We have the privilege of hosting the family reunion here at Cedar Pond this weekend. We get to visit with so many people we love but don't see very often anymore. Above is a picture of my Hubby and his brother and 4 sisters when they were a tad bit younger, on the family home front steps.My Hubby is the oldest of 6 , the young man with the dark suit and red tie. We live next door to the baby sister and her husband, and down the gravel road from his brother and his family.
There will be many of our grown children, and grandchildren and cousins, The only one missing will be Alice
( Wobegone Cottage) she is the little girl on the far left in the front row. Miss you Alice!
"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future." Alex haley

We have been busy weeding gardens, setting up a big covered area for gathering in case of rain,and my Hubby is happily planning the menu and will go shopping tomorrow for all the goodies. He LOVES to cook ! I am the set-up and clean-up crew. I actually enjoy this though.
We are looking forward to a good time and hope you all have a wonderful summer weekend.
Home is the place where boys and girls first learn how to limit their wishes, abide by rules, and consider the rights and needs of others." Sidonie Gruenberg
It sounds like you have a wonderful weekend to look forward to. I hope the weather will cooperate and all will contribute to a great get together. I'm sorry for Alice that she could not come. I'm sure you all will be very close to her heart constantly.
Good Morning Kathy, This sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you'll share your hubby's menu and maybe a few photos next week. Hope you are blessed with good weather and and loads of fun.
Can't think of anything better than spending time w/ family! I hope you share your hubby's menu too as well as a few photos of his creations! (I like to see what I'm missing! LOL!!)
How lovely to have this time to prepare for the memories to come!
God's blessings on your time together.
I echo Shellmo's request - menus and details please - Jim's culinary skills are so impressive and we are on a rather stringent diet here in Buhlaland so I can vicariously enjoy HA! What a blessing to have an extended family to gather - trust you'll have beautiful Cedar Pond weather and time sharing memories.
You are very fortunate that you live close to some of the relatives. It will be really fun to see everyone else this weekend. Hope you have a very good time. You asked about the tank where I fish and about crawdads-we have them down by the creek in what we call the "slough or slew"-I don't know how it is spelled. This particular tank is the newest one on my mother's property and is the deepest. That's why it still has a lot of water in it. I'll show some pictures as soon as I can get back over there. Have a great weekend!
Good morning Kathy! How wonderful to have (nearly) all your family there. Kudos to your husband for cooking! I hope ya'll have a wonderful, memorable time! I know Alice will miss it and ya'll, her.
Send her lots of pictures, and call her and put her on speaker phone and let everyone tell her I love you!
Blogger is giving me a little trouble, too, with updating posts. It was really acting wierd the other day when I couldn't look at my "favorite's" posts without sending me to sign up for their feed. I can't do that, as my email would be clogged for good!
How fun! We hosted a family reunion in 2004 for my Mom's Dad's family and we just had a little reunion in Michigan a couple weeks ago!
May you have the best time ever!
God Bless,
I love the quote at the end. I read a book on child discipline and it said that children learn from their family rules how to deny themselves small things, so that as adults they are well practiced at denying something they want, but is sin! family is the stepping stone into a relationship with God. :)
Kathy, I saw the first photo and was nearly homesick for my childhood. What a blessing for the family to have the opportunity to be together. It sounds like the husband is in his prime, doing exactly what sparks him. One of those God-given talents, huh? :)
Oh what a wonderful idea and what fun to be the host too. I do hope you have a fantastic time. My family are all scattered, I wish we could do the same.
I know y'all are going to have a great time! I hope there will be good weather and lots of fun!
Debbie, Alice and her family will be at her husbands' family reunion, but I know she is homesick for the Pacific Northwest. And we will miss her.
Mildred,Shellmo,I will make sure to take pictures of Jim's cooking and maybe a few tasty salads or desserts other relatives are bringing.
Thistle Cove, Thank-you, we have been spending a lot of time getting ready for this gathering!
Linda Sue, it is a blessing, and it is nice to have so many of us in our age group, and in our grown children's age group, AND in all of our grandchildrens' age group. Everyone should have someone or someones' to enjoy . I am looking forward to watching the very young children play together.
Southern Comfort, yes we are fortunate and very appreciative. And I am interested in more pictures and info about the tank you get the crayfish from.
Vickie,I am glad Alice is blogging now, she and I have been sharing pictures and family stories via Blogger. And I am reading from other Bloggers they are having some problems too...BLOGGER, what is going on ?
Amy, any pictures on your blog?
Deanna, thank-you!
Carol that is the nice thing about being a young mother, you can learn from our mistakes and positive experiences too and make a difference with your children...your very special and very cute children!
Mary, thank-you. Yes, my husband really LOVES cooking and entertaining family and friends. He did his shopping today for the meal he plans on making...I get hungry thinking about it!
BT, I too, hope we have a wonderful time and there is no reason we shouldn't . They ( family ) are a lot of fun, and I mean a LOT of fun!
Nancy, the weather man has promised perfect weather for us Pacific North Westerners. Around 75 degrees , maybe a few scattered clouds. We love, love, love this weather. Even a few sprinkles will not chase us indoors....so, no downpours, no heat waves, again...PERFECT!
I loved the family pictures, Kathy. I hope you are having a great weekend and visit with your family.
What a beautiful family picture. I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed time of fellowship!
I hope you are having a wonderful time.
Daisy, Vikki, and Noble Pig, my hubby and I have been getting ready for the reunion here tomorrow. I think we have almost everything covered, either way, there will be a lot of people we love gathered together for fun! Thanks.
We thought of you much of the day yesterday and prayed for a good time for all.
It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time and just getting to see other family members is a blessing! Hope you have great weather and a happy time. blessings,Kathleen
Lanny & Kathleen, many thanks and Lanny, the prayer is a special blessing from our friends and family, and very, very much appreciated!
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