~This is Li-li sitting in a dog food dish.No, she is not the dog's dinner, she is the dogs' boss! She is named Luck of the Irish but called Li-Li, because these are the initials of a long name. Li-li has no eyes.
~ Breezy, our daughter-in-law , found Li-li by the side of the road on a winter's night. A very, very, cold( 25 degrees below zero cold) night. She was a teeny tiny kitten with very badly infected eyes. It is doubtful she ever had the ability to see because her eyes were so infected at such an early age it is probable they were damaged before her kitten eyes ever opened.Our Breezy is very tenderhearted, and brought the kitten home to show our son Daniel, her husband. Now Daniel can spot a big vet bill in the making and here was a little kitty in sorry shape, one they did not own, and one he was not about to be responsible for. Yeah, right!
~Our son later told me that he firmly said NO!!! to the idea of taking the kitten to the vet, but when Breezy broke down in tears, well...what do you think?My son set a limit on the vet bill and said if the vet could not fix the kitten for that amount she was to have the kitten put down. Apparently the vet is a softie too, because the procedures should have cost a lot more but the vet stayed well within the limit set. Anyway, the vet discovered one eye had already burst from the infection and took it out and cleaned the socket , sent Breezy home with antibiotics. But alas, the other eye succumbed to infection too.
~You would not know Li-li is blind. From an early age that cat could control the animals in the house. She knows her way around and often will reach out and snatch me as I pass by her. I have seen her lift her head and seem to stare at things out the window. She is amazing. She is loved, and she is part of the family.
~Breezy still rescues cats, and Jack Russell terriers, and people. Our Miss Marple is one of Breezy's rescues. Thank-you Breezy, we love you.~
You know this story touches my heart! Li-li is a darling and so is Breezy for rescuing her.
I really like your Breezy- my kinda gal. Li-Li is a "lemonade outta lemons" creature - glad the others in her household understand her position - top cat!
Li-li is beautiful and lucky to have your family! Breezy has a wonderful heart- god bless her! Wish there were more people like her in this world.
What a truly heart-warming story! Li-li is a beautiful kitty!
I am so glad that this little kitty was "given" to your family. She seems like she has a big personality and fits right in.
Loved this story! One of my sons sounds like your Breezy. We always had all kinds of critters in our home when he was younger. But I'm like that, too.
Thanks for your encouragement. I know that God will take care of all my worries in His own time. I have really enjoyed reading your blog!
What a lucky cat! and your family has taken a big step towards heaven! Congratulations, I admire you all greatly!!
Blessings Star
What a nice story! Li-li doesn't miss what she never had; in fact she proves that she does the best that she can with what she has. And she rules the roost! Amazing!
I'm glad Breezy found her. We spay and neuter our pets. If everyone did, there would be fewer little kittens and puppies dumped by roadways.
LindaSue, I am glad Breezy is my sons' "kinda gal" too!And Li-li is all about confidence, lemons or no!
Shellmo,Ww wish there were more people like her too, glad we got her !
Miss Linda, thank-you. Li-li is a pretty cat, even though she is getting a little chubby. She has no problem finding the food bowls!
Southern Comfort, that's a PURR-FECT description of her, "a big personality."
SandFlat Farms, your son is even more special then! ( is he the one that sings?)And reading blogs has been an encouragement to me, so thank-YOU!
Star, thank-you!
Mrs.D, you sound like Breezy....and that's a good thing.And you're right, I think Li-li, having never seen, does not know some would consider her deficient.
I have such a soft heart when it comes to animals. Li-li No Eyes is a beautiful cat, one very lucky kitten (in the beginning). And such a loving family to have taken care of her.
What a sweet kitten, now cat. Breezy is such a dear, she and I would do well together...'cept for those vet bills -smile-.
Kathy, hope you didn't miss the Cat Head Biscuit Recipe post, just before the fiber carnival one.
Wow. First...her in the bowl...oh my word...she is in control there. Becuase that is control...I love it.
And poor girl, but it sounds as if she's done well!
What a touching story and a very cute picture!
That is amazing! What a lucky cat. She is just precious :)
Very heartwarming story, Kathy. I love the picture of Li-li sitting in the dog bowl. I wonder why cats do that. They so often like to sit in boxes and such where they just barely fit and are completely surrounded. This one made me smile.
Hope you are having a good week, Kathy. :)
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