"Firelight will not let you read fine stories, but it's warm and you won't see the dust." Irish proverb
~COUNTRY LIVING is one of my favorite magazines and I have read it for years. In one Letters to The Editor section a reader asked about the subjects of a recently published article. The pictures in the article about the family and their old home and decorating style were of lovely rooms brimming and overflowing with antiques, collectibles and displays of great number. The question was one I thought of when I first viewed the pictures, " how does she keep all that dusted?" The owner sent along the reply " I don't, I just keep the lights dim and use candle light at night."
~Very practical hint and when I have not attended to my dusting duty ( Hubby will say I never dust) I am inclined to keep the lights low and use candle light myself. It also is much kinder to my aging face , graying hair, and his shiny head I might add. But have you ever noticed how a bright sunshiny day not only brightens EVERYTHING, but shows the dirt, blemishes and imperfections the shade and dim light will hide?
~Of course being me, there are all kinds of analogies that spring to mind...one might say I am just a bit more enlightened!"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." Edith Wharton My many south facing windows are always revealing the dust , nagging me to get busy with the furniture polish AFTER I clean the windows. Then I think about the dust and spots in my own life revealed by THE light. "A sensible man will remember that the eyes may be confused in two ways- by a change from the light to darkness or from darkness to light; and he will recognize that the same thing happens to the soul." Plato
~We all really know there is light and darkness, good and evil.We know too that we can choose how to live and that our choices and words spring from that which is in our hearts. We know we do not have to be afraid of the dark, but even if we are afraid, we can choose not to be overwhelmed by the darkness, by evil."Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." Maori proverb
"The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will brightness of the moon shine upon you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light and God will be your glory.' Isaiah 60:19 and "In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness , but the darkness has not understood it." John 1:4-5
"Oh Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness to light." Ps. 18:28
Amen. On all accounts.
What a nice post and so well written. I really enjoyed reading it.
Thank you, Kathy. Beautiful.
Beautiful pictures of your chandelier, Kathy... and I love those blue bottles!!
I love the verses you shared today, too...
Good post!
Funny but I just walked into the living room and the sun was shining so brightly I gasped at all the dust. It's endless! I love that chandelier.
Amen Kathy! By the way - I love these glimpses into your sunroom - it must be beautiful!
I hate to dust too! HA! I know that is not the point of this post, but I just had to say it. :D
Seriously, though, Kathy very well written post here. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you.
Okay, so did you dust those blue bottles before you took the picture?
I keep staring at a cobweb hanging from my skylight - I think I need to go get it....
Thank-you all! Because today was ( contrary to the weather report ) a very sunny day, I spent most of it dusting and vacuuming and washing rugs...drat! I need the rainy days to get my other stuff done, all this dust is so distracting.
A.Joy, no, I dusted nothing before I took the pictures.....just don't click to enlarge.
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