A lady asked me if I could make spotted sheep, and could they be a little bigger than my "Wee Little Sheep". I was excited to try my hand at a new way to make the sheep, and spot them.

I just needed a whole day to work on the little sheep, and finally, a perfect day! A rainy day that was also a day we were able to stay home and had no other obligations. (You have no idea how rare that is for us!) JOY! I fed my animals, had a cup or 3 of coffee and began to work on my idea.

I think these little spotted sheep are pretty cute. Their wool is 100% Jacob Sheep wool, and they are 7" from front to back, and 6" high. So they are spotted and double the size of my Wee Little Sheep. I like the raffia around their neck,it looks like hay, and if you are around real sheep much you know there is always hay or grass stuck in their wool....

I am thinking I need to make some more spotted sheep, they make me smile.

I wonder if we, the Sheep of God's pasture, with our spots, cause Him to smile at us....I know He must have a sense of humor, He DID create me..."
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance." Proverbs 15:13
"Laughter does not mean you are ignoring pain, living in denial, or just not aware of the troubles around you..For me, laughter is how we take a much-needed break from the heartache, such that when we turn to face it again, it has by some miracle grown smaller in size and intensity, if not disappeared altogether." Liz Curtis Higgs (Only Angels Can Wing It)
Those are so cute Kathy! They make me smile too and I love your quote this morning. Hope you have a restful day.
I love the spotted sheep! I am a raffia fan anyhow...love the ties, did make me think of hay!
Where would we be without humor? One moment I can be somber, then have a bout of laughter, the next I am praising God. Such a blessing!
wonderful addition to your craft inventory - those are delightful! yes the raffia is rakishly charming and we actively seek laughter here - it does open the lungs and the heart!
I love these, they are simply adorable....so precious.
Very cute! I love the raffia and the heart on the side of the little black sheep. Enjoy your day!
How dear and how very clever! These are really special.
I like your spotted sheep. They are cute. I love the saying about laughter.
You are so...talented! I love them~ they are too cute! Have a lovely day with your precious family.
Good job on the sheep Kathy!
Mildred, thank-you!
Mary, I am grateful for humor. Like you, I can be very 'down' and then something strikes me funny and brightens my day. Even humor for a moment helps lighten things up.
LindaSue,Laughter opens the "lungs and heart" , I like that!
Noble Pig,Mary, Marie, Vikki,Amy, thanks!
Kenleigh Acres, thanks. Do many of your Jacob sheep have heart shaped spots? A few of mine do.
Oh those spotted sheep are delightful Kathy. I love their 'straw' too.
I laugh a lot, it does us all a power of good.
Love the new, bigger sheep! Can almost see you doing some sort of animated show with those!
Yes, we have had a few sheep with heart shaped spots.
Those are wonderful, Kathy! I love them. They make me smile too! :D
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