~~~"A child reminds us that playtime is an essential part of our daily routine."~~~ANON.

~~~The little girls are playing dress up and dancing to one of my
Loreena McKennitt CD's. #3 Granddaughter liked wearing the feathers over an old t-shirt. She does enjoy hanging out with my chickens and doves.~~~
~~~"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see."John Whitehead~~~

~~~#6 Granddaughter tried on ALL the dress up clothes, sometimes all at once!~~~
Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them." Richard Evans

~~~Of course there was time for playdough. Playdough is still the all time favorite of the youngsters around here.~~~
Our children are not going to be just "our children"- they are going to be other people's husbands and wives and the parents of our grandchildren." Dr. Mary S. Calderone~~~

~~~#4 Granddaughter especially loves playdough.~~~

~~~She also very much likes to play with our dogs and cats.~~~
The dog was created especially for children. He is the god of frolic." Henry Ward Beecher~~~

~~~This was so cute. # 6 Granddaughter pulled out the living room afghan and sofa pillows and made herself a bed. Our dog Beatrix joined her and the two slept peacefully.~~~
No symphony orchestra ever played music like a two year old girl laughing with a puppy."Bern Williams~~~

A child enters your home and makes so much noise for twenty years that you can hardly stand it, then departs leaving the house so silent you think you will go mad." John Holmes~~~
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6~~~
~~~Our son and his daughters are getting settled into their new home. The girls bedroom is set up and decorated. They have been helping out with chores and #1 Granddaughter got to go with her uncle on his rounds as he did horse-shoeing jobs. She was thrilled . She LOVES horses !They have helped prepare dinner, and are enrolled in their new school. I hear happiness from them and excitement from our Son as he starts a new and different life, a life with his precious daughters. The precious daughters he would give HIS life to protect. We are thankful for all our family and friends who upheld us in prayer and encouraged us throughout this and called and e-mailed to rejoice with us ! Thank-you, and Thank-you Lord for your mercy and kindness!
They really are having fun, my kids love playdough as well, I don't even mind how it gets smashed into the carpet! Happy Sunday to you!
What a special time for you. I know that relief washes over you as you hear the five of them settling into normalcy. What a blessing for Uncle/Brother Daniel and Aunty/Sister Breeezy. What a blessing for David to be served in such a way.
!!!AMEN!!! The Rolands
Oh, Kathy, what a beautiful family you have. No matter what goes on in your life, you have the love of each other. I hope you know how fortunate you are.
I love visiting your blog and living my life vicariously through you.
How absolutely wonderful!
By the girl's looks and your interior decor in the background of these photos, you'd think these were straight out of Scandinavia! ( or an ad for IKEA :) Especially the picture of Granddaughter #3 in the white feathers - reminds me of a Norwegian Snow Princess.
Where's the lefse and lutefisk???
I bet they'd love to help 'Auntie Breezy' out when she makes her lefse this year!
~ Autumn
What wonderful photos of those precious girls, Kathy. I love the quotes you chose for this post. They were perfect! Dress up and play dough---what wonderful fun. :D
Thank-you, Noble Pig. And yes, Lanny, I am feeling so much lighter...I know there are trials and tribulations to come, but David and his daughters are close to family and friends who can be there for them ..Lanny and Rolands and Autumn, you all had a BIG part in upholding and supporting US !The words "thank you " are not adequate to express the depth of our appreciation .
Jo, thank-you, and I do know we are fortunate....and after this last year and a half, I will not take being together for granted, ever !
Daisy,I always have dress up clothes and playdough on hand...I used to be a pre-school teacher and I can always count on those two activities being popular.
Oh Autumn, maybe the photos look like IKEA because it is our favorite place to shop for practical, affordable and sturdy furniture...and the Scandinavian aspect of IKEA always helps!
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