~Yesterday was one of those days I yearn for most of the year. It was very, very rainy outside, yet inside the house I was warm and the coffee was fresh and delicious. All the animals were safe and sound and out of the rain( if they chose to be). The window above is one of my kitchen windows. It is directly over the kitchen counter where I do most of my food prep and where I am drawn to stand with my morning coffee and watch the birds at the feeder hanging just outside this window. There were so many birds ! Chickadees, juncos, pine siskins, a woodpecker, finches, towhees...and so on. As I was truly taking in the moment...fresh coffee, I was warm and comfortable, the birds were a delight, and I did not have to be anywhere else, well, I began to feel guilty.

~Miss Marple also enjoys the bird watching, but don't tell Hubby I snapped a picture of her. He would not take the time to snap her picture because he would have rightly shooshed her off the counter. Really, cats do not belong on the counter! I promise, I did shoosh her off the counter after I took the picture..and I did wash the counter top. But look at her, she is having a good time indoors on a rainy day too, and I am sure she is not feeling one single , itty, bitty smidgeon of guilt about it either.

~This is why I felt guilty. Look at the state of our state! We're flooded and mudded and landslided and avalanched to pieces around here. The mountain passes are closed , big sections of our Interstate are now covered in water, and actually, you could float a boat on them. Roads all over are under water, as are homes and businesses. Whole cities have been evacuated because of flooding and others are completely cut off because their roads have been washed away by mud or are under water. And here I am, luxuriating in being able to stay home and ENJOY the rainy day. What is wrong with me?

~When you shoosh Miss Marple away from one window she will always find another window to watch the birds and probably salivate at the feathered delicacies she could be eating if only I would let her outside. She can see the front bird feeder from this window.
~Anyway, about feeling guilty for enjoying the day. It is wrong of me, we are all given so much and to waste the precious moments fretting about this or that or taking on false guilt is wrong. As I went outside and took note of all the standing water around our place, the pond water level is over the island(our home is not in danger from our overflowing pond) and our neighbors pastures are all sporting flocks of swimming ducks and geese, I realize we are safe today. Tomorrow is another day and who knows what that can bring. Believe me, I can think up a lot of disaster scenarios here. But God is in control and if He allows disaster to strike us again, then He knows we can deal with it...so my false guilt and fear and worry are of no good value. Don't get me wrong, there is need for prayer and practical and financial help for the many families devastated by the conditions around the state, but guilt and lack of appreciation for what I do have, well that
is wrong.
~Miss Marple and I went on with our day, watching birds and taking refreshment . I cleaned and put away Christmas stuff, she chattered to birds and twitched her tail. "
Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting; to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all one's labors in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward." Ecclesiastes 5:18
~Blessings: good coffee, entertaining cats, birds at the feeder, enjoying rainy days from inside
Wow . . . I actually get to be the first post. It only means you and I stay up way too late! Worked all night and taking a quick break to read your latest writings. Yes, our state is in horrible condition now; I can only imagine families already hit by the economic crunch may now also be hit by this flooding.
Always such a pleasure to visit your blog. Your home is always so warm and inviting and Miss Marple is so very cute. I can just hear her chattering to those birds! I am thankful your home safe and I pray for those so affected by the flooding. Hope you have a pleasant weekend.
Kathy, I am sorry to hear about the flooding and problems there in your state. I understand what you mean about feeling guilty and then realizing there really is no reason for you to feel that way. You are not the cause of the flooding problems or the suffering that others are facing. Best to be grateful for so much that we have. It is an overwhelming abundance isn't it, when we stop and think about the blessings we have. I love the photos of Miss Marple, and don't worry, I won't tell your husband about her being on the counter. Your secret is safe with me. :) I am glad she was able to find another window to view the birds from though. :D
I was glad to read your post - had been praying for and concerned about you and your extended family in the flooding. DH used to live in Washington and we talk about the weather conditions - so sad and difficult. Your guilt should be low on the list of things to confess - as I recall you had your share of weather related trauma not long ago! It rains on the just and the unjust and sometimes it just rains what seems too much. BTW - one reason I am not getting another indoor cat is the "cats on the countertop" thing - it didn't upset me but my dear husband found it distressing. So I love my barn cat and get a cat fix with him.
My cat Marvin is the twin to your Miss Marple! All the coloring and patterns are pretty identical! What a cutie! Your kitchen window looks like a great place to view the action!
Nice pictures, we don't have many birds around because of our many outside and barn cats here!
What a beautiful blogspot, and I love the snow, and the picturesque views of your home and farm! I am envious! It is what I have always dreamed and aspired to have, but things have just not gone in that direction. Your beautiful home and the nice parties you and your husband throw remind me of a small fellowship group we had in Kentucky at a farmer friend's home. . . His wife was so wonderfully creative, and had decorated and stenciled the walls of their home by hand. . . it was always such a peaceful and beautiful place to visit and the hospitality was beyond words. I look forward to having my soul fed by your beautiful stories and pictures. God bless!
I would love to locked inside because of the rain. It is always so darn sunny in California! I want some doom and gloom.
The river is rising fast next to our apartment in Oregon as well...it's not good.
Joni, we WERE up too late, or too early. I have been thinking about those poor families...they are grateful to be alive, but have to start over with everything and I am surprised by all the people that are un-insured.
Mildred, looks like this winter's weather has hit hard all over the nation and up into Canada too.Does Ditto chatter at birds ?
Daisy, thanks. Miss Marple climbs very high to get a view out of some of the windows around here, at least she is agile enough not to knock things over...unless Hubby yells at her, then she is startled and panics and can wipe out a whole dresser top of items and leave claw marks in the process.
Linda Sue, my poor long suffering husband,if it were up to him we would not have cats, be limited to one dog, and there would be no sheep, goats or poultry. We would however have abundant and BIGGER gardens. He has had his eyes on my sheep pen for years and he'd have that area planted in no time should my flock disappear. Poor guy.Also, yes, we had an awful time, but I can just imagine what a double whammy it would be to have everything cold, wet, soggy and coated in slime and mud.These poor people.
Noble Pig, yes ! Exactly how I feel when I spend too much time in California...give me some rain! I miss the rain in the summer around here too, so that's what I mean, my favorite days are many people's nightmares and difficulties, now about those wind storms...have you checked out your property, this would be the time of year to see where the water flows.
Shellmo, I need to see a picture of Marvin. And the window is a great view to a large variety of birds. Now if I could take photographs like you, I would have some pictures of beautiful birds on my blog. I have been thinking about that.....
Amy, that is another reason my Hubby is not thrilled by cats, they eat the birds...and that is also why I keep the cats inside during the day....but at night they are all out stalking vermin, and we both know how much feed can be ruined by mice in the feed room run amuck, yuck!
Krys, thank-you! Every Saturday night we meet with other Christians in each other's homes. We share a communion meal, scripture, and each other,s lives..and pray together.We sing, songs, some play instruments...and we have done this for many years.
I am so very sorry about all the flooding, too. I feel guilty because we have been having absolutely beautiful weather in Texas. On Friday it was 75 degrees and very sunny. I drove home from work with the sunroof open! I am praying earnestly for the people who are being impacted by these storms. I loved seeing the picture of your kitty on the kitchen counter, watching the birds with great intensity. My cats make a strange little 'chirping' noise when they see birds on the balcony. Once, Desdemona became so completely absorbed that she forgot there was a plate glass door between her and the bird she was stalking, and she threw herself at the bird and smacked her head quite hard against the glass! Poor little lady!
i feel very snug... a warm, sweet sweet home by the blog...thanks so postings...
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