookies I sent to him in boot camp. The U.S.M.C. kept the package for weeks and by the time my son got his cookies they were dry and brittle. He said they were pretty good with milk on them, but I think he was very hungry and cardboard would have tasted good by that time!
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