This is Thor, sheep guard dog ( Maremma ) in training. He is only 4-5 months old and he is very friendly. He also wants to be with us as we dye and spin wool. He did spend a lot of time with the ladies but
Alice , shepherdess of Reflection Farm, sent him back into the pasture with the sheep he is supposed to bond with and protect. Isn't he cute? Don't you just want to cuddle this big floppy puppy?

One of Alice's sheep. Alice jackets all her sheep to protect their wool. Alice's sheep produce beautiful wool that is pretty near free of the debris you will find in the wool of my au' naturel sheep, and her wool is prized by hand-spinners and knitters.

The third Monday of every July is 'Dye Day' at Reflection Farm. We ladies bring our dye pots and kettles, propane stoves, a dish to share potluck style and some handwork. As you can see, while kettles simmered most of us spun wool and visited. Alice's other dog, Kellee, sniffs for hidden snacks amidst the spinning wheels.

Look at the wool just pulled out of the dye pots and drying on a sheet in the sun.

More of Alice's sheep, wearing their jackets.

My just - dyed wool fleece drying on a hot metal fence near my sheep, shortly after bringing it home. Look at the fuchsia ,violet, and lavender wool fleece to be spun into yarn, can't wait!

I also dyed some yarn I had already spun up, in the same dye bath as the fleece.

Joey Cat enjoying the comfort of a plush wool bed.
We had a good time under the trees at Alice's. Alice's shop is where ladies ( or men so inclined ) can gather the third Monday evening of every month to spin wool into yarn or work on any handwork of their choice while we visit and share our knowledge ( or lack thereof ) of wool working and sheep raising and whatever else comes to mind. Some ladies bring their knitting or crocheting. Sometimes I work on a rug...some ladies just visit for awhile. A nice evening out.
Fascinating to a fumble-fingers like myself. I loved the colors, and I love your puppy!! C
Alice's puppy is a sweetheart! What fun that must be to meet together and enjoy the same hobby under the shade of the tree. I love the 3 shades of dye you used. I guess with cooler temps ahead, you will soon begin to plan new projects. Hope you enjoy today.
Oh goodness, what a GREAT time y'all had! I am so envious of the availability of like-minded folks. I used to drive 200 miles, round trip, to be with fiber folks but with price of petrol, don't do that anymore. My dye days are spent solo now.
The photo of the sheep in the pasture is simply wonderful!
That sounds like a lot of fun. The dog is adorable. Not a good thing to see right now as I'm fighting the urge to get a second dog. And a puppy is such a draw! I better go find something else to do and get my mind off that!
what beautiful and bright colors you used. i love them. and yes the puppy is darling, looks like a cuddler
I think that this is such a neat thing to do!!!
You all make it look so easy.
The puppy is adoreable. Isn't he sweet! He'll be a big dog full grown.
Getting out a night with others that are liked minded would be great fun,
I am so amazed at your talent and how dedicated you ladies are to this craft. The colors ae beautiful but the fellowship even better!
Enjoyed these pictures, I went to a dye day for a weaver's and spinner's guild when we were still into sheep and when we still raised and bred Shetland sheep.
Cute Puppy
Alice was the winner of the BSG Spinner's Lead with her beautiful vest, right? What a fun day! Her puppy is adorable. I would never be able to have a guardian dog for that reason - I would snuggle, cuddle, and play with it as a puppy :)
That sounds like loads of fun! That puppy is adorable!
The puppy is adorable! I was struck by the colors of the wool. They are gorgeous colors. The group get together sounds like fun.
Oh, just reading and looking at those wonderful sheep and beautiful wools makes me want to be a part of that world! Just love the puppy too! blessings,Kathleen
Stickhorsecowgirls,The puppy is so cute and friendly. Thor embodies all the word " puppy" brings to mind!
Mildred,I have already begun to work on some of the fleece and new projects. I am looking forward to cooler weather though, I am melting!
Thistle Cove, I guess I did not realize how I take for granted so many fiber hobbyists and artists we have here, so close. And, Alice has about 50 - 60 jacketed sheep and llamas. All well loved and cared for!
Debbie, aww, give in to temptation and get another puppy. ( hope your family does not think that makes me a bad influence)
Life Is Good, thank-you for visiting my blog. Yes,the puppy wanted to cuddle all day. Even in high temperatures.
Deanna, the puppy WILL be much bigger. Yes, it is nice to get together with the girls, and usually the ages vary from little girls to ladies in their late 70's. Makes for a very nice time for all.
Noble Pig, I think working with things you love helps enhance fellowship with people who are like-minded about your passion / hobby. You should know, now that you are in the Willamette Valley amidst other vintners.
Amy, do you still work with fleece, dyeing and weaving? You would probably be very good at it!
JC, thank-you for visiting and commenting. Thor stole my heart, for sure.
Kenleighacrtes, yes, THAT Alice! She showed me her prize winning vest, I had to ask her...she does not boast, or show in any way how much she knows and has done. Alice only keeps impressing me with herself, her accomplishments, her talents..and her willingness to share with and support other women in their endeavors with their animals and fiber.
Susie, it was fun! You are invited!
Leslie, the variety of colors available for dyeing fiber are amazing!
Kathleen, you would be a natural for moving right in to fiber art, given your talent with thread and needle and eye for perfection and quality.
What a great day you all clearly had. Getting stuff done and visiting, what could be a better day. The girls and I are starting cleaning our fleeces out-of-doors this coming stretch of more sun. I originally planned to do ours outside because we only have the one bathroom but I don't even want any hot water inside the house at all now. I have succeeded in keeping the house cooler by twenty degrees without AC.
Such beautiful colors! I never heard of sheep wearing jackets before. It seems like that would make them extra hot?
Oh I want to come and dye and weave wool with you!! I love the sheep in their jackets and that gorgous dog. Wow, so beautiful.
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