~~~This is a ram lamb who is a twin. (below) He and his sister were born late this spring. They were born a month after all the other lambs. Being a twin and a late born lamb makes him a bit smaller than all the other lambs except his sister who is smaller. He is sprouting 5 horns ! Click on the picture and I think you can spot his 5th horn on the right between the 2 larger horns. He will most likely not keep the 5th horn because as the middle and side horn get rapidly larger they will squeeze out and fuse with the 5th horn.

~~~I am so enthralled with my sheep. I love to watch them as I drink my morning coffee. I speculate on their horn sets as they grow and think about their wool and the many things I can create with the wool. I watch my sheep and know my sheep. I know them well enough to tell if they are not feeling well. I can tell when they are distressed, when they are happy, when they are ill. I think about ways to make my sheep more productive and which sheep are detrimental to the well-being of the whole flock.
~~~I am very interested in this little ram lamb ( below) . He is everything I love and admire in a ram. I am hoping he does not damage his horns, that in his eagerness to be a ram he does not get himself in trouble, mortal trouble , with his half brother, Goth. I marvel at the ability these animals have to run full force into hard structures and not damage themselves, but cause damage to the walls and trees and barriers they ram.~~~

~~~What can I say ? I really love my sheep. I do not want to not have sheep. Having sheep I love has opened up worlds of new interests and activities. The more I learn about my sheep through owning them, observing them, and caring enough to learn more about them, the more I realize I need to know. I can keep on learning til I die! I will be happy learning and caring for them til I die , and hope God grants me the health and circumstance to do this .
~~~I have been privileged over the years to listen to a local shepherd talk about his flocks and sheep. This gentleman had some serious health issues and last year had to sell off or butcher his remaining sheep. This man knows and has forgotten more about sheep and shepherding than I can ever hope to know. One thing I DO know, this man is not long for this earth because when you have listened to him you will know that his inability to care for his beloved flock has caused him to have no reason to linger here .
~~~Each of us has something or someone we hold so very dear. To lose that very special part of us that causes us to wake each day with eagerness and hope and excitement must be the deepest loss, the kind of loss that feels like a part of us has been hacked off and we cannot go on...I feel that to lose any of my family, my ability to keep my sheep, or to be a vital part of my family and close friends would seem as a type of death. Thankfully, THE SHEPHERD, tends this old ewe (me) and He knows what is best for me. So, I guess I need not fret or worry. And so far I am fine and dandy and looking forward to many more years of tending stubborn sheep who give me a whole lot of reasons to get up and go in the morning! Like ; mending fences, feeding, spinning their wool, mending fences, feeding, making rugs out of their wool, mending fences feeding, etc.,
~~~"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them , and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish ; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand." John 10:27,28 ~~~
Your sheep are very unique and beautiful! I understand your love of them! They are God's creatures!
We have to have something on which to focus all the "excess" love and attention the Lord sends through us. Your sheep are very interesting and although my goats are not so exotic - I do call them by name and they respond about like people would - some eagerly raise their heads and begin to trot toward me, some look up then return to what they were doing and a couple of the "does not play well with others" does turn their backs as if I'm not there! LOL - gotta love 'em.
So I guess "Knot Head" is out of the question?
How about Limerick? (humorous and five lined) or Lustre (a period of five years)
Your new little girl is oh-so lovely. Just gorgeous. I understand what you mean about keeping your sheep. I only have a few, but there's just something about them. I well and truly believe it's impossible not to be content when around them.
As for a name for your new girl, have you considered something along the lines of "Quincy" (five in Latin)? You could do a feminine version like Quincella or Quinita or Quinnie. Then again, just plain Quincy is nice.
Ummmm...Medusa? Horns o'plenty???
I like all the name ideas. I think I am leaning toward Limerick because it sounds pretty.
Yes Flower, the more I keep sheep, the more I see why Jesus is The Shepherd and we are the sheep. The analogy hits pretty close to home..only I think we are often more stupid than the sheep !
You know,Linda, I have had some of those "does not play well with others" and often they need to be culled for the well being of the flock and the shepherdess.Usually they are the sheep I have kept because they fulfill my idea of a perfect Jacob, and when I finally realize the particular sheep just will not contribute to the well being of my flock and causes mayhem and chaos and stress I am reminded of THE SHEPHERD and how often we, His sheep can cause such chaos and be so detrimental to our fellow 'sheep', and I am so thankful He is a patient and kind Shepherd
'Horns Aplenty', Megan, that describes my whole flock !Medusa does fit too, because as the horns grow they do resemble twining snakes.
I really enjoyed reading this post, Kathy. I've never owned sheep or any farm animals. I've only had cats or dogs as pets of my own. This was interesting to read and learn about.
Call your 5 horn ewe lamb Medusa, Kathy. She is cute.
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