My husband's sister Jean and her oldest son Greg. Greg is an Army chaplain and he has the privilege of serving at Ft.Lewis, a few blocks from his childhood home. This home is where Jean and her husband host a big fourth of July celebration every year. They live on a lake so there are many fun activities .

This family was very excited to celebrate the fourth of July. The two young men are brand new American citizens. They were adopted by this lady and her husband who run a home for boys without families in the Congo.They teach the boys about Jesus ,about compassion, give them an education and a home. They had some very sad and interesting stories. The oldest son, on the left, wants to stay here in America. He was very determined to get a picture of himself with the American flag, especially since he is a new citizen, an American!They will be returning to the Congo in a few weeks, rejoining her husband and their father.

Almost sunset and the fireworks have begun already. Can't you tell? Just look up!

Sparklers are the beginning of our fireworks show.

Ooooooooh, look up there!Our daughter A.Joy and Little J.

As the sun set, the fireworks exploded all around the lake, everywhere we looked we saw them. It was a nice day. Happy birthday America.
Looks like a lot of fun! I love the sunset picture, just gorgeous!
It looks like everyone had a good time. I came over after looking at the spotted sheep...which I had never seen before. Nice blogs.
What lovely pictures and a great way to celebrate. Those two young men from the Congo tug at my heartstrings - what smiles!
Looks like you had a fun time celebrating the 4th.
I really like the pic of the guys looking up at something very interesting. This reminded me of a Norman Rockwell painting.
Sparklers are always my favorites! What a great time was had by all at your celebration; God Bless America!
Jennifer, we did have a good time!
Abe Lincoln, thank-you, most people believe my sheep are goats. That is the #1comment on my sheep, "oooh, look at those goats and their horns!" Thank-you for visiting me and my "goats"!
MIldred, the stories they have to tell, makes one very , very grateful to be an American, and also thankful that God has used the couple( the lady in the picture with the boys, and her husband ) who have spent most of their adult lives there helping young men and others in more desperate need than we in our country know.
Deanna, I am glad you noticed that about the picture too, it is one of my favorite pictures !I had not thought about it, but it does look like a Norman Rockwell picture!
Thistle Cove Far, and after you hear stories about life in so many other countries , again I say "Thank-you God,for blessing America"!
Thank you for sharing what you and your family did for the 4th! You open your home and hearts to so many! I bet the kids had a great time and good for the boys from the Congo! What a blessing they must be!
My garden flowers are not as planned as I would like. I just set a color theme and go for it! The daisies were planted a few years back..just a little plant and it has doubled every year. I dig a few clumps up every spring and move them down the walkway.
I like a free flowing garden!!
I thought I'd posted a comment! Sorry - I read every word and totally loved the pictures - your Independence Day celebration looks and sounds just about perfect. Beautiful family and setting
Our Fourth was very like yours Kathy. We were at my son's place on the lake.
Flags were flying, sparklers sparking and our big family just being together for our second get-together of the year...the only other one is Christmas as we have gotten so big it is difficult to organize much else.
You are bulding memories for those darling grandkids they will never forget and your pic's are always so great.
Flower, planned or not, your gardens show your name to be well deserved!
LindaSue, thank-you. We did have a very good time, and plenty of family to celebrate with!
Audrey, sounds like you had a good time too! Building good memories, for sure.
Wow, you really did a good job capturing the day:) We had a great time. That picture of the sunset is gorgeous!
Your daughter looks very much like you, Kathy. Looks like you had a fun holiday. Congratulations to the two young men who are now U.S. citizens! :)
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