~I was surprised to find out she knew one of my sons who was a track buddy of hers in high school ! You can see more of the glass ornaments with her in the picture. My photography did not do her or the glass justice. The sun coming through the window showed the glass to be gloriously beautiful but did NOT help, in fact hindered my pictures.

~The stage at the lodge. Our daughter and her husband were married here at the lodge. There is a lake just outside . It is a beautiful place, and full of wonderful memories for us. So I enjoy being here for Christmas bazaars too !I thought the stage was especially pretty and on Saturday Yelm High School Choir performed a medley of songs for the bazaar.

~This is Pam Walker (Atomic Art). She and her husband were next to me . I was so very blessed to sit next to great people who were FUN and encouraging ! I tell you, when you spend a weekend at a bazaar you really do appreciate company that is pleasant, and Pam and her husband Rick were ! It helps that you really, really like what they are selling.

~Sorry Pam ! This is a bad picture of a beautiful necklace and earring set Pam created(below). She is also an artist. This is glass inlaid with silver.Some of her jewelry was inlaid with copper .I wish I could describe how Pam does her work....but trust me, her work is glass, heated and molded and she has a lot of silver worked in or around it. I wanted some red glass earrings with silver. I found a pair of earrings I liked a lot and asked if she could add some silver to them..she did, that very night ! The next day I had a pair of red earrings with silver hearts overlaid and I LOVE them! Thank-you Pam ! I also discovered they know close friends who are their neighbors. Can't wait til next year to visit with them. Maybe we will get together sooner. For info about her glass jewelry and other glass are she can be contacted at:

~Of course I could not resist a picture of this glass dish..blue and yellow. Pam made this!~

~This is
GLOW GIRL,(glowgrrl@gmail.com) Isn't she lovely ? She is also very nice and she has created her own line of fragrant body scrubs. Lake Lawrence probably was not able to appreciate her product as well as it should have, but Deanna Young's product is very nice and affordable. She is just getting started and I hope she does well. Deanna and her product are what I would call "classy" in every sense of the word !Her display was clean and sophisticated!

~Laurie is a basket weaver( Laurie's Handcrafted Baskets, Yelm, WA ). I have coveted her baskets for awhile. I resisted buying a basket last year, but this year I found one I NEEDED! It is sad but true, some markets just cannot afford or appreciate what goes into producing some crafts and wares. Laurie weaves baskets that are worth far more than she asks for them. Believe me, far more !

~Here is the basket I bought. My picture does not show the craftsmanship involved here. I will treat this basket as the work of art it is. I think my homespun yarns look mighty fine in this basket, don't you ?

~Hand blown glass Christmas balls. Blue ! How can I resist ? Aren't they beautiful? O.K. I bought one....if only that bowl was in the budget......but I do have a picture of it!~

~I will post a little more about the bazaar tomorrow. I wish we were all able to appreciate the talent and the products available in our own communities and country. I wish local stores and markets were able to spotlight and sell local products at a price that would be affordable to many, and also be worth the time and effort the artist / creator / producer put into it. America has so much to offer, so much talent, so many creative and innovative people . Please, God bless America. Thank-you Lord for all you have given us and may we not take for granted what you have freely offered and given us !
The bazaar looks like so much fun. What a group of diverse and talented people. Your earrings sound so sweet and I do love your yarn displayed in the intricate basket. The glass ornaments, the body scrubs - I would love it all! Many years ago, I would sell cross-stitch crafts at bazaars (in pre-bifocal days!) and it was always fun just to meet the lovely crafters. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us.
Lovely setting and so many talented craftspeople! I am not a crafter and this year am on the recycle re-use holiday mode so not purchasing -- like you I would have lingered by the lovely glass! Glad you got the earrings - looking forward to pictures.
That looks like a wonderful place!!
I had to laugh at your comment "If I was a rich woman, or did not need to buy a ton or two of hay..."
I can relate!
Kathy, that bazaar looks like it was a treasure trove of beautiful art. The blue bowl is stunning! I enjoyed seeing all the other creations too.
I would still be thinking about that bowl too...just exquisite and in a window with the sun...wow. All beautiful works of art, I would love to find a bazaar like that.
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