This Jacob Sheep Rug is the first sheep rug I locker hooked. I dyed the wool myself and designed and locker hooked the rug. It was deliberately made "simple" or slightly primitive. I sold this rug awhile ago and have done 2 more rugs with a Jacob sheep design. I will keep the most recently locker hooked Jacob sheep rug. It has a place on the wall under the taxidermied head of Torque, the ram that inspired the rug.

This (above) is the first locker hooked rug I crafted with a 'picture' in the center. I drew this up, and used my own sheep's fleeces , dyed for this design. I still have this rug in my downstairs guest bathroom. It has proven very durable and washable.

The picture quality is bad here, but this is a commissioned rug I designed and crafted. I had to dye the wool to achieve the colors required. I hope you note the creative possibilities of locker hooking with wool. Locker hooking does not have to be 'primitive', or just 'country'. The possibilities are as endless as one's imagination..and available fleece.

Here my daughter-in-law, Breezy displays the 2nd, I say SECOND rug she ever locker hooked! I taught her how to locker hook and she just took off....she designed and hooked this rug herself! She has also hooked some saddle pads for her husband, our youngest son to use on his horses.He is a farrier ( horse shoe-er ) and horse trainer, so you know the saddle pads get a real work out. The saddle pads are very, very durable.

Chickens, what can I say. I love chickens and they are a theme I often use in my rugs. I sold this rug , but can you see the possibilities in locker hooking rugs?

The most practical of all purposes for a rug , to be used as a RUG! This locker hooked rug is simple in design and our animals love them. The nice thing about the rugs is they are very easy to maintain and although over the years almost all the rugs on the floor have had animal "accidents" on them, the accidents have all been easily washed away.That is the forgiving quality of wool. The rug above, on which our old dog Misty is resting, has been washed in the washing machine, many, many times. ( The black cat is our Joey Cat)
Locker hooked rugs are so practical. They do not require a design or dyeing for color. The natural color of the fleece makes for a nice rug. I have these thick wool rugs on the floor under my sinks, in our bathrooms, on the hearth. They are stain resistant, fire resistant, and comfortable to stand on. They are nice on a cold bare floor in the winter. They are easy to make.
I do sell locker hooking kits and supplies.... just click on My Etsy , in the side bar if you're interested. Did you know you can also locker hook with fabric? The finished product is not as warm and plush as the ones with wool fleece, but still make a nice rug or placemat for your home.
Blessings: sheep, wool, time to work with wool
I love seeing all your pretty rugs. What beautiful designs you have created. I had no idea the rugs were as durable as they are and Misty looks so sweet on the one rug! Breezy's rug is a very nice design too. This was such an enjoyable post Kathy. Thanks for sharing all the info and pictures.
You are so gifted Kathy - I think you got the majority of the "Little House on the Prairie" genes in our family!
Your sis Joni
Hey Kathy, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comments. You have some cute rugs here. I like that little chicken one.
Your rugs are beautiful and love the fact you design them all. Breezy is a fine designer and her work is very impressive, please give her my compliments.
Your work is so beautiful!! I will definitely keep your store in mind when its time for Christmas shopping!
Kathy-they are so beautiful! I especially love the first one with the Jacob's sheep! Exquisite!
Kathy you are an unending source of human creativity. maybe that seems a little over dramatic to you but, honestly, God has blessed you in so many interesting ways....I know you already know that
Thank you for lifting us up with your many life experienmces and pictures of same
Your rugs are fabulous! Locker hooking has always intrigued me. Your designs are really nice - thanks for sharing!
Fantastic rugs!
So neat.
May you have a sparkling 4th of July!
God Bless,
Thank you for your entry about Locker Hooking. I love your rugs, your daughter in laws rug is wonderful she did a great job. I also love your chicken rugs. Very nice, cute cute cute!
I love all of your rugs. Each one has its own special quality. And, I agree, the possibilities do seem endless.
By the way, I am going to try to bring in some books written by Elisabeth Elliot from the library. She sounds intriquing.
I am not surprised your animals love the rugs, because they are beautiful!! You are a great designer, Kathy!
Gorgeous rugs!
They are all so beautiful, Kathy. You are so creative. I really enjoyed seeing all your handiwork.
Happy 4th of July weekend to you!
What lovely rugs Kathy. I have latch hooked (as we call it) a few rugs. I use wool but they have had long pile, shaggy effect if you know what I mean. I have enjoyed making them. Presumably you use short pieces of wool to make yours. They're really lovely.
I just found out about locker hooking. I have only been rug hooking for a couple of months. I am so excited to start the locker process. Reading in your blog about pets/rugs/washing etc. is one of the big reasons I want to do this. I enjoyed reading your blog. /Deb
Just one more thing, Kathy - AMEN to your profile about the blogs you follow and do not. /Deb
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