~~~This is Cedar Pond's Red Hawk, our Vizsla. We love him.~~~
~~~This family owns two of Hawk's progeny. They love their dogs very much. Their dogs believe they are lap dogs. If you visit with this family you will visit with the people and the dogs. The dogs will be in the people's laps. The dogs might even try to gain space and comfort in YOUR lap.~~~

~~~Here are the same two dogs. They are intently watching their owners. Food is not the only reason Vizslas will gaze at you. "
These intense hunters need human affection as much as they need food and water." Mary Ludington ' THE NATURE OF DOGS' ~~~

~~~Three of Hawk's children / grandchildren gazing at the object of their affection. The man they live with.~~~

~~~Here Hawk sits with our Labrador Retriever , Willow.~~~

~~~Ahhh, now here is the object of Hawk's affection. My Hubby ! Hawk spends a great deal of his time trying to wrap himself around Hubby. If he cannot wrap himself around Hubby he is trying to wrap himself around me. He will follow me around the house and stand on his hind legs and walk around like that to see just what I am doing in the kitchen. It is a bit unnerving to have a dog looking over my shoulder while I am cooking.

~~~Hawk pauses in his pursuit of Hubby's shoulders to pose for the camera.~~~
If you own a Vizsla, it lives on top of your head." old Hungarian saying~

He is your friend, your partner , your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love,his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true , to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." author unknown

~~~Hawk has added so much to our lives. Hawk goes to work with Hubby. Hawk hunts with Hubby. Hawk travels with us...we were very surprised on one of our tours of wineries in the Willamette Valley, that so many people on the wine tours knew Hawk was a Vizsla. Usually people do not know what breed he is. We decided people who toured wineries were definitely more well informed than the average person. ( biased , I know) Hawk is fun, we LOVE him.
~~~"Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies." Gene Hill ~~~
What beautiful and loving creatures! Dogs are such a blessing to have as companions because they ask for very little and give so much in return. I enjoyed these photos, Kathy. :D
That dog has such a sweet face, you can see the love you have given right back in those eyes.
Hawk is very typical of his breed. He is what they call a 'velcro dog', always trying to attach himself to us. Thanks, Daisy and Noble Pig.
Those dogs are GORgeous! :-D Makes me miss our big pooch, who is a bit of a velcro dog himself. Bill regularly comments that he must be part cat. :-)
Hi Megan, you know, a lot of people say Vizslas are a bit cat like. They are so agile and dainty...AND still very hardy , adaptable dogs. They are neat ( clean) dogs...they have a lot to commend them, are not aggressive or fearful. Least not the ones I know. KathyB.
What lovely Vizsla pics!
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