These are my coming home pictures as a newborn. I was premature, and came home 22 days after I was born. Here my mother and father cradle me. All 6 pounds of me, in their arms. I wish my mother and father were alive so I could hug them, say " I love you" and let them know I understand how hardship and tragedy can change a person. I would love to let them know , as a daughter, how much I appreciate the sacrifices they made for me and my sisters, and how we now understand decisions that were made for us with the best and most loving intentions. I wish we had even an inkling of the future to have been able to hold firm our parents and stay the coming chaos with the love and certainty that "this too will pass". I love my Mother and Father and thank God for having chosen them to be my parents. I wish I could go back into the past to when they were alive, and at the same time been aware of the future , so I could have at least said the most important things to them....but I cannot.
My Father and myself ( at 2 years of age)
I do remember good times, happy times! My father( a soldier , and veteran of 2 tours in Korea AND 2 tours in Vietnam ) loved to play his guitar and have us little girls sing along. He took us fishing and camping. He taught us pinochle, rummy, and also how to be honorable. To respect our elders, our country...and our parents and grandparents , BECAUSE they were our parents and grandparents.

My sisters ( Joni , above ) and Karen ( below) treated me to lunch at the local Ram restaurant on the Pt. Defiance waterfront. We had a delicious lunch , made even better by the fun time we had being together. Thank-you Karen and Joni. Our baby sister Tricia lives far away on the East Coast...and she sent me a lovely gift and her well-wishes. Thank-you sisters, very much. I love you. (my sisters are holding up little rocks that say "sisters' )

So on my birthday I reflect on how blessed I am. I have a husband who loves me very much, 3 grown children , 2 with spouses who are like my own children....8 grandchildren, sisters I love very much and am still able to connect with , and enjoy. Friends who bless my life beyond measure. Abundant food, a wonderful home, and Jesus. Everything else is just frosting on the birthday cake! Happy birthday to my Mother and Father, and I love the rest of you, dearly.
My heartfelt wishes for a very joyous year ahead Kathy!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Kathy,
Happy Birthday to you.
How old are you?
How old are you?
How old are you Kathy?
How old are you?
Love you Kathy,
your sis Joni
Happy Birthday, Kathy. I cannot help but think that your parents would be very proud of you. You seem to have the faith, compassion and love that we all want our children to have. You have a kind spirit that is not found too generously in today's world. And I only know you as a blog friend, yet you've reached out to me and my daughter in the kindest way. Yes, I believe your parents would be very proud and thankful for the woman you've become. And you have really great sisters! God bless you, Debbie.
Happy Birthday to you Kathy. Hope you have a great year.
Happy Happy Birthday Kathy - I'm sure your parents are proud of this branch off their tree - you are a graceful and creative branch with a beautiful nature - bless you this year and all the years to come. Thanks for being Spot ON -
Happy birthday to a wonderful lady!
Blessings and favor in the coming year.
Dearest Kathy,
Greetings to you from Kansas!
May you have a great day and a fantastic NEW YEAR.
Wonderful time to count your blessings...
These photos are precious and you are fortunate to have them.
Blessed with so much, you have good reasons to be thankful.
God Bless,
Happy Birthday!!!
I understand wanting to be able to go back and say things to parents who have passed on. I, too, wish I had a chance to say things that I should have said then.
Happy Birthday to you, Kathy!
Guess what? I love you too!
And...Happy New Year to you!!!!
Happy Birthday Kathy! It is such a beautiful thing that with time and age comes an understanding of the past. I do believe that is one of the rewards God offers to us for getting older, if we want it. Thank you for reminding me of this.
Happy. happy birthday. You do have a beautiful life and what a way to celebrate by thanking everyone around you! Have a wonderful day and an even better year! Enjoy!!
Looks like you had a great birthday with your sisters. I wish you many more happy birthdays. One of my favorite sayings is "This too shall pass.
Thank-you all very, very much!
Oh, wow! Happy Birthday!
You look far too young to have eight grandchildren. Omigoodness.
I can see the pride in your parents eyes when you were a baby. I think they would still feel it...!
I hope your day was blessed. A Happy belated Birthday from me to you.
Happy birthday, Kathy!! You are very special to us!! :)
What a precious little cowgirl. You look so at home in your father's arms. Belatedly, happy birthday.
Martha Ann
So many blessings. Way too many to count. I'm glad your birthday was a happy one, Kathy. Hope the year ahead is a wonderful one for you.
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