~Storm of 2006~
~This was the front of our Christmas cards that winter. I think it was very considerate of the tree removal company to decorate their truck for me. The tree service came out the next day after the storm and after surveying the damage, set on a time the NEXT day to remove the tree. We were very grateful to be so high on the list, as all tree removal companies in the Pacific Northwest were overworked and had long, long waiting lists of people needing their services. I will tell you, Mac's Tree Service of Yelm, WA is the greatest, and amazingly did not break the skylight windows while removing the 2 trees stuck in, around and outside the windows.

~The first morning after the storm , Hubby's younger brother came over with the biggest blue tarp I had ever seen this side of a circus tent! He actually owned this tarp. In the still very windy and wet and cold weather, he and Hubby wired that tarp over the roof, and I mean, it covered the roof, and even the tree on the roof. This really saved our home and contents, because it pretty much stormed on and off for months after . I could not watch them on the roof, for worry about their safety! Thank-you David, very much!( picture above is of Hubby's brother David and his wife Margie with our granddaughters )
~Here below is Dirt and Lanny, see
It's The Dirt . Dirt and Lanny were over right away with their own personal work crew. I cannot begin to tell you how much work and self-sacrifice was evidenced by this family. Although they did not have any trees on their home, they had numerous trees down all around their home. Plus, this was Christmas time. We were supposed to be in the thick of Christmas shopping and buying and baking ( you can bake even without power ). And hey, they had a generator so could have even been watching the Christmas specials on T.V. But nope, they came over with a chain saw, work gloves, and worked and worked until all the trees fallen all over our property were cut up and the big chunks of wood were hauled ( by them ) to a spot by the garage. We also had an enormous bon-fire burning the debris."
A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else." Len Wein

~Dirt and Lanny's daughter Bet,
Paddle In The Pond . Bet works as hard, or harder than many young men now a days. She too was hauling debris, huge branches, and worked non-stop til the job was done."
It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they WILL help us." Epicures
Anna hauled a lot of tree parts, wood, and debris also. You cannot ever put a price on the value of friends like these. The word 'priceless' is pretty much overused I think and somehow that negates the true value of the word...PRICELESS !

~Our son-in-law Tom,
A.Joy At Home, came over with his chain saw and work gloves, and immediately began working. He and our daughter and grand kids had just the night of the raging storm, moved out of the tent they were living in( and had lived in for months) into the not quite finished new home being built on their property because the storm was wreaking havoc on their tent / home. This was literally in the nick of time because their tent was destroyed and they would have been injured or worse had they toughed it out in the tent. But here was Tom, helping us when there was a great deal to do at their home, and storm damage to clean up.

May God give you....for every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer." Irish Blessing God gave us so much that year, and into the next, these friends and family have been there in very difficult times and our family and friends have been so kind as to surround us with prayers and encouragement. These are the TRUE GIFTS of GOD, and because of His Son, these people are who and what they are.....kind, forgiving, self sacrificing.....

~Our home today, in the snow. Look, no holes in the roof !We do still have a lot of landscaping to re-do. We had hundreds of Hostas and our landscaping was designed for shade, now we have full sun all around our home. New plants and trees, new buildings,new adventures in life.
Thank-you dear friends and family and the many who brought us containers of water and meals and encouragement and prayers !

Consider it all joy , my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." James 1:2 and " Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow. ."James 1:17
Kathy, What a sweet story of true friendship and God's love. Your home now is picture perfect and I'm sure you appreciate it more than ever.
I remember that storm of 2006. Gosh, you were really very fortunate, weren't you? And what a wonderful family and friends you have!
A tree fell across the power lines on our street during that storm, and we had no electricity or heat as well. We lit the fireplace.
I hope you're staying warm there this week. It's soooooo cooooold!
Good to know that the storm is behind and everything looks so pretty once again!
Are you ready for tomorrow? We are getting there...there are some trees we should be trimming!! :)
You have been tagged...it's simple and easy! Come on over!
Man that is humbling hearing such high praise of my family. We would do it all again in a heart beat. If only we could have done more. What we did really wasn't that big of a deal, we like cutting up trees and hauling branches Physical labor like that is more like candy to this family than say spending the day at the mall! I would just rather not see the tree on top of our friends' house!
What an inspiring story, Kathy! You are truly blessed with so many wonderful friends and family members!
Amazing the trials and tribulations we go through. You came out clean though and your home beautiful.
Mildred, I DO appreciate our home, but even more..the friends and family that grace it !As I am sure you know, a house is not a home until one lives and loves there ....
Jo,I am working hard keeping the wood stove fed to keep us warm and toasty...and our wood stove not only kept us warm after the storm, it is what we cooked on for the 8 days without power.
Flower, I think we're ready. Lots of food, lots of coffee ( one of the necessities of life you know), lots of firewood...bring on the snow !
Lanny, we know you would be here whenever you are able to help, and we are so grateful for friends like your family!Well, actually, we pretty much consider you family...
Miss Linda, yes, we are so blessed and I am constantly amazed at the faithful friends and family we have been blessed with.
Noble Pig, yes, the insurance company recommended a very good restoration company that were definitely very good...but as there was so much damage in the Pacific Northwest, and the weather was so bad, our home was not repaired until March and April...big tarps are good to have on hand in the country!
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