~We received a Christmas newsletter that very much impressed me and as soon as I read it I knew I wanted parts of the letter to be my post for New Year's Eve. The letter came from Hubby's cousin Delores and her husband,Terry. I am only going to post the end of their newsletter.......
considering the times we live in I feel that it is good to be reminded of the verses in Jeremiah 9: 23-24. The Lord says, "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him that boasts, boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord which exercises kindness , justice and righteousness on earth for in these I delight" declares the Lord. I am convinced that the only way to be sustained in the times ahead is by persistently seeking after the real treasure in life- Jesus Christ. He is where authentic purpose and life flow from. There is no other endeavor in this world that has greater reward then immersing yourself in the pursuit of seeking God's face. All other fires of pursuit burn cold in comparison to the fire that is stoked and burns in knowing Him. It is in this walk of faith with God that all the storehouses of Heaven become our supply. So, prepare to lift anchor- the weight of past regrets, anything holding you back. Raise your sail- the expectation in God's great ability to do all things. Catch the wind of God's Spirit and sail forward into the future with the "God of All Hope' at your helm." Terry and Delores Christian
~May you sail into the new year with the hope and expectation of great things He can and will do in your life, even with stormy seas and leaky ships! Kathy B.~
Wow, I sure needed that as I needed the post I just read elsewhere.
Spoke with Norrine today, she is having a hard time, feeling uncertain. How quickly those feelings rub off on me. Ugh.
But God has not forgotten me or my family, we continue to be in the palm of His hand as always. So yes, I can set sail right into the eye of the storm if need be because He is my rudder and will not fail. And no matter the storm, they can be exciting and beautiful as the day on the otherside can be.
Amen :)
Thank you for sharing this morning. I wish you and your family the very best in 2009.
Wonderful truth to cling to for all we're worth - because He is worthy and true. Thank you for sharing - impressive family to which you belong . Bless you sister in the faith and all those who share your heart.
AMEN! What a fine sermon to hear on this, the last day of 2008. One of my joys this year is finding your site; thank you for that gift.
God's blessings on you, yours and the word of your hands both now and in the years to come.
Great post and wise words!
Just loved reading this! Have a blessed new year! blessings, Kathleen
This was so beautiful. I am going to print this out and keep it on my desk. How are the goats and the sheep? I don't suppose you would consider posting more pictures of that frightening ram of yours--Goth the Destroyer. Nothing says Happy New Year like a terrifying four-horned goat!!! :-)
What a wonderful post to end the year! Sail on shall we.......
Wonderful sentiment and verse to share, Kathy! Thank you. :)
Wishing you and your family all the best in the new year!
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