~We started the weekend sharing brunch in our home with our youngest son and his wife, and a friend of theirs. Hubby cooked up a fine early feast of farm fresh eggs, hash browns, bacon, eggs, sausages and toast smothered in home made jam and home raised honey.We had a few hours of catching up time and enjoying each other, then they were away! They live 6 hours drive on the other side of the mountains and weather and time often make family visits rare
occurrences. Our daughter-in-law also has a lot of family in the area so they have to share their time here with many of us. We are always happy to have them here and sad to see them leave...but we know where they live and will visit in the spring!

~Sunday we had a Tinkerbell Party to attend! Our great-niece, (granddaughter of Hubby's youngest sister and her husband, who also live next door) was celebrating her 3rd birthday! I'll call her Little 'A'. She is so cute!~

~Here she carefully unwraps one of her many presents. There were a lot of her uncles, aunties, grandparents and cousins here. Lots of wonderful food, and her Grandpa S, our brother-in-law, also known as the "Ice Cream Man", had a soft serve ice cream maker and served us all pink soft ice cream cones! YUM! You know, as Little 'A' knows. PINK ice cream is the best, because it is pink!

~Here is Little A holding our youngest grandchild, Little J( above ). Aren't they cute together ? Little A is so petitie I am surprised she held our grandson so long. He is NOT petite.

~Here I am holding my youngest grandson. I had 4 grandchildren present, but they were very happy playing with all the cousins and the cousin's cousins, and enjoying the snow outside, the ice cream cones...sigh. Grandma's lap cannot compete. But hey, the Little J can't walk or run yet and was happy for laps to sit in.

~And looky here, I got Tinkerbell party favors! I think I will wear my fairy crown tomorrow while I do my chores. The weather calls for clear, sunny, very cold weather, so I just might need these sunglasses and wouldn't it be pretty to blow bubbles in the sunshine while I snack on the candy treats?
Blessings: family, nieces and nephews, grandchildren, family
Be sure to let us know if wearing the fairy crown while doing chores makes them any more pleasant!
Now, blowing bubbles in the sun sounds wonderful!
How fun, I still enjoy blowing bubbles, LOL! My niece's will put crowns on my head or whatever and make Papa ( my Dad ) and Granny ( my Mom ) wear funny stuff too and they want us to play dress-up with them too and put puppet shows on as well, it brings back memories, I love it when we can get together with them, it's not very often though like we would like to and 1 of the niece's lives in Georgia so it's hard to see her but you betcha we're making a trip there in late March or early April after the nephew gets here of course and when they all settled in their new routine! I have tons of bubbles still from various weddings which were from actually my sister's, my brother's.
That breakfast sounded wonderful! There's something so heartwarming about having a great big breakfast with family! Oh - and I would love any of those party favors!
That breakfast sounds so yummy right now. Your grandchildren are so beautiful and you wouldn't be proud of them now would you :-) You have so much fun with them and they will grow up remembering the wonderful times they have had.
Do you have any lambs yet?
Hey! Daniel actually looks like he's putting some weight on - or maybe it's just the shirt. Breezy looks Beautiful!!!!! And so sofisticated.
Little 'A' actually turned 3 on this birthday but even I had to stop and think because time is flying by too quickly and I can't believe she's that old. Hey, somebody over here forgot her party favor bag back at the party so if you 'outgrow' those sunglasses - you can pass them off this way. Sorry the pic of you is blurry! Oops. My fault there - you still look great in it though! Fun weekend and we always have fun when we get to spend a weekend with you guys!
Daniel and Breezy are looking fine!
I hope you don't bend down while doing chores because your fairy crown looks like something your sheep would like to eat.
Word veri - cutor the birthday party could not have had "cutor" children.
What a great weekend feast, I'm sure it was so appreciated by your family. I wish I had some bubbles to blow, we're out!
Mildred, Mary, Amy, Shellmo, Lanny and Noble Pig, I did not wear my crown or blow bubbles today, I barely was able to get my socks on and it was pathetic the way I hobbled around doing my chores....maybe tomorrow, in the snow we're supposed to get!
Amy, I can tell you're getting excited about the new baby in the family!
Shadow Mountain Jacobs, no lambs yet ! I can't believe it. I think they're waiting for warmer weather!
A.Joy, I'd better edit my mistake, huh ? When did Little A decide she needed to be older than 2 years old ? How did that happen?
I love the pictures! It was good to see all of you again! I am liking your blog.
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