~The weather yesterday was untypical of our area. We should be getting damp and cool weather. Today we are supposed to have record highs for Washington. I think I will take my morning coffee pond side , watch the ducks, listen to the birds and reflect on my many blessings.
Here is my chair overlooking our pond.

~The ducks know that when I sit down in this chair with a cup of coffee, I might also have snacks to toss into the water. "
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck,looks like a duck, it must be a duck." "
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands." Don Adams

The ducks preen and clean themselves after a swim in the pond.

~With this warm weather we still have frogs and snakes around the pond. This little frog is sunning himself in a flower pot of lobelia. He stayed put here for hours.

~When I take the time to JUST SIT A SPELL, something I rarely seem to do, why then the world seems to gain a little perspective. My best places to think are pond side or watching my sheep and chickens. I read and write or just think when I take the time to sit. For the last year and a half, peace has been important, not the peace that comes from tranquilizers,or vain pursuits. Peace that comes from meditating on God and His mercies. His blessings, His ways..which are most surely NOT our ways.....
~"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy, And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." James 4:17,18~
Yet again, thank you for sharing. Your pond is such a wonderful place to enjoy peace.
Some mornings I read your blog first and some mornings I save it for last, but whenever I read it, it always gives me a nice warm feeling. Thank you so much.
what a beautiful and tranquil spot...thank you for sharing a part of your world with us....I too would love to sit there and have a coffee....
Happy Monday to you....Oh BTW I am here via Josie....you were hightlight in her blog today...and I am really glad I stopped on over....
I'll be thinking of you a lot today, I will be washing fleeces and NOT sitting pond side!
Have a good day, a very good day.
How much I enjoyed your words on peace! I so agree. There is nothing like slowing down and just listening to nature. I just love all of your pictures. Makes one want to come and sit there all day! blessings, Kathleen
Pamela, thank-you.Blogging has given me the opportunity to stop and reflect on just why I do the many things that occupy my time and mind...and in blogging I re-read what I wrote and somehow, this helps me clarify thoughts and spot attitudes in my life that need a bit of pruning and dead heading. I am encouraged by you !
Smalltown rn, thank-you, if you're ever in Pierce Co. WA you must contact me and we can have a cup of coffee and a meal together. We love company ! Thanks for letting me know you arrived through Jo, I had to check out her blog immediately after reading your comment. Don't you just love her blog ?
Lanny, you're washing fleeces today ? It's a much better day than when I skirted and washed my fleeces last spring. Brrrrrrrr ! A perfect day for washing fleeces, and the sheep too .
Kathleen, you too are welcome to stay a spell here at Cedar Pond should you visit our area !From reading your blog I know you too enjoy nature and all the little interactions that go on between nature and gardening and the animals on your property....
I love your chair by the pond. What a serene spot. It looks perfect for sitting and meditating on blessings and perhaps saying a prayer or two. Enjoying the peace of nature has a healing quality for me as well. :)
I love that spotted duck and such a perfect spot to sit and think about the world. Love it.
Daisy, The nice thing about that chair ( besides the where I have placed it ) is that is has wide flat arms, big enough to hold coffee and a snack and my reading and writing materials....and it is peaceful, away from the house and any roads and neighbors.
Noble Pig, the spotted duck IS perfect for our place...and the duck never fails to spot me with snacks !
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