This week we were privileged to have our daughter's two daughters for two nights and three days as a special birthday request from our #5 granddaughter (MN), and she asked that her sister, #2 granddaughter (KN), spend this time with her. Of course! We're delighted to be considered a treat for them, we know that just as our children grew up so quickly, so will these precious ones and time with them is not to be put off "for later". The grandchildren, just as their parents, love to spend time around the pond. Paddling the boat with Poppa, throwing rocks into the pond, swirling sticks to see what floats up...or simply enjoying the woods around the pond and catching glimpses of frogs, birds, ducks, and who knows what other amazing things.

Ah! I get a smile out of her as I walk toward her with a camera. She is usually camera shy and I was prepared for a scowl, but look! She is happy and loving her time around the pond. KN has run outside by herself frequently today to wander the property , follow my ducks around, and explore the pond's edge. "
A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision ,that true instinct for what is beautiful, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood." Rachel Carson

Little sister MN follows her big sister around the pond's edge and after their pleading for me to come with them how could I not? This area of the pond has much more treacherous footing than it looks from this picture, but with sturdy mud boots and small trees to grasp we do just fine as we explore. "
Children are born naturalists. They explore the world with all their senses, experiment in the environment, and communicate their discoveries to those around them." Audubon Nature Preschool

The sisters find one of their mothers' childhood secret places. It is hard to get into this place under some very large cedar trees. You could sit under them in pouring rain and the cedars would keep you dry. "
Children learn best through their everyday experiences with the people they love and trust, and when the learning is fun. And the best places for these experiences is outdoors, in the natural world."

KN was truly in her glory and delight today, I think she is happy her little sister requests her presence for all things that make her ( little sister) happy. I am glad too. "
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.." And I believe this last quote to be true because one cannot truly contemplate this vast and awesome creation without contemplating the Source of it....God! "
O Lord, how many are Thy works! In wisdom Thou has made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions. " Psalm 104:24 , and "Every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird of the mountains, And everything that moves in the field is Mine." Psalm 50:10,11
Oh my goodness, the woods, a pond, beautiful granddaughters, who could ask for anything more!!! It looks like so much fun.
The girls are so pretty! Memories / memories, you're making wonderful memories for these precious little girls.
Dearest Kathy,
God bless you this fine Spring day.
Cedar Pond is a beautiful place to celebrate life with your family!!!
I enjoy visiting your special blog.
So enjoy the pictures of your life at the pond!
Such beautiful and happy girls! I am sure they will cherish these memories of spending time w/ you and connecting to nature!
You've created such a lovely place for your family. Almost an Eden to which they can retreat. They are beautiful and obviously happy children. Grandchildren are God's gift to those of us who are no longer 21. I hope you are having a wonderfulday
Fun to see what they've been up to the past 2 days! Also like seeing what MN packed for herself to wear! =) Their brothers can't wait for them to come back home!
what beautiful grands you have! their unbridled joy in their world reflects the love they know from their extended family and their Father in Heaven. what fun! explore the pond and no telling what might show up!
Delores, it is so easy to take our blessings for granted, and then I see them again through the eyes of the children and I remember, we are abundantly blessed!
Deanna, thank-you!
Shelley,I hope they do remember the many joyful times they have had here, and thank-you.
Mary, you are so right about grandchildren!It is a grandparents' delight to see the children happy, isn't it?
A.Joy, MN did a wonderful job packing for herself, didn't she?
Linda Sue, you are so right about never knowing what they'll find as they explore the pond! They are fun and keep me young.
Grandchildren are a blessing. They are growing so fast.
Such happy smiles. Looks like they are having a wonderful time!
The pictures with the smiling faces are great for sure but that first one is a splendid photo, speaks volumes.
It's wonderful your girls aren't afraid of woods, ponds, etc. When one is open to all the wonder of God's creation, He'll fill our hearts, minds, eyes and hands with His beauty.
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