~Cedar Pond was peaceful and Christmas card pretty today.~

~BUT....the weather stations are sending out dire warnings and predictions of a monster storm.The sheep seem unconcerned.But the forecast is for sustained winds of 40 to 50 miles per hour with gusts of up to 80 miles per hour for our little region of the Pacific Northwest.

~Goth the Destroyer, with his cool mask, is only concerned he get his share of soda crackers. But I am very concerned. I am even a little fearful. Talk about Deja-vu, storm 2006, which I was NOT going to talk about anymore. These are the conditions that led up to our tarp covered and tree toppled demise 2 years ago, except that now there are ice laden trees to topple.....

~The ducks are so happy to run free from their pen in the morning. Snow and ice...well, they do fine even if they do skid on the ice covered pond.They do spend a lot of time sitting on their delicate feet to keep them warm and prevent frost bite. They are not worried, I keep them well fed and protected from predators.

~The call ducks are so pretty as they fly into the pond, or onto the ice. They often circle the house in flight and I feel so special when they fly beside me as I carry the bucket of food to their pen for the nightly feed and lock up.

~Thorin and Bombadil too, are not worried. They are competing with each other here for the soda cracker treats. They know they will get their alfalfa and they also have ........

~A fine shelter for goats.You can see Thorin peeking out from the upper story of the goat house and Bombadil is below, at the hay feeder.~

~The Labs are not concerned at all. They are the perfectly equipped for cold , wet weather. They are really concerned with who will get the tennis ball I am about to throw to them. The weather is of no concern. They know the dog food will be dished out in the morning as usual, and they will sleep by the wood stove in the evening. No worries or cares, except...who will get the tennis ball first ?

~Black Bart is not concerned about the weather. He has a fine wool coat to keep him warm. He too knows the alfalfa will be served up every day. He plays with the other young sheep in the crisp weather. ~

~This is my view to a dark day, but a pretty day outside. The wood stove is keeping us warm. The pantry and fridge are filled with good things to eat and drink. But we did cancel our family Christmas party and Hubby's special event because of the very, very bad road conditions and the family party tomorrow night would be in the midst of a raging wind storm that would have precious people going home through forests that will most likely be dropping trees on the roads and highways. Dodging trees on icy roads with power outages..no, a party can be re- scheduled , and so it will be.
~Poor Hubby is stuck trying to help me not be afraid of the remaining trees hanging over and around us. I have a book on tape, and batteries to listen to it when the power goes out. I am sure the power will go out. We always lose power in the storms. So, I might not be blogging for awhile because we will shut down our computer before the storm hits.
"Praise the Lord from the earth, Sea monsters and all deeps; Fire and hail, snow and clouds; Stormy wind , fulfilling His word; Mountains and all hills; Fruit trees and all cedars; Beasts and all cattle; Creeping things and winged fowl; Kings of the earth and all peoples;" Psalm 148:7-11
Stay safe, and warm. The animals are safe, and not worried. You have your book, and flashlight :). I hope all stays well, and the storm does not bring down any trees!
Kathy - DH and I will pray for your safety and sense of peace - Matthew 6:25-27 - I love the part about " 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"(a particular failing of mine so I tend to fall on that verse a LOT) So peace and comfort friend -and we'll plan on hearing from you very soon!
Good Morning Kathy, I will keep you and your family in my prayers also. The pictures you took of your precious animals are so sweet. Their faces show the love/trust they have for you. The snow scenes are pretty to look at but of course we all know how dangerous ice/wind can be. I wish you peace and safety this weekend.
Good Morning Kathy, I will keep you and your family in my prayers also. The pictures you took of your precious animals are so sweet. Their faces show the love/trust they have for you. The snow scenes are pretty to look at but of course we all know how dangerous ice/wind can be. I wish you peace and safety this weekend.
I am fearful also Kathy. We live in the foothills where the winds are going to be the worst. I will pray for all in this region. I'm going to stay home and think positive and pray. Please let us know how you do...
We will be saying prayers for you and the rest of our family who live surrounded by our beautiful, but very tall and heavy evergreens. Be safe and unharmed.
Phil is out battening down the hatches and over seeing if Norrine needs anything. We have lots of gas for the generator. Sometimes I think when we do all this preparation then we won't have a storm. Kind of like if I carry an umbrella it doesn't rain but if I don't have one with me it pours bucket loads. But the weather guys have been pretty close to accurate on this weather system so far.
Ultimately? Trust God.
You're in my prayers for a safe journey through the storm.
Dear Kathy, please know I will be praying earnestly for you and all your family and friends. I sincerely hope the storm will not be as bad as the weathermen predict. I also get very frightened during bad weather so I understand your worries (and I haven't had huge trees hurl themselves into my attic like you have!). I have to say, though, that the only thing more frightening than bad weather is that picture of Goth the Destroyer in a black mask. Now THAT is an image that could cause nightmares!!
I so enjoyed seeing all your animals. We used to have two goats and they were no end of delight. They were very smart and quite the tattle tales. They would unlatch the gate or the stalls and let the pony or dog out then stand at the open door or gate and bleat tattling on the escapee!
I pray you will be safe and that the storm will not manifest so as to cause damage to trees and power lines. Stay safe, keep warm, and enjoy your book.
I'm saying a prayer for you, Kathy, that you and yours will weather the storm staying safe and warm. Hugs to you to help calm your fears too.
I know the weather is ominous but i am envious of the white beauty outside your window. The sheep look beautiful in the snow and the dogs look happy as can be! Stay warm!
My husband and I are rejoicing! Unbelievably, we seemed to be in a little bubble of protection. As we read the dire predictions of our specific area of Washington, and watched on the news as other areas were hit hard...we had nothing but quiet snowfall.a breeze picked up around 10:0 last night, but just a breeze! We are thanking God for His mercy this time, and thank-you all for your prayers!
Miss Linda, you crack me up, and I guess you're right.Goth is pretty scary looking isn't he? He started his life here as one of my lambs and I forget how he might look to others. I think if I had not raised him I might just be a bit scared of him too. I do have a healthy respect for him, and will not enter the pen unawares of him, but he isn't really any more scary than any other ram, or bull, or stallion....but he is destructive. He is still a gentle ram with my ewes ( girl sheep).
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you all for your prayers, we so appreciate them !
I am hoping Shadow Mountain Jacobs Farm made it through O.K. as the news showed reports of their area and they got hit hard!
I was very happy to read that you made it through the storm safe and sound! It is unbelievable watching the news about the weather just a little north of us. I agree with you about postponing the shearing of your sheep. This weather is very hard on them.
You've been tagged - come on over to find out what you need to do!
Brrrr! It looks so cold there, Kathy... but beautiful!!
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