~Why were we driving 6 hours one way, only to return home, another 6 hours , within a 24 hour period?We got a phone call two weeks ago from our oldest granddaughter, " Grandma, can you and Poppa come watch my concert?" Well, of course ! Wouldn't miss it. The elementary school was putting on a program about the Gold Rush in American history. However, Hubby had to be back at work on Thursday. (
#1 Granddaughter above, singing in school performance)
~So Wednesday, at 4:00 A.M., YES.........4:00 A.M., my Hubby and I were on our way over the mountains to be at our Granddaughters' 2:00 in the afternoon school program. We were prepared for the 5 to 6 hour drive. Water, food, snacks, pillows and blankets should the mountain passes be closed for avalanche control measures. Books on tape, coffee. We arrived in plenty of time , the passes were clear and driving was easy.

~ Granddaughter is looking back and waving at me during the concert, in which she and fellow students performed various square dances.

~Hubby and I, with our oldest and youngest granddaughters, and daughter-in-law, Breezy , posing for a picture after the performance.~

~Back at home, the granddaughters are excited. They are showing us their room, their special toys, talking and singing and dancing....here the three oldest girls show us the awards and prizes they won riding their horse in gaming competitions at a rodeo last week. The middle granddaughter is the big winner. She won a belt buckle and Grand Champion award in the rodeo. The granddaughter on the right won the hat she is wearing along with the ribbon. I think this was pretty special for them.

~ Youngest granddaughter and I were watching the horses out the window, and she had a lot to tell me about horses, dogs, her sisters..and " can I sit next to you at dinner?"~

~Breezy prepared a big turkey dinner and we all sat around the table visiting and just enjoying being together. Poppa got to snuggle the happy granddaughters. After they all went to bed, we visited for a little bit longer, then Hubby and I headed back over the mountains and home. We arrived home around 3:45 a.m. and went straight to bed. Hubby had to go to work . I slept so soundly I did not awake until after noon. I do not know how Hubby managed today. But as he went to bed tonight he said " remind me we can't do that again, drive all night and day, without sleep." And I will. I think next time we will spend the night, but we are sure glad we got to see our granddaughters...and our sons and Breezy.
Kathy - I have a few tears in my eyes, happy tears. From what you've shared about the hard times for those beautiful girls, this bit of their life seems so perfect and blessed. I know they were thrilled to have you two there - we used to do 4 hours each way in one day to visit my parents in West Texas - rough going. Hope you both have a little time to "catch up".
You're so blessed! I could tell by the pictures that your grandaughter was so proud y'all came to her performance. What a group of precious gals. Glad you went; hubby and I have found we don't travel long as well as we did once;)
How fun!
Kathy, God has blessed you with a lovely family, full of beauty, promise and hope. You and husband gave those girls a wonderful gift when you showed up for the performance; one they will remember for their lifetime.
Age slows our bodies down even though our intentions remain as active as ever!
Kathy, this experience is such a blessing! I think about what your family has gone through and where it is today. Oh it's such a good day. :)
What beautiful children and what a blessing to spend time with them. Thank you for sharing pictures and I especially loved hearing the one ask if she could sit by you. It brought back memories of my nieces asking to please sit by me! Precious memories. God bless you all.
Someday, someday, your little grands will understand what an effort and what love drives grandparents (and parents, too) to make these unselfish trips and all the other things that we do for them. Glad you got to go visit them! Precious memories!
That was a wonderful special thing to do. All you have to do is look at the photos to tell how much it meant to them-and to you I'm sure. I'm glad you got to go.
Kathy, I am glad you had a safe trip. As exhausting as it was, you gained memories, and your grand-daughter certainly did too. I know you had to have been exhausted. I am happy you got to go and enjoy. God bless!
OMG you are such wonderful and dedicated grandparents, that is so, so wonderful. What a great time but yeah the drive...oh brother that's rough!
LindaSue, I was able to catch up on my sleep, my precious Hubby is catching up tonight.The girls are doing surprisingly well now....
Mrs.D,Our granddaughter was so excited to see us show up at her school, big hugs and smiles from her. Worth more than any money for sure.And that was my husbands other comment, " we can't do this anymore"
Amy, it was!
Thistle Cove Farm,I hope she remembers how important she and her sisters are to us, and yes, our intentions are way younger than our bodies....I admit and accept it, for now.
Wilson Clan, thanks! Means a lot to us.
Mildred, it is the most wonderful thing to find out one is desired by children, dogs, and cats, isn't it?My lap never lacks for a child, cat or dog....I am so blessed, as are you!
Sand Flat Farm, thank-you so much!They are precious memories, and since I got pictures, if memory dims I have them for reminder.
Southern Comfort, thank-you so much.Yes, the girls are very loving and we always feel special with them wanting our attention.
Mary, exhausted, but happily exhausted. My favorite picture is the one of my Hubby and #4 Granddaughter, just sitting together.It is a pleasant surprise when I capture a moment showing so much emotion with my camera...
Noble Pig,I KNOW when you are a grandma you'd drive any distance for your grandchildren in a heart beat!Just keep those sons happily married near by and you won't have to drive far.
Oh my, that must have been a long day for you! How wonderful that you were able to make the trip though. I'm sure your granddaughters were thrilled about your visit. Lucky, lucky little girls and lucky grandparents too. A day full of blessings. :)
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