~~~" If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold , it would be a merrier world." J.R.R. Tolkein
~~~I cannot leave Hubby alone with the Food Network. It is dangerous I tell you ! I go to bed with a spotless kitchen ( I am a night person and I clean before I go to bed ) and I wake up with the kitchen looking like an army of chefs were busy while I slept. Gosh darn-it, the Food Network strikes again. Dear Hubby was inspired by Mario, Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson....Bobby Flay, anyway, Hubby has whipped up a gourmet breakfast again ! Since I am not a morning person, breakfast just doesn't appeal to me until around noon. So after many years of marriage he knows NOT to wake me to eat breakfast. Just leave me a cup of very good coffee and I will come around and enjoy leftover breakfast round noon!~~~
~~~Since I have discovered the world of blogs, and FOOD BLOGS...Hubby has had a whole new world opened up. Now we have the NOBLE PIG ( click on sidebar) to seduce my Hubby. He checks her blog in the morning. He could not wait to tell me about her new postings when I was away for a few days. He clicks on ALL her food and wine links ! And he loves to try her recipes . So, here goes another posting about food. Mind you, I am not going to post the recipe, Cathy at Noble Pig does that very well and this recipe is hers..so check out her posting titled 'A Tiny Addiction" for that.~~~
~~~Here are the assembled ingredients to the recipe. Scallops, Champagne grapes , butter, onion, lemon. Our ingredients are lacking the almonds...Hubby forgot to buy them assuming we had them already. So we tried this with toasted pine nuts...it was O.K., but almonds would have been better, and since Hubby bought lots of scallops and grapes, he will pick up some almonds on the way home from work and we will have this dish tomorrow night too ! With almonds. Hey, any excuse to eat this again works.~~~
Ahh, food, wonderful food. Like so many other wonderful things from God, it not only does a great job in what it appears to be created for, nourishing our body, it also does a mighty fine job in other things also. It nourishes the soul, binds people together, comforts the injured and on and on with God ordained purposes.
I do not think comfort food is wrong, God gave us food for our comfort as well as for feeding the bazillion cells and processes in our bodies. The problem is just how much of it we eat. And if our comfort does not come from the Comforter first no amount of loveliness from His bounty will serve to comfort us. We will only have a vague sense of comfort and healing, one that can never be satisfied and leads to chasing after the wrong thing first. Hence over indulgence, makes comfort food look bad.
Oh my, how long winded.
Kathy once again your post is lovely and provocative.
That looks delicious! Messy kitchen or not, you are blessed to have a husband who enjoys cooking.
Wow. Put some khaki shorts and orange clogs on that guy and he'd even LOOK like Mario! ;-p
Speaking of look alikes, has anyone in my family ever told you we think Whitney sometimes looks like uncle Jim? It's pretty funny how extended family resemblances can pop up!
You know Lanny,your analogy of food to Christ is SPOT ON ! The ability of food to comfort, unify, bind and even heal, nourish....
Yes Daisy, I am blessed to have a husband who cooks, and cooks well. And he LOVES to cook, he finds it relaxing. I also love to eat what he cooks and really look forward to his retirement. I already have a plan, he can cook and I will clean and we will eat together in-between !
Megan, never noticed the resemblance between Mario and Jim. I have suggested he grow out his hair, hmmm.....a ponytail and clogs! And we need to meet Miss Whitney soon.
OMGosh! How wonderful! Aren't those scallops just the easiest thing to make!
Hey I'm glad someone is inspired out there. Being away from home this week I miss cooking for everyone in my kitchen but I will be home soon!
Thank you!
Noble Pig got the recipe right on ! We did (by 'we' I mean Hubby ) prepare the scallops tonight with almonds..oh my goodness ! Try it, you WILL love it ! Thanks Noble Pig ! KathyB.
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