~One of my small village scenes. The farm with the poultry yard. I don't see any stalking,murderous coyotes in this scene. Maybe I should look into some little porcelain coyotes and fake blood for a dose of reality here. Maybe not, I like to think the whole world conspires to goodness and bliss this time of year. Will someone please inform the coyotes they are not following the plan?Somebody, somewhere ,seems to think we'll all just get along and there will be peace on earth if we just play nice.

~We DID play nice and have peace here on Cedar Pond the 23rd of December. It has become a tradition to have any grandchildren who live close enough, to come over and bake Christmas cookies, play games and spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's. Here #5 Granddaughter rolls out the sugar cookie dough and cuts it into Christmas shapes.

~#2 Granddaughter also takes her turn at her own batch of sugar cookies.~

~#1 Grandson plays with MY Rudolph toys while awaiting his turn to roll out and cut his sugar cookie dough. I think he preferred to play with my toys instead of baking . He played with my toys the whole time he was here. How can you resist Rudolph and his reindeer friends anyway?

~The grandchildren and I took the time to glitter up a cardboard village that was the only Christmas village we had when our daughter, their mother was growing up. Since I now have a porcelain Christmas Village, I thought the grandchildren would appreciate taking home the little village that adorned their mother's Christmas memories.

~#2 granddaughter decorates her cookies. We made the cookies dairy-free so their mom can eat them.~

~Poppa also likes to help out, he and #5 granddaughter also do taste tests of the cookies and the frosting.

~The grandchildren have all had visits from Santa in December. For some reason I find them all whispering and giggling as they tell me they are sure Santa is their very own Poppa! I just cannot understand how they would think Santa and Poppa are one and the same.....just because they SOUND alike, and they both wear the same glasses, and they both have the same
moustache, and just because Poppa and Santa are never together in the same room at the same time , even though everyone else is present, why would they think Poppa is Santa?
Look at the picture above, and then compare it to the picture of Santa (below) , what do you think? Oh, doesn't our dog Hawk look pleased to be posing with Santa? We think it was so nice of Santa to stop by and give Hawk some attention.....

~For more pictures of Santa check out our daughters blog
,A.Joy At Home.~
Oh, these are priceless photos Kathy. Nalley dressed as Santa once for my nieces/nephews and they were a little suspicious too!
Your grandchildren are just beautiful! How fun to have such a wonderful tradition of baking cookies and a sleep over. Hmmm, I think they may be right, he does resemble Santa a bit ;c) Have a wonderful New Year!
Your Christmas series of posts are literally heart warming. What a blessing to have your grandchildren and children close by to share sweet times (counting in the sugar and love content!) I'd heard before that dogs have an instinct to bond with Santa - knowing how nice Santa really is makes it logical. No reason for children to think it might be someone other than the real Santa (hehehehehe)
The cookies were good. I wonder if Santa smells like reindeer?
Ask Hawk. Theres no way Dad is Santa ~ Santa just happens to need a ride in your car once in while!
It's a little scary how much that Santa looks like MY grandma! (Yes, I said grandMA. ;-)) Those Dow genes must run deep! :-D
Just look at those smiles! And I think grandpa has them spoiled!
Aw..look at the smiling faces on all those cookie bakers. So adorable! Looks like much fun and much love in your household, Kathy! :D
I have no idea why they think that...that is a good Santa! Love the pipe too. The kids must love the baking/sleepover tradition.
A plus adorable grands and a beautiful Hawk. Many years ago, when my nephews were small, I went to their house on Christmas Eve and rang jingle bells under their bedroom windows. I could hear their screams of excitement as they ran from room to room, trying to see 'Santa'.
Precious memories...
Mildred,do you have pictures of Nalley dressed as Santa ?
Miss Sandy, thank-you. I keep telling the grandkids that Santa is a LOT like their Poppa!
Linda Sue,You're right!Kids and dogs , and even the occasional cat love this Santa.
A.Joy, I was privileged to have Santa ask me for a ride...said he did not want the reindeer to be too upset by the dogs next door to you and since I was going that way.....
Megan, you'd be surprised ( maybe not ) at how many times lately I have looked at your Uncle sitting on the sofa with me and thought, " It's my Mother-in-law with a beard !"
Mary @ Goat Hill, Grandpa does spoil them,he wouldn't dress up for anyone else!He is actually kind of shy.....
Daisy, yes!We do have a lot of fun and love, and it is more precious as the years go by.
Noble Pig,we are fortunate they love to spend time with us! And they talk about Santa visiting them all year, still don't know why they think he is their Poppa!
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