Lacamas Community Fair is our local fair, and is a family tradition. Our children were showing rabbits here 20 years ago, then as they grew and were more involved in 4H they showed dairy goats, sheep, chickens, and entered baked goods, art, produce....and also helped put on the fairs,judging activities, setting up, cleaning up. For many years our summer revolved around fairs. Starting with the Pierce County Fair, then 2 or 3 weeks later the Lacamas Community Fair, and in September, 3 weeks of the Puyallup Fair, our State Fair. Our kids would show open classes, 4H and FFA animal and judging competitions, and volunteer in various needed positions at the fair. After the Puyallup Fair we were exhausted, and then after a short break, we would begin the planning for the next year's 4H and FFA projects.
The theme for Lacamas Community Fair is "
You Have To Bee Here" and ths picture above is the quilt block competition . I like this bee square that looks pretty cheery on the walls of Lacamas Hall.
I was one of the volunteer spinners on Sunday. I love to spin wool at the fairs and events. I meet so many interesting people and they in turn are introduced to spinning wheels and fiber art. ( I spin bare-footed)

I do not get around the fair to see what is going on when I am spinning , but did manage to see the horse costume contest. I love these quirky contests where the kids get to costume themselves and their animals. Isn't this pair of bees cute?

And this black fairy with her blue dragon?

Of course there are the usual guy hang- outs, or should I say "manly-man" hang-outs ? Tractors and classic cars, my youngest grandson Little J headed for this exhibit right away.

Look at these purses. They are made of plastic shopping bags! Aren't they nice? Who knew you could take those junky plastic bags and make them attractive and more useful?

Later another spinner and her knitting friend joined me. I had a wonderful time, met more interesting people, and got a lot of yarn spun up while doing this. Our daughter and her family were there and 2 of our grandchildren entered a few things in the fair. To see another take on Lacamas Fair check out her blog,
A.Joy At Home.
"In the fall of 1929, at a meeting of the Lacamas Community Club, a few members brought samples of fruit and vegetables , which they arranged on a long table. Those were lean years and everyone depended upon the produce from their gardens to supplement the small incomes of the Depression days. That was the beginning of the Lacamas Community Fair, which, with the exception of the war years, has been an annual event ever since.
No admission has ever been charged. In fact, it was once said that "you don't spend a dime at the Lacamas Community Fair except to eat." The expense of the fair has been defrayed by local activities and support of local businesses, merchants and individuals." Lacamas Fair Book
I enjoyed reading about the fair from both you and A. Joy. Looks like everyone had a great time. Wish I could have joined you and the other ladies while you worked!
The fair is always so much fun. Ours isn't for a couple weeks yet. I love that first photo of you spinning, Kathy. You look so happy there. :)
I have always enjoyed fall fairs like this one Kathy. I bet you did have a good time sitting there spinning with the other ladies. I find that an interesting thing to watch.
Regarding my moth I posted about I haven't found out it's official name. I'll have to research it some.
Thanks for sharing this with us, Kathy. Our lives are quite different and I love to read about yours.
Fairs are so much fun! Especially enjoyed seeing you at the spinning wheel and, like you, I spin with bare feet; it allows me to feel the wheel better. Enjoyed the horses and handlers in their costumes; I had one of those fairy costumes for Halloween in another lifetime.
The bee quilt is pretty and reflects a lot of hard work. Thanks for this post.
Enjoyed your post today.
Glad you shared this about the lean years and supplementing due to Depression.
Fairs still ahve their place and I'm so glad we can attend them. Thankfully there are the Volunteers!
You've had a part in this and it has blessed alot of people!
Thank you,
It sounds and looks like lots of fun! I had no idea you could make purses out of grocery bags either. Now that's recycling!
How fun. I love talking to the volunteers at fairs. It's always so interesting to learn about what they are so passionate about.
How nice and fun!
I would love to be there! Our county fair is in 3 weeks. Why don't you come on down to Texas and demonstrate your spinning for us? We would love to have you...The costume contest is such a cute idea.
I loved reading about the fair and all the great pics. Looks like so much fun. The Southeastern Fair in Atlanta used to be our family tradition when GreatPaPa was living. He loved the livestock and I loved cotton candy!
Everything at the fair looked fun. Kathy, you look incredibly at home in your voluntary spinning exhibit. I love the tractors, of course. Sadly, I have not attended a fair this year. Our county fair is coming up. I need to go and say hello to my friends in the goat barn!
What a fun time!! Love the photos of you spinning. That has always intrigued me I do so appreciate your talent.
Fall fairs will be everywhere soon and we love to go...the cool crisp Autumn air, the food~~just everything!
Thanks so much Kathy for stopping by my blog and leaving your words of support, I truly do appreciate it so much!
Happy Wednesday!
~Let FREEDOM Ring!~
Mildred, I would LOVE for you to sit a spell and do some of your fine handwork while I spin...and listen to your sweet Georgia ways with words and family stories.
Daisy, I was happy spinning wool and talking to people who were interested in that skill.
Susie, many people seem mesmerized while watching the spinning wheel. And I did have a good time, thank-you.
Mary, that is what is nice about blogging, we get a glimpse into the lives of others very different from us and yet very similar.( this seems more vague than I mean it to be)
Thistle Cove, see! we are very similar...I need to spin wool in my bare feet even in very cold weather. And I think the bee quilt square does look like it took a bit of time, but the bee looks happy , doesn't it? Also, I can actually see you dressed as a Fairy....
Deanna, thank-you. I think you would be surprised at how local community fairs would welcome new blood into their fair traditions. Volunteers are so very needed in most community endeavors, and to be a volunteer who belongs to Jesus and behaves as such is a privilege and witness beyond description.
Nancy, I agree!
Noble pig, talking to volunteers has given me insight into so many different things and the interests and passions of people are themselves contagious. Kind of like reading your blog when you are excited about wines, your future vineyard and winery, your sons....
goatpod2, thank-you, it was fun! And Lacamas has a goat competition too!
Southern Comfort, if I am in your area sometime in the future I would love to spin at your local fair! What, no cow costume contests?
Karen, I LOVE cotton candy! I make sure to buy and eat cotton candy when I go to the fair. Do you have many memories of your GreatPaPa?
Mary, thank-you. I was at home at the fair and i was surprised by how many people I know stopped to chat with me while I was spinning away.See, I can get some wool spinning done while I visit and enjoy myself! You really should visit your old friends at the fair...that is what I love about being at the fair, visiting with friends !
Lynn, thank-you. Yes, the fairs are evidence of the backbone of many communities. To go to the fair and show appreciation for the local farmers and businesses shows your support in your community.Plus, you will have a good time!
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