~A beautiful hydrangea bush grows in sister Joni's back yard. It is so
BLUE ! I love blue, and my sisters know I love blue. We all try on a blue blossom the size of a dinner plate.
" To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time." Clara Ortega

~The bush is huge , and it was started from a cutting Joni's neighbor gave her. I was also given a cutting from Joni's neighbor, but my hydrangea is nowhere near this big.
I'm jealous!
I am the oldest sister, so I will say for my sisters ," Big sisters are the crab grass of life. " Charles Schulz

~My sisters also try on a blossom. Joni( below) should wear this to work, don't you think ? Joni is a very smart business woman in great demand. She travels all over the nation and has important meetings. I think she should start a new trend in business womens' hats .
" Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do they'll still be there." Amy Li

~~~Sister Karen(below) wears her blossom with flair. She got a cutting of the same bush, and her hydrangea is not this big either.
I think she is jealous too ! The blossoms are reminiscent of the hats Aunt Bea on the 'Andy Griffith Show' used to wear. Karen's son is getting married next month. Karen should wear this hydrangea to the wedding, don't you think ?
"Sibling relationships- and 80% of Americans have at least one- outlast marriage, survive the death of parents, re surface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust. " Erica Goode

Sisters are the blossoms in the garden of life." author unknown
Thank-you sisters, I love you!
What a wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing your birthday party and your sisters with us. Was so nice reading about your special day. Looks like you all had a wonderful time.
What a gorgeous bunch of women! My gosh! You are so lucky to have sisters. I just have two older brothers, *sigh* Sisters are such a treasure.
I love the painting done by your aunt, by the way. It's gorgeous. She was very talented. I have often thought I took the wrong fork in the road. But I have had some adventures along the way that I might not have had otherwise.
It would be fun to have sisters and I was given three wonderful sister in law's who I enjoy spending time with whenever we can get together but I just realized that really, I haven't missed out on anything by having two brothers. We still really enjoy each other's company and have lots of fun when we see eachother and we even have long meaningful phone conversations ( both of my brothers like talking on the phone more than I do ) and when it comes to helping out our parents - they can lend more muscle than a sister could! So, I guess having only brothers is just as great as sisters ( and they never borrow my clothes.)
~ Autumn
Yes indeed it was a wonderful day! It reminds me of the book, Go Dog Go, where one dog keeps putting on a hat and asking the other dog, Do you like my hat?" The other dog says no, and this goes on until the end of the book. Then finally the right hat is chosen and when asked, Do you like my hat? The other dog says yes, "I do like your hat!" Although it was a beautiful flower I will not be earing it as a hat to my son's wedding but thank you Kathy for the suggestion. It was a fun day full of laughter, love, two things that can keep us young.
What a wonderful surprise and birthday....and tribute to sisters...I am one of 6 girls....I am the baby girl...my eldest sister also the eldest of all the 12 sibs would have to agree with Schulz comment....lovely post
Happy Birthday to you
What a beautiful and lovely tribute to sisterhood, Kathy. It is a very special relationship like no other. I loved the flower "hats" and the quotes about sisters sprinkled throughout. :)
Thank-you Pamela, we did have a wonderful time.
Jo, you share my daughter ( anonymous sentiments below)thought about sisters. I always missed having brothers ..but did and do have a blast with my sisters. My sisters are very funny, I seem to be the more serious, or an old comedian term 'straight person' for them to bounce their comedy and jokes off.
Yes Autumn, you are blessed ( as I am ) with great sisters-in-law., and I think if your brothers ever borrowed your clothes your father and I would have had a LOT to say !
Oh Karen, the flowers would so go with your classy wedding ensemble !
Smalltown, thank-you for visiting. I checked out your blog and think I have something to say about your most recent post....wow ! 12 kids...that must mean you still have a lot of family get togethers. As an oldest daughter speaking to a youngest daughter, the baby, you must hold a very special position in your family !
Daisy, I see you like hats, and do you have sisters ? KathyB.
Kathy, I was very fortunate to grow up with an older sister. She died in a car accident at the age of 24 when I was 21 years old. I have very precious memories of time spent with her. I also have a brother who is a peach but that I don't get to see often. I am blessed with several sisters-in-law too, both my brother's wife and my husband's sisters. Having family is a very precious gift.
Kathy, thank you for the wonderful capture of Friday's memories. It was special spending the day together with the Hartley Girls! Tricia made it more special with her phone call and solo singing Happy Birthday! (Sorry Tricia!)
Looking forward to our weekend in February!
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