This is our #2 Granddaughter, also known as KN. She is 8 years old now and we got to spend her birthday evening with her , eating the dinner of her choice and enjoying the birthday cake she chose. She is a lot of fun and of course, as her grandparents, we're just crazy about her, and all our other grandchildren too. One of my special times with KN came when she was 3 years old, and this is the occasion when I learned so much about her character and gifts, and it was one of my many very precious and memorable times with her....

KN was 3, yes three years old and showing great interest in flowers and gardening. She and I decided to make a Fairy Garden together. Early in the spring I took her shopping at the local nursery for HER choice of flowers. Believe me, KN has strong opinions ( I found out then) about what she likes and we chose only what SHE wanted to plant. After all, this was to be her Fairy Garden! Here ( above ) she poses for me holding one of her choices.

When we got home she immediately got to work decorating her planter with stickers I had bought for her. She filled the big pink plastic tub with soil and then we laid out the design. Really though, it was truly ALL her design for she did not care for the way I laid things out. I have to say, this little one at 3 had a better grasp of design than I. Her plant and garden arrangement beat mine all to pieces, and I just watched as she removed and rearranged my intended lay-out. ( Well, it was her garden after all) Above, KN waters her Fairy Garden.

This is a picture of KN touching up the Fairy Garden to enter it in a community fair. What I learned about her when she was 3 years old is that she is very self-confidant, thinks outside the box when it comes to creativity, is a lot of fun...and that I won't go wrong if I seek her advice for creative design in almost anything!She is now a few years older and that is still my impression of her..and she also loves me and her Poppa to pieces! KN and I can spend hours together quietly, while each of us works on our own project. All I will do is lay out paints, paper, fibers, glue. glitter, beads, etc., and she gets busy crafting whatever her imagination conceives, while I am free to work along-side her on my own projects. This is a special and FUN time.

Happy Birthday precious Granddaughter!
"There are fairies at the bottom of our garden. It's not so very, very far away.
You pass the gardener's shed and you just keep straight ahead, I do so hope they've really come to stay.
There's a little wood with moss in it and beetles,and a little stream that quietly runs through.
You wouldn't think they'd dare come merry-making there~Well they do. (Rose Fyleman)
KN is beautiful and it is fun to learn about her personality and talents. What a pretty fairy garden she created! I can picture in my mind the two of you quietly working along side by side. Memories to cherish for sure. Happy 8th birthday KN!
She is such a cutie! What a sweet post Kathy.
What a special little sweetheart she is! It really is so much fun to see personalities develop. I'm so glad you enjoy her.
Another story to warm my heart! She is adorable and her garden is amazing! You have created a memory that will last her lifetime!
She sounds so special! It's great that she was creative at such a young age. She's beautiful!
This is a project that I would love to do with a grandchild. I put some ideas away in a notebook and now all I need is the grandchild. Since my oldest is just 20, I hope it is a few years away. I'd love to borrow yours..
Such a beautiful memory (the fairy garden). And such a beautiful young lady!
What beautiful memories, I mean there is just nothing better in tis world. She is beautiful of course and I guarantee she will never forget that fairy garden. She is so lucky to have you both as her loving grandparents!
Thank-you all so very much. Our daughter had her read the blog post about her. She is one of those people who cling to privacy so I am honored she would allow me to share this.
I made her a photo / story book of her and i creating a Fairy Garden and she seems to have appreciated it many times over the years. NOTE: All you parents and grandparents, I have been amazed at how very , very much children love photo books about themselves and their families, homes, pets...often my grandchildren will bring the photobooks out so we can look at them together and talk about the events again and again. This helps cement memories and also reminds them they belong to a family that loves them dearly!
That fairy garden was very special to her and she still has the photo book about it. We have the most adorable video of her after she'd just brought home that fairy garden. Sitting up at the counter showing it to me in her quiet little way - she said ( with her lisp she had at the time ) " I jutht want to be happietht." ( I just want to be happiest. ) then took a huge chomp out of her banana and smiled at her new fairy garden.
Another AAAdorable Grand; how blessed and fortunate you are to have such a legacy!
KN is a beauty; may she grow up to be a woman after God's own heart.
A.Joy, KN doesn't speak a lot, but does come up with some pretty insightful comments from time to time...and I had one of the best times with her making that little Fairy garden.
Thistle Cove, That is my prayer for her and all our granddaughters. Thank-you.
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