A visit to a Siemer's pumpkin farm and corn maze was a highlight of our time with ALL 3 0f our grown children and 8 grandchildren. There is a castle to find after one searches for and finds the right path in a vast corn and blueberry bush maze.

You can also buy your pumpkins there, along with apples, squashes, gourds, corn~ there are vendors,good food, fiddlers, little train rides, a big slide, a pirate ship... all for the family to enjoy. We came mostly for the fun of going through the maze to find the castle.

This picture was taken after a bit of time roaming the corn portion of the maze. We were sure when we got into the blueberry maze we were almost to the castle....we were wrong.You can see the castle easily, but the right path is not so easy to find.

We walked into this .

Here is an overview of a small portion of the maze.

"Here lies Bob, too proud to ask for help." Our youngest granddaughter was very sad for awhile because she thought there really was a Bob buried there.

Which way shall we go? You can see the other grandchildren through the corn.

Oops! Guess this is not the way.

"Look, over there!"

We found it, the castle! We got to climb the stairs to the top. The castle was very interesting and at the top we were able to see all the maze below.We took the train ride around the farm, the children slid down the BIG slide. We had a good time here and hopefully we will be able to visit this farm next year too!
Glad to see you had good weather. It has been unpredictable here. snow, rain abit of sun. It can't decide if Fall is over and Winter should begin or we should go back to Fall. Looks like you all had a great time.There is nothing like spending time with the grandkids.
That looks like loads of fun Kathy! Glad the kids and adults had a good time.
Looks like great fun! Keep up your great work on this page!
I transleted this post for my little daughter and she liked it very much! Castle, maze, pirate ship...what fun for the children! (and for the parents and grandparents, too :o) )
Howdy there!
What a neat place to visit. Looks like such fun. I would have enjoyed going through the maze. How fun even for old ladies like myself. Haha.
Hope all is going well with you and you're staying warm and well.
You'd asked about the white pumpkin. She was bought at Walgreens Pharmacy for under ten dollars. The little miniature ones were only a dollar a piece. Which delighted me.
I really like the white pumpkins this year and have noticed more and more of them around.
It's amazing how many different types there are that God has made for us to enjoy and use!
So good to hear from you. May you have a great day.
God bless you,
Oh how fun, wish we were closer to a corn maze..I would take the short cut I think! Your grand kids are SO cute..what a fun time to spend with them! Come say hi :D
What wonderful memories for all of you. The kids look really cute and they certainly are having a good time. I'm sure you did too.
That looks like a lot of fun. I have always wanted a castle :)
That looks like such a fun place for the kiddos. Nice weather, too!
What fun that looks like Kathy. So nice to see everybody together having a grand time. These are the days we have dreamed of and prayed for. Thank you Lord for answered prayers.
Your pics turned out great. That looks like a fun place and it was a beautiful day for you.
Y'all are looking like you're having So Much Fun! It's wonderful to see, thanks for taking us along.
What a neat place to visit. I know those kids must have loved every minute of the time and they probably will never forget the place. By the way, where is it.
As usual a great post and they are all so different
It looks like a really fun time! I love castles and have always wanted to do a maze like that. Glad y'all were able to enjoy it together!
Wow, that looks like a really neat place! Sounds like it was a lot of fun.
HA! Kathy, maybe you ought to take that giant mouse trap home to use on your moles! You got some great pictures. Looks like you had a wonderfully fun day with your family. :)
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