Some last snap shots of a great time we had in Port Angeles. Although my Hubby was there on business, we did have a good time together, enjoying the beauty of the water front city and each other. Here are some last snaps of our few days there. Above is a view of Port Angeles from Hollywood Beach. You can see ships to the side and off in the distance.

Patrolling Port Angeles policeman. This makes me laugh ( sorry, no disrespect intended).

I snapped this picture from the dock on a very calm and clear day.

Barn with mirrors reflecting a view that made it seem as if the fields and woods went on forever.

Harbor seal looking at us from the port.

Ciscoe Morris, a local gardening celebrity. He was the featured speaker at the Sequim Lavender Festival. I really like to watch and listen to him. 'Caffeinated' is the very best descriptive word that one can use to describe him. He is tiny,energetic, and fun to listen too. Someone in the audience asked Ciscoe "What's the trick to growing hibiscus here"? His answer, " buy a new one every spring, we can't grow them worth a boulahopper here". Note the word 'boulahopper'. Ciscoe makes up and uses all kinds of interesting words...after giving that answer, he then proceeded to tell the audience how to grow hibiscus.

My dear husband sitting by one of the many beautiful flower beds along the water front.
I'm not sure how my first comment got deleted???
It looks like you have had a wonderful time! I love that barn with the mirrors on it.
I like the pictures you took! I'm glad that you had a great time there!
Looks like a beautiful place to spend some quality time together. That gardener speaker sounds like he would be very interesting!
That looks like a place I'd like to visit. You captured some great pictures and the star fish is a great one.
Ciscoe is definitely a PNW treasure!
Beautiful pictures Kathy! (Well, except for the one of Paul Blart- Mall Cop. *giggle*)
Kenleigh Acres, I like it too and if my sheep shed had a vast view I think I would put mirrors on it.
Timi, thank-you.
Mildred, Most of the little and big towns up and down the Pacific Coast are pretty nice and have scenic views. Ciscoe Morris is interesting, informative and cannot help but be entertaining. I think he is cute, too.
Susie, everywhere I looked in the water off the dock I saw star fish. The waters around here are pretty thick with sea life.
Lanny,we can't attend any gardening show, or have any gardening radio / tv shows around here without getting an opportunity to see Ciscoe!
Farm Chick Paula, Paul Blart, Mall Cop, good one! I am sorry, but his serious look as he was lecturing a group of transients ( when I snapped his photo) made me want to laugh out loud. But this is probably a very practical and affordable alternative to horses and easier than bikes.
Cops on segues or segdways or wedgie ways or whatever the blazes they are - just seems wrong - I agree about Paul Blart mall cop - yep - wonderful pictures and the mirrors on a barn shows another difference in the left coast and Texas we have hail storms too often to mess with all that broken glass in the barnyard! Fun sharing your trip vicariously -
Wow! So much to comment on here.
Hahaha! Paul Blart ~ Mall Cop. Hahaha! You guys should see the movie. I'm sure the guy in your photo gets compared all the time!!
The mirror on the barn ~ very neat idea! Great shot of the starfish!
Love Ciscoe and his hibiscus advice! Reading this I feel like I was on vacation with you!
Caffeinated-I bet he is a hoot!!!:)
The photo off of the dock on a calm and clear day was amazing.
A barn with mirror doors. Pretty much made me look twice. Was thinking trick photography.
I am so glad to hear that you had a nice time together. It looks like a beautiful place. The lavender festival would be something I would enjoy seeing one day. It must have smelled heavenly there. Your pictures are lovely, thanks for sharing them.
That barn with mirrors is really weird! I've never seen anything like that.
Linda Sue, I have not seen the movie " Mall Cop" but apparently enough people have seen it and think it funny I know my Hubby would like it. I had not thought about the Texas hail, that would definitely be a problem with mirrored barn doors.
A.Joy, again with the Mall Cop, gotta see it. Do the pictures of marine life remind you of your childhood and your dad helping you identify and pronounce very large, very long, scientific words?( which you excelled at)
Mary, Ciscoe IS a hoot! That's why i enjoy listening to him....I don't know anyone who comes up with the words and funnies he does.He makes gardening seem like a real adventure.
Leslie, yes, the sweet scent of lavender was everywhere, and the sight of it too. We did have a wonderful time.
Nancy, maybe your pampered chickens need a mirrored pen!
What a lovely vacation you've had and thanks for "taking" me along!
So lovely! I've never seen a barn with mirrors on it before--clever idea. Love the photo of the starfish too. :)
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