~This Santa Nodder was a gift to my Hubby from one of his favorite great Aunts. He received this when he was quite young, and this Santa is at least 50 years old. HALF A CENTURY ! Almost an antique, like Hubby and myself. This Santa was meant to hold an apple or orange or candy for Christmas. We bring him out every year, and so he is definitely part of our family tradition.
~We don't put apples or oranges in him though, I keep a small set of plastic angel figurines in him and allow children to play with them. Our daughter ,
A.Joy ( Nov. 30 ), posted a song and a little bit of her memories about the little figurines shown here .

~Another tradition for our family, and with many, many families, is the baking of Christmas cookies. The favorites are sugar cookies. The kids have always liked to frost and decorate them, but I leave a few unfrosted and bare of decoration because in all the eating of special foods and desserts, I yearn for a delicious and plain sugar cookie with a good cup of coffee.

~The grandchildren love to help me bake and frost and decorate Christmas cookies.~

~Here below is the best recipe I have found for sugar cookies. I have tried a lot of different recipes, they are all good, but this one always turns out for me and is a staple in December. I make a lot of the dough, wrap balls of it in wax paper, then put the wrapped balls of dough into zip lock bags and pull out a ball to roll out and cut into shapes just before company comes, while company is here, or if I need to take a batch somewhere for a Christmas festivity.

~Aren't they cute ? Decorating is fun, but eating the frosting and candy decorations and cookies is more fun!
~Christmas Sugar Cookies~
2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons butter ( my preference ) or margarine
1 /3 cup shortening
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
~ Stir together flour, baking powder, and salt. Beat butter and shortening with mixer for 30 seconds. Add sugar and beat until fluffy. Add egg, milk, and vanilla; beat well. Add dry ingredients; beat well. Divide dough in half; cover and chill about 3 hours. Working with half the dough at a time, on a lightly floured surface, roll to 1/8 " thickness. Cut into desired shapes. Place on un-greased cookie sheet. Bake 375 degrees for 7 to 8 minutes or until done. Cool on wire rack and then decorate as desired. Makes 36 to 48 cookies.

~ I don't know about you, but I think this Santa has a slightly sly look on his face. Maybe he has visions of eating the cookies we made after we go to bed. "
There is no ideal Christmas, only the one you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires,affections and traditions." Bill Mckibben
Oh yum!
I love Santa Clauses I can't wait for next week when the girls and I will read the autobiography of St. Nicholas, and get out some of our Santas!
How wonderful to have a Santa who is full of angels.
Very interesting...
Oh I love the little Santa!!
Thanks for the sugar cookie recipe, Kathy!! I'll be making those for sure!
Ummmm...sugar cookies & coffee would be good for breakfast. Your granddaughters look like they are having so much fun! I love the vintage Santa. Hope you have a great day.
Thanks for the cookie recipe, I think maybe I will make the dough, and make some for the family today. Your Santa is very cute, I love the look on his face.
Your Grandaughters look like they are having a ball.
love, Love, LOVE your heading photo! thanks for the recipes, am going to try them this month. May I have permission to put your blog as a link on my blog?
Merry Christmas! God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.
Sandra @ Thistle Cove Farm
appalmtngal at gmail dot com
Lanny, when you put it that way, "a Santa who is full of angels," never thought of that, you're right!
Farm Chick Paula , thank-you. I did some on-line research about this Santa and found out a lot of interesting stuff about him. AFTER I posted the blog though...another time!
Mildred, I often have a sugar cookie and coffee as my brunch around this time of year...O.K. maybe 2 or 3 cookies, I get hungry with all this fun activity!
Candy Duell, the granddaughters get excited days ahead of time if I just mention we are having a cookie baking day ! It's so much fun..
Sandra, I would be honored to be a link in your blog! Thank-you!!!
I love seeing the pics of all your grandkids! Whitney is going to go make sugar cookies with Grandma tomorrow, while I put the lights on Grandma's tree. Normally that is Grandpa's job, but he's halfway around the world at the moment. :-)
Kathy, I have some of those little angel figurines like you have pictured exactly like that!! We hang them on the tree every year.
That Santa does look like he's a sly one. Very cute though! :D
Enjoy the cookies!!
Daisy, where did you get yours ? I got ours at a little Asian store on one of the main streets in Tacoma....about 25 - 30 years ago. Hmmm, writing about our ornaments is beginning to make me feel old !
Making the cookies was always my favorite too! How wonderful! The kids just look adorable and will always this special time with you.
Kathy, my little angels belonged to my sister. I don't know where she got them. She died in a car accident in 1980 and the angels were in some of her things that ended up being passed on to me. Every year when I put those angels on the tree, they always remind me of her, and it feels like she is watching over me. :)
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