~My question, what has God richly supplied for you to enjoy, and just what is it He has given to you to take hold of, that is " life indeed" ? just asking...........................
In June 2016 we sold Cedar Pond and moved over the mountains and far away. We now live in Deer Park , WA where the weather is a bit more extreme than Cedar Pond's and in spite of the challenges we're rejoicing in life in our new home with field and forest just outside our back door. God is so good to us !
Good Morning Kathy, Such a timely verse in these days. Yesterday was near 75 degrees and my brother and his son visited. While sitting in the yard in the warm sun, we saw a deer, a pileated woodpecker and blue birds. The jonquils and yellow bells were blooming and the creek was falling swiftly over the rocks from the recent rains. For the love and laughter of family, for the beauty of Spring, and for God's abiding love and assurance of eternal life, I am so thankful.
We are rich in family, neighbors and co-workers. We are rich in abundant farm land and nature, even in the middle of a drought.We are rich in church family and the heritage of a 140 year old church. And, we are rich in the Spiritual examples written by authors like you.
Great post! (thanks for you comment on my blog) Things are better; peace reigns:) We are rich in opportunity and potential in God's grace. Opportunity to grow closer to the one who gave His life so that we could live. Potential to serve Him in ways we've not even thought about if we seek His will.
Yes! You said it!
It's definitely family. That is all I need really. It makes my world go round.
Happy Sunday.
Thank you so much for the encouraging comments you have left on my blog, and especially for your prayers.
Our place is our riches- not Eden but right for us.To take hold of -- our place in ministering to others. DH has a real gift for getting things done and I'm a fair hand at cooking. We have no children and very small family - so we work to create family and God blesses us with the most interesting brood!
Kathy, right now all I can see is what God keeps taking away from me, especially all the people I love and have ever loved. I am a good person, loving, generous -- decent. Why does God take away everyone I love? Without love, there is nothing else. I soldier on, I put one foot in front of the other. The most important things in life to me are people, people I love, people who love me. I don't care for material things. Why does God always take away the people I love? I don't understand it.
You have a beautiful life! You are very, very fortunate!
Your question is a stirring one, we forget that fleeting treasures of this world can be something else besides material wealth, idols can be our family our heritage, our neighborhood, the country club or the Sunday-go-to-meetin'-house.
But when it is anything but just God, just God, just God, well then, if He wants our attention we may find ourselves constantly trying to grab at that which He needs us to drop so that we can grab on to Him and Him alone. Don't be surprised if we think we did that and He doesn't cram our life back with all that. He knows us better than the person we would like to think we are.
He is not the old gumpy fun spoiler, He does all this because He loves our very soul. Loves like absolutely no one but He can. No one. It is for His love, His care, His tender mercies, His good and tender discipline, I wake and draw breath.
I am warned; do not envy someone's life, look wistfully in wonder why them and not me. Cherish the one God is giving you,the one through which He is trying to grab you that you may grab Him.
I am thankful that He reminds me, for I do need to be reminded, that it is Him I fix my hope on, He is my life indeed, He is for whom I do my doing and embrace the things of His creation, Him alone.
I have been richly supplied with so much to be grateful for that I don't think I could ever list it all. What I hold onto is my faith in knowing that we are cared for and God is in control and that Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. A blessed Sunday to you, Kathy.
I am thankful for the blessed assurance of a home with God forever because Jesus gave me eternal life.
John 3:16
Mildred, 75 degrees ?It sounds like you had a positively balmy day in paradise!Yes, God's abiding love and assurance of eternal life, the true treasure!
Southern Comfort,you have counted your true riches.....and I can tell you are blessed beyond words by them.
Mrs. D., opportunity to grow closer to the One who gave his life so we could live. Amen sister!
noble pig, so true, and so precious. My family is more precious to me than life....
Miss Linda, my prayers continue for you....
LindaSue, God can and does bring into our lives those He knows need us, or we need them. When I look back and remember all the people God has brought into our lives who influenced us in ways we could never have dreamed or planned, I know these people were not brought into our lives accidently!
Jo,surprisingly, the book of Job brought me great comfort. Job lost everything, and the ones he loved were taken by death.....throughout the whole book the questions of man throughout history are asked and answered by man, then God answers Job...this book also gave me a sense of perspective. When you realize when this book was written, you know there truly is nothing new under the sun, and God is still in control....even if I FEEL He is not.
Lanny, yes! Fix our hope on Him for He IS life.
Daisy,you are alwys so thankful and appreciative of what you have in life and it shows in your blogs and comments.And thank-you!
Karen, that is whatour life is all about in light of eternity, His salvation, His sacrifice for our life eternal. Thank-you.
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