~The portrait above is our oldest son and his four daughters . It was taken a year and a half after the photo below. The photo below was taken just before our son's 2nd deployment to Iraq, when he thought he had everything a man could want. A happy marriage, 4 healthy daughters, a career as a Marine ( tanker ) and he just knew he would retire and enjoy his family and life. Life is full of surprises isn't it?
~He came home from Iraq to find his whole life turned upside down, inside out, and began the fight of his life to save his 4 daughters from a life no sane person should want for 4 very young little girls.....but do you know, apparently it takes a criminal offense, harm to a child,or worse, before the obvious sinks in to those who should know better.

".....but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble , it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be dropped into the depth of the sea." Matthew 18:6~

~These 4 little girls cried out to our son and anyone who would listen, begging our son, their father, to take them to someone who could help them NOT have to be around certain individuals who they were afraid of and harmed them.....
apparently CPS in a certain very southern, coastal state bordering Mexico is overwhelmed and unable to do more than tell some parents they need to go to parenting classes, then release the children BACK to said parent!And we wonder why crimes against children are increasing .....What can a parent do when the courts will go all out to reinforce absurd and harmful rulings, so that our son could be arrested for NOT returning his daughters to such potentially destructive living conditions?
~Well, because there was actual, legal proof of bad conditions for children when not with their father( who cares that the children themselves, all friends and family of BOTH parents, testified and wrote about bad, bad, bad conditions when girls were not with our son) our son was given 50 / 50 custody of his daughters and allowed to remove them to our state, his home and legal residence.
~ Tuesday, there will be another court hearing in that certain southern, coastal state bordering Mexico, regarding the girls residence, etc.., Why did I write this? Because I am requesting that if the little girls and their father come to mind that you send up a prayer to God for the truth to prevail. That the judge reads the documents and sees them for what they are. I am requesting prayer for the safety and well being of the little girls who are very happy, thriving, and successful in their lives as they and their father rebuild them in Washington with the help of our youngest son and his wife.

"See to it that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you, that their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in heaven." Matthew 18:10
Blessings: that the little girls have been kept safe, that our son came home safely from Iraq, God has provided for our son and his daughters, family and friends who have prayed faithfully for us
Hello! :)
Kathy, I will pray earnestly for the safety and happiness of these beautiful girls.
I will certainly pray for you, your son and those little girls. I pray the court members use wisdom and compassion in making their judgements. Peace and blessings to your family.
Absolutely honored to pray for those little ones, and the big ones around them who have control over their living situation. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to stand with your family.
Prayers for these sweet and precious little girls, hope everything works out for the good!
Thank you for your concerns and reaching out to us to lift this precious family in prayer. A sparrow does not fall to the ground without our heavenly Father knowing about it. He is watching over those little girls and their daddy. Jeremiah 29.11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "They are plans for GOOD and NOT for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
This was James McDonald's message this morning as I drove to work. I'm passing it along to you and praying that it will give you comfort.
Blessings on you and your family.
Kathy - I will pray for your whole family and that those beautiful 4 daughters of his remain with him in his care! I pray the court makes the correct decision in keeping those girls with him.
Consider it done, Kathy. Prayers of protection and continued happiness for your family--even more than they've had lately! :)
We will keep those precious girls in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know what the outcome is.
Prayers are headed their way from Buckley. Children should be able to live a happy carefree life. The court system is terribly flawed as we all know but hopefully the judge will see the light...
I am so glad I found your blog today! You can surely know that I will be praying for your son and these little girls!!!! Cora
Yes, I'm praying with and for you and yours. I've also sent to many prayer warriors who tuck your grands in prayer.
OMG, I can't even believe this is going on. I can't imagine the stress and heartache. I hope it all goes their way, I can't imagine what you are going through.
Keep us posted.
Kathy, you know your whole family is always in our prayers. Rest in His arms, do what you are called to do.
What beautiful daughters. They will be in my prayers as well.
Your responses and comments have overwhelmed me with emotion, and I thank you for your prayers. I promise not to bog you down with much more writing on this, but this ongoing tragedy and travesty has affected our whole family ....most importantly, 4 little girls ages 3 years to 8 years of age. Bless you, precious blogging friends.
Just to let you know, I continue to pray for your son and his daughters and your entire family. Today especially, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Mildred
Kathy, your daughters, you, and your family have my prayers. I pray for the safety and welfare of the children. They need and deserve it.
Kathy, God has not forgotten your prayers and your love for these little ones. I will pray for God's will to be done in this situation.
I will certainly be praying earnestly for these little girls, their faithful father, and for the court system. Please keep us apprised of the outcome!
We are praying today - I was awakened just after 3 this morning and your son and girls have been on my heart. Even praying for their mother - her heart must be so overwhelmed by darkness to participate in something bad for a child. don't hesitate to ask for prayer and let us know -
Kathy, I will absolutely be praying for your son and those beautiful little girls!
I'm so glad that things have improved and hope they continue to improve in the care, safety and happiness of these precious children.
Kathy -- In the ways of blogger-land, I have stumbled across your site this morning, and have been drawn in by the story of your son and his four daughters. I am crying with you, but I do also share your belief that even when we can't be there to protect our loved ones, God is ALWAYS there.
I picture those four precious little girls in a picture with God with His loving arms draped around them, just like the picture of Grandpa doing the same.
May God bless all of you in ways that we couldn't even imagine.
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