~Sleighbells, a shop in Sherwood , Oregon~ NOT to be missed !~
~~~This shop was on our way to Depoe Bay. I have wanted to stop here every time we pass the sign on the highway and this time my Hubby DID turn onto the road that took us to a wondrous shop. This is a Farm and Gift store. They sell Christmas Trees, farm produce, lots and lots and lots of unique decorations, Halloween and Christmas, and I imagine any seasonal items. I just know there was no place my eyes could land without spying Christmas baubles, ball, and items I had never seen before, and let me tell you, Hubby and I are great fans of Christmas decorations...outside there were some pretty peacocks, huge turkeys, and fluffy chickens. No matter how many chickens and turkeys I have owned, I cannot help myself stopping to look at other peoples' poultry.
~~~The exterior of this shop totally belies what awaits you inside ! It is huge, and you feel like you're on an adventure. I would wander into a room , be studying a display of ornaments and discover myself next to a table where someone was being served food, or tea. Yes, you can order and consume a meal here too !There are several rooms offering up goodies to eat.
~~~The gardens and vinyard surrounding Sleighbells are alone worth stopping to view !Here (below) a life size wood Santa watches you.

~We did make it to Depoe Bay in plenty of time to soak in the beauty before sunset.~

~Really, you see breathtaking views pretty much everywhere. The ocean, the cliffs, the forests and parks. The wildlife is abundant, the people around there are also friendly.~

~Under the bridge, looking up!~

~"Or who enclosed the sea with doors, When bursting forth, it went out from the womb;....

~"...When I made a cloud it's garment, and thick darkness it's swaddling band,...."

~"...And I placed boundaries on it, and I set a bolt and doors, And I said,'Thus far you shall come, but no farther; And here shall your proud waves stop?" Job 38:8-11

~Aren't these mushrooms pretty ? I thought someone had left colorful balls in an oceanfront yard, but nope, these are mushrooms. I need to get out my mushroom book and identify them .

~And here is how our trip morning started ! Our OLD dog Sienna had puppies. My Hubby came running into the house to tell me we needed to set things up so we could leave her and her puppies for the weekend. I almost did not go to Depoe Bay, but my Hubby needed to get away and I think I did too. Little Miss Sienna was not s'posed to get herself in the 'family way', she was a sneaky little hussy....I won't tell you how she deceived me, and I do know the way of dogs very well, I should have known, but she DID deceive me. Even then , I knew she was going to have puppies and she should have, could have waited til Monday, the days necessary and common for most dogs gestation. But NO, little Missy here had her puppies at the earliest possible gestation period for a dog to have healthy pups.

~Fortunately, I had prepared a clean shed and pen for her, filled it with shavings. My Hubby strung the heat light and our daughter came over every day to take care of things and check up on her especially.
~Now we're home. Sienna and her 6 puppies are set up in the kitchen in a small kiddie pool next to the dishwasher. More about the puppies in future posts !
~So how was your weekend ? ~
What a lovely weekend. The store was worth the trip alone besides all the breath-taking scenery. Did you spot any Christmas decorations you could not live without? Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures-truly amazing to a girl from the south!
I can almost hear those waves coming in, Kathy. :D I bet that was a fun shop to visit. Thank you for sharing all the scenic views.
Oh and PUPPIES! Puppies, puppies, puppies! So cute! :D
Wow! The puppies have grown so fat so fast! Did you realize they were born on Halloween? The kids have already thought of some puppy names. =)
~ Autumn
Oh I was enjoying the scenery and then the pups...they are so, so cute! Will you keep them?
Wow..puppies and a trip to the beach!! We were in Depot Bay on Sunday...I wonder if we drove right by you!! Did you see the big red funky bus parked at the warf?
We were driving our little white bus.
Love all the photos of the beach! It nice to know you had your time at the beach!
And, no alapcas right now.
Yes Mildred, we did come away with some special decorations, but I thought I would wait til closer to Christmas to show them.
Daisy, the shop was fun, and I will go back !And puppies, that's a word that warms the heart even thinking it.
Autumn, I hadn't stopped to think about the actual date ! I bet 'Pumpkin" is top of the list of names,
Noble Pig, we have too many dogs already, but you bet I will find one I think I can't get along without. Unfortunately (fortunately) I have a Hubby and some grown kids who are quick to point out I do NOT need any more animals around here. Especially our daughter Autumn, Miss Anonymous in above comment, who takes care of all the animals when Hubby and I go away for a few days.
Flower, I thought about you when we were there as I had read your blog. I was going to pay close attention to anyone with a big black Lab on the beach just in case it was you! Did you have fun ?
PUPPIES! So jealous that you're going to be smelling that sweet puppy breath for the next couple of months.
And that mushroom! I think it's the extremely interesting and hallucinogenic fly agaric. One article about it mentioned that many of the more common hallucinations induced by it center around little short, stubby men--little garden gnomes.
Pamela, yes...puppy breath ! One of my favorite smells, next to the sweet smell of the breath of my own newborn babies and grandbabies. I intend to enjoy these puppies because I truly intend for this to be our last litter of puppies !
Thank-you for the fungi identification. Aren't these also the mushrooms we see on fairy tale pictures WITH the gnomes and fairies? Good thing I didn't take a nibble of it.
Oh you make me long for the ocean! We may get to go next weekend on a short business trip, a delicious treat indeed since we only get to once a year and this will be twice!
The puppies are precious!
It's one of the most interesting mushrooms I've ever looked up. Lots and lots of folklore about it. And yes, it's the one that the gnomes live in...live in as in make-believe and live in as being a component of the hallucinations from them. Here's a pretty good article I found while looking around.
(sorry, I don't know how to make it a hot link...or rather I once knew, but have now forgotten :) )
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