"For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity." William Penn
~I can't help myself. When I spend a lot of time crafting, gardening, cleaning...why my brain just wanders around with thinking. As I get older ( not so much wiser though) I do see that my life, your life....life in general is a journey. The journey of my life did not begin with me though, not really.The journey, my journey began a long long time ago....with my parents, their parents, their parents, and so on. Physically I am the bits and pieces genetics have brought together thus far. Mentally and emotionally , genes, upbringing, and life experiences have contributed to making me what I am. But I think there is so much more.
~I love the writings of Tolkein. ( Don't know what genes contributed to that preference...no one on any side of my family reads Tolkein) There is a part of the third book of the trilogy THE RETURN OF THE KING, where the journey to throw the ring into Mount Doom seems hopeless. The whole story has become doom, gloom, dread, suffering and destruction. Sam and Frodo are suffering miserably and it looks like all is lost.Sam is pondering , and he says "It's like in the great stories Mr.Frodo , the ones that really mattered.Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. But in the end, it is only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass." Sam talks about how really , he and Frodo were just a part of the big story. Two little hobbits , and in the grand scheme of life, appearing to be so very insignificant. And yet, they play the crucial part. ( For those of you who have never read this book or seen the movies, it has a happy ending)
~ I must go back through my book to find the pages and re read this. But here is my point, we mere mortals forget that though this life is fleeting, it is not the end. There is eternity. We too are part of the really big story. Oh sure, most of us will not be written up in history books, we will not make amazing discoveries and have the kind of adventures that make headlines . But we really are on an amazing journey that began in the Garden of Eden and ends....no, does NOT end, but we die and go on to eternity. We are maybe a comma, or dotted 'i' in the book of life for man here on earth, the drama of joys and tragedies. I am part of this epic ! Wow ! My life's trials and sorrows and mundane day to day activities do matter. They really do !
~ The Bible is chock full of true stories about people most of us would have called way below ordinary, maybe even people we would most definitely have avoided, yet they are important in the big picture here. So you know, you are important, I am important...in as much as God has seen us important and special enough to have allowed His only Son to die a horrible death on the cross, the worst part of His death was not the agony and humiliation, but bearing our sins...and then He rose from the grave, triumphant over death. "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life." I John 5:13
~Take joy in your journey, no matter what your circumstance!~
beautiful. all of it.
I was just throwing a pity party today and needed this post. Thanks!
Very thoughtful of you to share this amazing true life story with us! And may the grace of God be with you!
It's funny, I have been thinking these same thoughts lately. I think perhaps it is the transition from summer to winter that reminds us of the journey we are on.
Beautiful post!
(The pictures of your dinner in your previous post have made my mouth water...)
Talking to my heart this time - Dh and I are strongly of the "Come Lord Jesus" school of thought. We truly are strangers in a strange land and keeping our hearts set on eternity makes the bumps, bruises and occasional deep stabbing wounds of this world in perspective. Beautiful pictures of the Japanese Maple - yes autumn makes us all a little reflective - the growing season ending and the harvest time on us.
Thank you - love this - glad we'll meet at the end of this journey!
imbeingheldhostage, sometimes a pity party can be fun, remember that old song 'It's MY Party And I'll Cry If I Want To!'From reading your blog though I don't think you give too many of those kind of parties !Hope tings are looking better now .
Thank YOU Flower.
Jo, maybe you and Linda Sue are right about the change of season bringing on such thoughts. Anew year just around the bend..and the news forecasting doom and gloom, I guess I keep needing to remind myself to stop and take stock of things in light of the big picture.
Thank-you all....have a lovely Sunday, Kathy B.
Thank you for this, just what I needed on a Sunday morning.
Hi Kathy! Though you posted this on Saturday, I'm reading it on a Sunday and it seemed especially appropriate today. Thank you for this thoughtful post. :)
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